This commit is contained in:
@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
if( m_TextDrawings == NULL ) /* pointeur sur la liste des segments de dessin */
if( m_TextDrawings == NULL )
@ -349,6 +350,7 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
width = m_Width / zoom;
if( display_mode == FILAIRE )
width = 0;
/* choix de la couleur du texte : */
if( draw_mode != -1 )
GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode );
@ -370,12 +372,15 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
int anchor_size = 2 * zoom;
anchor_color &= MASKCOLOR;
/* calcul de la position du texte */
int cX = m_Pos.x - offset.x;
int cY = m_Pos.y - offset.y;
/* trace ancre du texte */
GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, cX - anchor_size, cY,
cX + anchor_size, cY, 0, anchor_color );
GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, cX, cY - anchor_size,
cX, cY + anchor_size, 0, anchor_color );
@ -385,15 +390,14 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
nbpoints = m_TextDrawings[jj];
if( nbpoints > 50 )
nbpoints = 50;
for( kk = 0, ll = 0; (kk < nbpoints) && (ii < m_TextDrawingsSize); kk++ )
coord[ll] = m_TextDrawings[ii] + offset.x + m_Pos.x;
ll++; ii++;
coord[ll] = m_TextDrawings[ii] + offset.y + m_Pos.y;
ll++; ii++;
coord[ll++] = m_TextDrawings[ii++] + offset.x + m_Pos.x;
coord[ll++] = m_TextDrawings[ii++] + offset.y + m_Pos.y;
jj = ii; ii++;
jj = ii++;
if( width > 2 )
@ -544,8 +548,13 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::CreateDrawData()
m_ZoomLevelDrawable = m_Size.x / 3;
dx = (espacement * nbchar) / 2;
dy = size_v / 2; /* Decalage du debut du texte / centre */
ux0 = cX - dx; uy0 = cY;
dx += cX; dy = cY;
ux0 = cX - dx;
uy0 = cY;
dx += cX;
dy = cY;
RotatePoint( &ux0, &uy0, cX, cY, m_Orient );
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, cX, cY, m_Orient );
@ -582,9 +591,10 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::CreateDrawData()
coord = (int*) realloc( coord, coord_count_max * sizeof(int) );
coord[jj] = nbpoints;
jj = ii; ii++;
jj = ii++;
plume = f_cod; nbpoints = 0;
plume = f_cod;
nbpoints = 0;
case 'D':
@ -600,14 +610,20 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::CreateDrawData()
f_cod = *ptcar;
k2 = f_cod; /* trace sur axe H */
k2 = (k2 * size_h) / 9;
dx = k2 + ox; dy = k1 + oy;
dx = k2 + ox;
dy = k1 + oy;
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, cX, cY, m_Orient );
if( ii >= coord_count_max )
coord_count_max *= 2;
coord = (int*) realloc( coord, coord_count_max * sizeof(int) );
coord[ii] = dx; ii++; coord[ii] = dy; ii++;
coord[ii++] = dx;
coord[ii++] = dy;
@ -618,7 +634,8 @@ void EDA_TextStruct::CreateDrawData()
/* end boucle for = end trace de 1 caractere */
ptr++; ox += espacement;
ox += espacement;
/* end trace du texte */
@ -661,13 +678,16 @@ bool EDA_Rect::Inside( const wxPoint& point )
if( size.x < 0 )
size.x = -size.x; rel_posx += size.x;
size.x = -size.x;
rel_posx += size.x;
if( size.y < 0 )
size.y = -size.y; rel_posy += size.y;
size.y = -size.y;
rel_posy += size.y;
return (rel_posx >= 0) && (rel_posy >= 0)
&& ( rel_posy <= size.y)
&& ( rel_posx <= size.x)
@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ void DrawGraphicText(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel, wxDC * DC,
const wxPoint& Pos, int gcolor, const wxString& Text,
int orient, const wxSize& Size, int h_justify, int v_justify, int width )
/* Draw a graphic text (like module texts)
Text = text to draw
Pos = text position (according to h_justify, v_justify)
Size = text size (size.x or size.y can be < 0 for mirrored texts)
orient = angle in 0.1 degree
mode_color = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
h_justify = horizontal justification (Left, center, right)
v_justify = vertical justification (bottom, center, top)
width = line width (pen width) (default = 0)
if width < 0 : draw segments in sketch mode, width = abs(width)
* Text = text to draw
* Pos = text position (according to h_justify, v_justify)
* Size = text size (size.x or size.y can be < 0 for mirrored texts)
* orient = angle in 0.1 degree
* mode_color = GR_OR, GR_XOR..
