Retire no-pads warning in favour of defaulting to area-based remove islands strategy.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2022-03-01 19:19:18 +00:00
parent c4143b0ff6
commit 1966972fc1
2 changed files with 2 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -259,35 +259,6 @@ int ZONE_FILLER_TOOL::ZoneFillDirty( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
m_fillInProgress = false;
for( ZONE* zone : toFill )
int outlines = 0;
for( PCB_LAYER_ID layer : zone->GetLayerSet().Seq() )
outlines += zone->GetFilledPolysList( layer )->OutlineCount();
if( outlines == 0 )
WX_INFOBAR* infobar = frame->GetInfoBar();
// I haven't a clue why this is needed, but if you start another operation before the
// animation is over then you end up accessing deleted view items.
wxShowEffect savedShowEffect = infobar->GetShowEffect();
wxShowEffect savedHideEffect = infobar->GetHideEffect();
int savedEffectDuration = infobar->GetEffectDuration();
infobar->SetShowHideEffects( wxSHOW_EFFECT_NONE, wxSHOW_EFFECT_NONE );
infobar->ShowMessageFor( _( "Zone has no connections." ), 4000, wxICON_WARNING );
infobar->SetShowHideEffects( savedShowEffect, savedHideEffect );
infobar->SetEffectDuration( savedEffectDuration );
// wxWidgets has keyboard focus issues after the progress reporter. Re-setting the focus
// here doesn't work, so we delay it to an idle event.
canvas()->Bind( wxEVT_IDLE, &ZONE_FILLER_TOOL::singleShotRefocus, this );

View File

m_cornerSmoothingType = SMOOTHING_NONE;
m_cornerRadius = 0;
m_minIslandArea = 0;
m_removeIslands = ISLAND_REMOVAL_MODE::AREA;
m_minIslandArea = 10 * IU_PER_MM * IU_PER_MM;
SetIsRuleArea( false );
SetDoNotAllowCopperPour( false );