PDF plotting: support bitmaps with transparency.

Fixes https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/5979
This commit is contained in:
Alex Shvartzkop 2023-07-07 19:43:41 +03:00
parent 30c2049977
commit 2689037bde
3 changed files with 261 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/mstream.h>
#include <wx/zstream.h>
#include <wx/wfstream.h>
#include <wx/datstrm.h>
#include <advanced_config.h>
#include <eda_text.h> // for IsGotoPageHref
@ -471,6 +473,53 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::PlotImage( const wxImage& aImage, const VECTOR2I& aPos, double
VECTOR2I start( aPos.x - drawsize.x / 2, aPos.y + drawsize.y / 2 );
VECTOR2D dev_start = userToDeviceCoordinates( start );
// Deduplicate images
auto findHandleForImage = [&]( const wxImage& aImage ) -> int
for( const auto& [imgHandle, image] : m_imageHandles )
if( image.IsSameAs( aImage ) )
return imgHandle;
if( image.GetWidth() != aImage.GetWidth() )
if( image.GetHeight() != aImage.GetHeight() )
if( image.GetType() != aImage.GetType() )
if( image.HasAlpha() != aImage.HasAlpha() )
if( image.HasMask() != aImage.HasMask() || image.GetMaskRed() != aImage.GetMaskRed()
|| image.GetMaskGreen() != aImage.GetMaskGreen()
|| image.GetMaskBlue() != aImage.GetMaskBlue() )
int pixCount = image.GetWidth() * image.GetHeight();
if( memcmp( image.GetData(), aImage.GetData(), pixCount * 3 ) != 0 )
if( image.HasAlpha() && memcmp( image.GetAlpha(), aImage.GetAlpha(), pixCount ) != 0 )
return imgHandle;
return -1;
int imgHandle = findHandleForImage( aImage );
if( imgHandle == -1 )
imgHandle = allocPdfObject();
m_imageHandles.emplace( imgHandle, aImage );
/* PDF has an uhm... simplified coordinate system handling. There is
*one* operator to do everything (the PS concat equivalent). At least
they kept the matrix stack to save restore environments. Also images
@ -486,75 +535,8 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::PlotImage( const wxImage& aImage, const VECTOR2I& aPos, double
userToDeviceSize( drawsize.y ),
dev_start.x, dev_start.y );
/* An inline image is a cross between a dictionary and a stream.
A real ugly construct (compared with the elegance of the PDF
format). Also it accepts some 'abbreviations', which is stupid
since the content stream is usually compressed anyway... */
fprintf( m_workFile,
" /BPC 8\n"
" /CS %s\n"
" /W %d\n"
" /H %d\n"
"ID\n", m_colorMode ? "/RGB" : "/G", pix_size.x, pix_size.y );
wxColor bg = m_renderSettings->GetBackgroundColor() != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED
? m_renderSettings->GetBackgroundColor().ToColour()
: wxColor( 255, 255, 255 );
/* Here comes the stream (in binary!). I *could* have hex or ascii84
encoded it, but who cares? I'll go through zlib anyway */
for( int y = 0; y < pix_size.y; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < pix_size.x; x++ )
unsigned char r = aImage.GetRed( x, y ) & 0xFF;
unsigned char g = aImage.GetGreen( x, y ) & 0xFF;
unsigned char b = aImage.GetBlue( x, y ) & 0xFF;
// PDF inline images don't support alpha, so blend with background color
if( aImage.HasAlpha() )
unsigned char alpha = aImage.GetAlpha( x, y ) & 0xFF;
if( alpha < 0xFF )
float d = alpha / 255.0;
r = wxColour::AlphaBlend( r, bg.Red(), d );
g = wxColour::AlphaBlend( g, bg.Green(), d );
b = wxColour::AlphaBlend( b, bg.Blue(), d );
if( aImage.HasMask() )
if( r == aImage.GetMaskRed() && g == aImage.GetMaskGreen()
&& b == aImage.GetMaskBlue() )
r = 0xFF;
g = 0xFF;
b = 0xFF;
// As usual these days, stdio buffering has to suffeeeeerrrr
if( m_colorMode )
putc( r, m_workFile );
putc( g, m_workFile );
putc( b, m_workFile );
// Greyscale conversion (CIE 1931)
unsigned char grey = KiROUND( r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722 );
putc( grey, m_workFile );
fputs( "EI Q\n", m_workFile ); // Finish step 2 and do step 3
fprintf( m_workFile, "/Im%d Do\n", imgHandle );
fputs( "Q\n", m_workFile );
@ -712,6 +694,82 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::StartPage( const wxString& aPageNumber, const wxString& aPageN
void WriteImageStream( const wxImage& aImage, wxDataOutputStream& aOut, wxColor bg, bool colorMode )
int w = aImage.GetWidth();
int h = aImage.GetHeight();
for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
unsigned char r = aImage.GetRed( x, y ) & 0xFF;
unsigned char g = aImage.GetGreen( x, y ) & 0xFF;
