Derive KIDIALOG from wxRichMessageDialog

wxRichMessageDialog already offers a dialog with a checkbox, so
the custom dialog setup code is not necessary anymore.
This commit is contained in:
Maciej Suminski 2018-03-02 16:52:45 +01:00
parent 1d5df8e975
commit 18167f829a
3 changed files with 88 additions and 165 deletions

View File

@ -42,166 +42,110 @@
static std::unordered_map<unsigned long, int> doNotShowAgainDlgs;
KIDIALOG::KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage )
: wxDialog( aParent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString ),
m_btnSizer( nullptr ), m_cbDoNotShow( nullptr ), m_icon( nullptr )
KIDIALOG::KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage,
const wxString& aCaption, long aStyle )
: wxRichMessageDialog( aParent, aMessage, aCaption, aStyle | wxCENTRE )
SetSizeHints( wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultSize );
m_sizerMain = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
m_sizerUpper = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
wxStaticText* message = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, aMessage );
message->Wrap( -1 );
//message->SetFont( wxFont( wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD, false, wxEmptyString ) );
m_sizerUpper->Add( message, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
m_sizerMain->Add( m_sizerUpper, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5 );
Type( KD_NONE );
Buttons( wxOK );
SetSizer( m_sizerMain );
Connect( wxEVT_BUTTON, wxCommandEventHandler( KIDIALOG::onButtonClick ), NULL, this );
KIDIALOG::KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage,
KD_TYPE aType, const wxString& aCaption )
: wxRichMessageDialog( aParent, aMessage, getCaption( aType, aCaption ), getStyle( aType ) )
m_type = aType;
const std::unordered_map<int, wxString> stdTitle = {
{ KD_NONE, _( "Message" ) }, { KD_INFO, _( "Information" ) }, { KD_QUESTION, _( "Question" ) },
{ KD_WARNING, _( "Warning" ) }, { KD_ERROR, _( "Error" ) }
const std::unordered_map<int, wxArtID> icons = {
if( m_icon )
m_sizerUpper->Remove( 0 );
m_icon = nullptr;
if( aType != KD_NONE )
m_icon = new wxStaticBitmap( this, wxID_ANY,
wxArtProvider::GetBitmap( aType ), wxART_CMN_DIALOG ) );
m_sizerUpper->Prepend( m_icon, 0, wxALL, 5 );
if( !m_customTitle )
SetTitle( aType ) );
return *this;
KIDIALOG& KIDIALOG::Title( const wxString& aTitle )
m_customTitle = aTitle;
SetTitle( aTitle );
return *this;
KIDIALOG& KIDIALOG::Buttons( long aButtons )
wxASSERT( aButtons );
if( !aButtons )
aButtons = wxOK;
const std::map<long, long> btnTypes = { { wxOK, wxID_OK }, { wxCANCEL, wxID_CANCEL },
{ wxYES, wxID_YES }, { wxNO, wxID_NO }, { wxAPPLY, wxID_APPLY }, { wxCLOSE, wxID_CLOSE },
{ wxHELP, wxID_HELP } };
if( m_btnSizer )
m_sizerMain->Remove( m_btnSizer ); // also deletes m_btnSizer
for( auto btn : m_buttons )
m_btnSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
for( auto type : btnTypes )
if( !( aButtons & type.first ) )
wxButton* btn = new wxButton( this, type.second );
m_btnSizer->Add( btn, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT );
m_buttons.push_back( btn );
m_sizerMain->Add( m_btnSizer, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_RIGHT, 5 );
return *this;
if( !m_cbDoNotShow )
m_cbDoNotShow = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_ANY, _( "Do not show again" ) );
m_sizerMain->Insert( 1, m_cbDoNotShow, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5 );
return *this;
bool KIDIALOG::DoNotShowAgain() const
return doNotShowAgainDlgs.count( hash() ) > 0;
return doNotShowAgainDlgs.count( m_hash ) > 0;
void KIDIALOG::ForceShowAgain()
doNotShowAgainDlgs.erase( hash() );
doNotShowAgainDlgs.erase( m_hash );
bool KIDIALOG::Show( bool aShow )
// Check if this dialog should be shown to the user
auto it = doNotShowAgainDlgs.find( m_hash );
if( it != doNotShowAgainDlgs.end() )
return it->second;
bool ret = wxRichMessageDialog::Show();
// Has the user asked not to show the dialog again
if( IsCheckBoxChecked() )
doNotShowAgainDlgs[m_hash] = ret;
return ret;
int KIDIALOG::ShowModal()
// Check if this dialog should be shown to the user
auto it = doNotShowAgainDlgs.find( hash() );
auto it = doNotShowAgainDlgs.find( m_hash );
if( it != doNotShowAgainDlgs.end() )
return it->second;
m_sizerMain->Fit( this );
int ret = wxDialog::ShowModal();
int ret = wxRichMessageDialog::ShowModal();
// Has the user asked not to show the dialog again
if( m_cbDoNotShow && m_cbDoNotShow->IsChecked() )
doNotShowAgainDlgs[hash()] = ret;
if( IsCheckBoxChecked() )
doNotShowAgainDlgs[m_hash] = ret;
return ret;
void KIDIALOG::onButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
void KIDIALOG::setHash()
EndModal( aEvent.GetId() );
std::size_t h1 = std::hash<wxString>{}( GetMessage() );
std::size_t h2 = std::hash<wxString>{}( GetTitle() );
m_hash = h1 ^ ( h2 << 1 );
unsigned long KIDIALOG::hash() const
wxString KIDIALOG::getCaption( KD_TYPE aType, const wxString& aCaption )
std::size_t h1 = std::hash<wxString>{}( m_message );
std::size_t h2 = std::hash<wxString>{}( m_customTitle );
std::size_t h3 = std::hash<int>{}( m_type );
if( !aCaption.IsEmpty() )
return aCaption;
return h1 ^ ( h2 << 1 ) ^ ( h3 << 2 );
switch( aType )
case KD_NONE: /* fall through */
case KD_INFO: return _( "Message" );
case KD_QUESTION: return _( "Question" );
case KD_WARNING: return _( "Warning" );
case KD_ERROR: return _( "Error" );
return wxEmptyString;
long KIDIALOG::getStyle( KD_TYPE aType )
long style = wxOK | wxCENTRE;
switch( aType )
case KD_NONE: break;
case KD_INFO: style |= wxICON_INFORMATION; break;
case KD_QUESTION: style |= wxICON_QUESTION; break;
case KD_WARNING: style |= wxICON_WARNING; break;
case KD_ERROR: style |= wxICON_ERROR; break;
return style;