* h_justify = horizontal justification (Left, center, right)
* v_justify = vertical justification (bottom, center, top)
* width = line width (pen width) (default = 0)
* if width < 0 : draw segments in sketch mode, width = abs(width)
int ii, kk, nbchar, AsciiCode, endcar;
@ -61,13 +62,16 @@ bool sketch_mode = FALSE;
width = -width;
sketch_mode = TRUE;
kk = 0 ; ptr = 0; /* ptr = text index */
kk = 0;
ptr = 0; /* ptr = text index */
nbchar = Text.Len();
if ( nbchar == 0 ) return;
if( nbchar == 0 )
espacement = (10 * size_h ) / 9; // this is the pitch between chars
ox = cX = Pos.x; oy = cY = Pos.y;
ox = cX = Pos.x;
oy = cY = Pos.y;
/* Do not draw the text if out of draw area! */
if( panel )
@ -75,16 +79,23 @@ bool sketch_mode = FALSE;
int xm, ym, ll, xc, yc;
int textsize = ABS( espacement );
ll = (textsize * nbchar) / zoom;
xc = GRMapX( cX );
yc = GRMapY( cY );
x0 = panel->m_ClipBox.GetX() - ll;
y0 = panel->m_ClipBox.GetY() - ll;
xm = panel->m_ClipBox.GetRight() + ll;
ym = panel->m_ClipBox.GetBottom() + ll;
if ( xc < x0 ) return;
if ( yc < y0 ) return;
if ( xc > xm ) return;
if ( yc > ym ) return;
if( xc < x0 )
if( yc < y0 )
if( xc > xm )
if( yc > ym )
@ -124,7 +135,6 @@ bool sketch_mode = FALSE;
else /* Vertical Text */
switch( h_justify )
@ -155,20 +165,30 @@ bool sketch_mode = FALSE;
cX += ux0; cY += uy0;
ox = cX - dx; ; oy = cY + dy;
if( (Size.x/zoom) == 0 ) return;
cX += ux0;
cY += uy0;
ox = cX - dx;
oy = cY + dy;
if( (Size.x / zoom) == 0 )
if( ABS( (Size.x / zoom) ) < 3 ) /* chars trop petits pour etre dessines */
{ /* le texte est symbolise par une barre */
dx = (espacement * nbchar) / 2;
dy = size_v / 2; /* Decalage du debut du texte / centre */
ux0 = cX - dx; uy0 = cY;
dx += cX; dy = cY;
ux0 = cX - dx;
uy0 = cY;
dx += cX;
dy = cY;
RotatePoint( &ux0, &uy0, cX, cY, orient );
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, cX, cY, orient );
GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, ux0, uy0, dx, dy, width, gcolor );
@ -177,14 +197,21 @@ bool sketch_mode = FALSE;
#if 0
dx = (espacement * nbchar) / 2;
dy = size_v / 2;/* Decalage du debut du texte / centre */
ux0 = cX - dx; uy0 = cY;
dx += cX; dy = cY;
ux0 = cX - dx;
uy0 = cY;
dx += cX;
dy = cY;
RotatePoint( &ux0, &uy0, cX, cY, orient );
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, cX, cY, orient );
DC->SetTextForeground( wxColour(
ColorRefs[gcolor].b ) );
DC->DrawRotatedText( Text, GRMapX( ux0 ), GRMapY( uy0 ), (double) orient / 10.0 );
@ -194,11 +221,13 @@ return;
x0 = 0; y0 = 0;
AsciiCode = Text.GetChar( ptr ) & 255;
ptcar = graphic_fonte_shape[AsciiCode]; /* ptcar pointe la description
du caractere a dessiner */
* du caractere a dessiner */
for( ii = 0, endcar = FALSE; !endcar; ptcar++ )
f_cod = *ptcar ; /* get code n de la forme selectionnee */
f_cod = *ptcar;
/* get code n de la forme selectionnee */
switch( f_cod )
case 'X':
@ -219,7 +248,6 @@ return;
GRCSegm( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, *coordptr, *(coordptr + 1),
*(coordptr + 2), *(coordptr + 3), width, gcolor );
GRPoly( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, ii / 2, coord, 0,
width, gcolor, gcolor );
@ -227,27 +255,38 @@ return;
plume = f_cod; ii = 0;
case 'D' : plume = f_cod ; break ;
case 'D':
plume = f_cod;
k1 = f_cod; /* trace sur axe V */
k1 = -( (k1 * size_v) / 9 );
f_cod = *ptcar;
k2 = f_cod; /* trace sur axe H */
k2 = (k2 * size_h) / 9;