unsigned char b = aImage.GetBlue( x, y ) & 0xFF;
if( aImage.HasMask() )
if( r == aImage.GetMaskRed() && g == aImage.GetMaskGreen()
&& b == aImage.GetMaskBlue() )
r = bg.Red();
g = bg.Green();
b = bg.Blue();
if( colorMode )
aOut.Write8( r );
aOut.Write8( g );
aOut.Write8( b );
// Greyscale conversion (CIE 1931)
unsigned char grey = KiROUND( r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722 );
aOut.Write8( grey );
void WriteImageSMaskStream( const wxImage& aImage, wxDataOutputStream& aOut )
int w = aImage.GetWidth();
int h = aImage.GetHeight();
if( aImage.HasMask() )
for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
unsigned char a = 255;
unsigned char r = aImage.GetRed( x, y );
unsigned char g = aImage.GetGreen( x, y );
unsigned char b = aImage.GetBlue( x, y );
if( r == aImage.GetMaskRed() && g == aImage.GetMaskGreen()
&& b == aImage.GetMaskBlue() )
a = 0;
aOut.Write8( a );
else if( aImage.HasAlpha() )
int size = w * h;
aOut.Write8( aImage.GetAlpha(), size );
void PDF_PLOTTER::ClosePage()
wxASSERT( m_workFile );
@ -807,11 +865,13 @@ void PDF_PLOTTER::ClosePage()
"/Parent %d 0 R\n"
"/Resources <<\n"
" /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageB]\n"
" /Font %d 0 R >>\n"
" /Font %d 0 R\n"
" /XObject %d 0 R >>\n"
"/MediaBox [0 0 %g %g]\n"
"/Contents %d 0 R\n",
m_pageStreamHandle );
@ -909,6 +969,8 @@ bool PDF_PLOTTER::StartPlot( const wxString& aPageNumber, const wxString& aPageN
(it *could* be inherited via the Pages tree */
m_fontResDictHandle = allocPdfObject();
m_imgResDictHandle = allocPdfObject();
m_jsNamesHandle = allocPdfObject();
/* Now, the PDF is read from the end, (more or less)... so we start
@ -1109,6 +1171,112 @@ bool PDF_PLOTTER::EndPlot()
fputs( ">>\n", m_outputFile );
// Named image dictionary (was allocated, now we emit it)
startPdfObject( m_imgResDictHandle );
fputs( "<<\n", m_outputFile );
for( const auto& [imgHandle, image] : m_imageHandles )
fprintf( m_outputFile, " /Im%d %d 0 R\n", imgHandle, imgHandle );
fputs( ">>\n", m_outputFile );
// Emit images with optional SMask for transparency
for( const auto& [imgHandle, image] : m_imageHandles )
// Init wxFFile so wxFFileOutputStream won't close file in dtor.
wxFFile outputFFile( m_outputFile );
// Image
startPdfObject( imgHandle );
int imgLenHandle = allocPdfObject();
int smaskHandle = ( image.HasAlpha() || image.HasMask() ) ? allocPdfObject() : -1;
fprintf( m_outputFile,
"/Type /XObject\n"
"/Subtype /Image\n"
"/BitsPerComponent 8\n"
"/ColorSpace %s\n"
"/Width %d\n"
"/Height %d\n"
"/Filter /FlateDecode\n"
"/Length %d 0 R\n", // Length is deferred
m_colorMode ? "/DeviceRGB" : "/DeviceGray", image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(),
imgLenHandle );
if( smaskHandle != -1 )
fprintf( m_outputFile, "/SMask %d 0 R\n", smaskHandle );
fputs( ">>\n", m_outputFile );
fputs( "stream\n", m_outputFile );
long imgStreamStart = ftell( m_outputFile );
wxFFileOutputStream ffos( outputFFile );
wxZlibOutputStream zos( ffos, wxZ_BEST_COMPRESSION, wxZLIB_ZLIB );
wxDataOutputStream dos( zos );
WriteImageStream( image, dos, m_renderSettings->GetBackgroundColor().ToColour(),
m_colorMode );
long imgStreamSize = ftell( m_outputFile ) - imgStreamStart;
fputs( "\nendstream\n", m_outputFile );
startPdfObject( imgLenHandle );
fprintf( m_outputFile, "%ld\n", imgStreamSize );
if( smaskHandle != -1 )
// SMask
startPdfObject( smaskHandle );
int smaskLenHandle = allocPdfObject();
fprintf( m_outputFile,
"/Type /XObject\n"
"/Subtype /Image\n"
"/BitsPerComponent 8\n"
"/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n"
"/Width %d\n"
"/Height %d\n"
"/Length %d 0 R\n"
"/Filter /FlateDecode\n"
">>\n", // Length is deferred
image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight(), smaskLenHandle );
fputs( "stream\n", m_outputFile );
long smaskStreamStart = ftell( m_outputFile );
wxFFileOutputStream ffos( outputFFile );
wxZlibOutputStream zos( ffos, wxZ_BEST_COMPRESSION, wxZLIB_ZLIB );
wxDataOutputStream dos( zos );
WriteImageSMaskStream( image, dos );
long smaskStreamSize = ftell( m_outputFile ) - smaskStreamStart;
fputs( "\nendstream\n", m_outputFile );
startPdfObject( smaskLenHandle );
fprintf( m_outputFile, "%u\n", (unsigned) smaskStreamSize );
outputFFile.Detach(); // Don't close it
for( const auto& [ linkHandle, linkPair ] : m_hyperlinkHandles )
const BOX2D& box = linkPair.first;