View File

@ -31,67 +31,47 @@
#ifndef __INCLUDE__CONFIRM_H__
#define __INCLUDE__CONFIRM_H__
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/richmsgdlg.h>
#include <vector>
class wxCheckBox;
class wxStaticBitmap;
* Helper class to create more flexible dialogs, e.g:
* KIDIALOG dlg( "Test ");
* dlg.Title( "Title" ).Buttons( wxOK | wxCANCEL ).Type( WARNING ).DoNotShowCheckBox();
* int res = dlg.ShowModal();
* Helper class to create more flexible dialogs, including 'do not show again' checkbox handling.
class KIDIALOG : wxDialog
class KIDIALOG : public wxRichMessageDialog
///> Dialog type. Selects appropriate icon and default dialog title
KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage );
///> Sets the dialog type
KIDIALOG& Type( KD_TYPE aType );
///> Sets the dialog title
KIDIALOG& Title( const wxString& aTitle );
///> Selects the button set (combination of wxOK, wxCANCEL, wxYES, wxNO, wxAPPLY, wxCLOSE, wxHELP)
KIDIALOG& Buttons( long aButtons );
KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage, const wxString& aCaption, long aStyle = wxOK );
KIDIALOG( wxWindow* aParent, const wxString& aMessage, KD_TYPE aType, const wxString& aCaption = "" );
///> Shows the 'do not show again' checkbox
KIDIALOG& DoNotShowCheckbox();
void DoNotShowCheckbox()
ShowCheckBox( _( "Do not show again" ), false );
///> Checks the 'do not show again' setting for the dialog
bool DoNotShowAgain() const;
void ForceShowAgain();
bool Show( bool aShow = true ) override;
int ShowModal() override;
void onButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
///> Sets the dialog hash value
void setHash();
///> Unique identifier of the dialog
unsigned long hash() const;
unsigned long m_hash;
///> Text message shown in the dialog
wxString m_message;
///> Dialog type
KD_TYPE m_type;
///> Custom title requested, if any was requested
wxString m_customTitle;
// Widgets
wxBoxSizer* m_sizerMain;
wxBoxSizer* m_sizerUpper;
wxBoxSizer* m_btnSizer;
wxCheckBox* m_cbDoNotShow;
wxStaticBitmap* m_icon;
std::vector<wxButton*> m_buttons;
// Helper functions for wxRichMessageDialog constructor
static wxString getCaption( KD_TYPE aType, const wxString& aCaption );
static long getStyle( KD_TYPE aType );

View File

@ -802,13 +802,12 @@ bool PNS_KICAD_IFACE::syncZone( PNS::NODE* aWorld, ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
if( !poly.IsTriangulationUpToDate() )
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Malformed keep-out zone at (%d, %d) "
"cannot be handled by the track layout tool.\n%s\n"
"Please verify it is not a self-intersecting polygon." ),
aZone->GetPosition().x, aZone->GetPosition().y, aZone->GetSelectMenuText() );
KIDIALOG dlg( nullptr, msg );
dlg.Type( KIDIALOG::KD_WARNING ).Title( _( "Malformed keep-out zone" ) ).DoNotShowCheckbox();
KIDIALOG dlg( nullptr, wxString::Format( _( "Malformed keep-out zone at (%d, %d)" ),
aZone->GetPosition().x, aZone->GetPosition().y ), KIDIALOG::KD_WARNING );
wxString::Format( _( "%s\nThis zone cannot be handled by the track layout tool.\n"
"Please verify it is not a self-intersecting polygon." ), aZone->GetSelectMenuText() ) );
return false;