dx = k2 + ox; dy = k1 + oy;
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, cX, cY, orient );
coord[ii] = dx; ii++; coord[ii] = dy; ii++;
coord[ii++] = dx;
coord[ii++] = dy;
} /* end switch */
} /* end boucle for = end trace de 1 caractere */
/* end switch */
/* end boucle for = end trace de 1 caractere */
ptr++; ox += espacement;
} /* end trace du texte */
/* end trace du texte */
@ -256,8 +295,9 @@ void PlotGraphicText(int format_plot, const wxPoint & Pos, int gcolor,
const wxString& Text,
int orient, const wxSize& Size, int h_justify, int v_justify )
id DrawGraphicText, for plot graphic text
* id DrawGraphicText, for plot graphic text
int kk, nbchar, end, AsciiCode;
@ -268,6 +308,7 @@ const SH_CODE * ptcar;
int ptr;
int ux0, uy0, dx, dy; // Coord de trace des segments de texte & variables de calcul */
int cX, cY; // Centre du texte
void (*FctPlume)( wxPoint pos, int state );
switch( format_plot )
@ -290,16 +331,20 @@ void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state);
size_h = Size.x;
size_v = Size.y;
if(size_h == 0) size_h = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT;
if(size_v == 0) size_v = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT;
if( size_h == 0 )
if( size_v == 0 )
kk = 0 ; ptr = 0; /* ptr = text index */
kk = 0;
ptr = 0; /* ptr = text index */
/* calcul de la position du debut des textes: ox et oy */
nbchar = Text.Len();
espacement = (10 * size_h ) / 9;
ox = cX = Pos.x; oy = cY = Pos.y;
ox = cX = Pos.x;
oy = cY = Pos.y;
/* Calcul du cadrage du texte */
dx = (espacement * nbchar) / 2;
@ -337,7 +382,6 @@ void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state);
else /* Texte Vertical */
switch( h_justify )
@ -368,8 +412,12 @@ void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state);
cX += ux0; cY += uy0; /* cX, cY = coord du centre du texte */
ox = -dx; oy = +dy; /* ox, oy = coord debut texte, relativement au centre */
cX += ux0;
cY += uy0; /* cX, cY = coord du centre du texte */
ox = -dx;
oy = +dy; /* ox, oy = coord debut texte, relativement au centre */
FctPlume( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 'Z' );
@ -377,36 +425,51 @@ void (*FctPlume)(wxPoint pos, int state);
AsciiCode = Text.GetChar( ptr ) & 255;
ptcar = graphic_fonte_shape[AsciiCode]; /* ptcar pointe la description
du caractere a dessiner */
* du caractere a dessiner */
for( end = 0; end == 0; ptcar++ )
f_cod = *ptcar ; /* get code n de la forme selectionnee */
f_cod = *ptcar;
/* get code n de la forme selectionnee */
switch( f_cod )
case 'X' : end = 1 ;/* fin du caractere */
case 'X':
end = 1; /* fin du caractere */
case 'U':
case 'D' : plume = f_cod ; break ;
case 'D':
plume = f_cod; break;
k1 = f_cod; /* trace sur axe V */
k1 = -(k1 * size_v) / 9;
f_cod = *ptcar;
k2 = f_cod; /* trace sur axe H */
k2 = (k2 * size_h) / 9;
dx = k2 + ox; dy = k1 + oy;
dx = k2 + ox;
dy = k1 + oy;
RotatePoint( &dx, &dy, orient );
FctPlume( wxPoint( cX + dx, cY + dy ), plume );
x0 = k2 ; y0 = k1 ;
x0 = k2;
y0 = k1;
} /* end switch */
} /* end boucle for = end trace de 1 caractere */
/* end switch */
/* end boucle for = end trace de 1 caractere */
FctPlume( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 'Z' );
ptr++; ox += espacement;
} /* end trace du texte */
FctPlume(wxPoint(0,0), 'Z');
/* end trace du texte */
FctPlume( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 'Z' );
Reference in New Issue