View File

@ -85,9 +85,28 @@ void PlotDrawingSheet( PLOTTER* plotter, const PROJECT* aProject, const TITLE_BL
drawList.BuildDrawItemsList( aPageInfo, aTitleBlock );
// Draw item list
// Draw bitmaps first
for( DS_DRAW_ITEM_BASE* item = drawList.GetFirst(); item; item = drawList.GetNext() )
if( item->Type() == WSG_BITMAP_T )
DS_DATA_ITEM_BITMAP* bitmap = (DS_DATA_ITEM_BITMAP*) drawItem->GetPeer();
if( bitmap->m_ImageBitmap == nullptr )
bitmap->m_ImageBitmap->PlotImage( plotter, drawItem->GetPosition(), plotColor,
// Draw other items
for( DS_DRAW_ITEM_BASE* item = drawList.GetFirst(); item; item = drawList.GetNext() )
if( item->Type() == WSG_BITMAP_T )
plotter->SetColor( plotColor );
plotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( PLOTTER::USE_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH );
@ -157,19 +176,6 @@ void PlotDrawingSheet( PLOTTER* plotter, const PROJECT* aProject, const TITLE_BL
DS_DATA_ITEM_BITMAP* bitmap = (DS_DATA_ITEM_BITMAP*) drawItem->GetPeer();
if( bitmap->m_ImageBitmap == nullptr )
bitmap->m_ImageBitmap->PlotImage( plotter, drawItem->GetPosition(), plotColor,
wxFAIL_MSG( "PlotDrawingSheet(): Unknown drawing sheet item." );

View File

@ -493,6 +493,7 @@ protected:
int m_pageTreeHandle; ///< Handle to the root of the page tree object
int m_fontResDictHandle; ///< Font resource dictionary
int m_imgResDictHandle; ///< Image resource dictionary
int m_jsNamesHandle; ///< Handle for Names dictionary with JS
std::vector<int> m_pageHandles; ///< Handles to the page objects
int m_pageStreamHandle; ///< Handle of the page content object
@ -515,6 +516,8 @@ protected:
std::map<wxString, std::vector<std::pair<BOX2I, wxString>>> m_bookmarksInPage;
std::map<int, wxImage> m_imageHandles;
std::unique_ptr<OUTLINE_NODE> m_outlineRoot; ///< Root outline node
int m_totalOutlineNodes; ///< Total number of outline nodes