Drill file generation: add the option to merge NPTH and PTH, which was disabled recently, due to code changes.

Add missing translator name in AUTHORS.txt and About dialog (patch from Eldar Khayrullin)
This commit is contained in:
jean-pierre charras 2015-11-16 19:42:58 +01:00
parent d5aef07816
commit 49d75d5850
10 changed files with 276 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Polish (PL) Kerusey Karyu <keruseykaryu@o2.pl>
Portuguese (PT) Renie Marquet <reniemarquet[at]uol-dot-com-dot-br>"
Russian (RU) Igor Plyatov <plyatov[at]gmail-dot-com>
Russian (RU) Andrey Fedorushkov <andrf@mail.ru>
Russian (RU) Eldar Khayrullin <eldar.khayrullin@mail.ru>
Spanish (ES) Pedro Martin del Valle <pkicad[at]yahoo-dot-es>
Spanish (ES) Iñigo Zuluaga <inigo_zuluaga[at]yahoo-dot-es>
German (DE) Rafael Sokolowski <Rafael.Sokolowski[at]web-dot-de

View File

@ -290,6 +290,8 @@ static void InitKiCadAboutNew( AboutAppInfo& info )
new Contributor( wxT( "Igor Plyatov" ), wxT( "plyatov@gmail.com" ), wxT( "Russian (RU)" ), KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
new Contributor( wxT( "Andrey Fedorushkov" ), wxT( "andrf@mail.ru" ), wxT( "Russian (RU)" ), KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
new Contributor( wxT( "Eldar Khayrullin" ), wxT( "eldar.khayrullin@mail.ru" ), wxT( "Russian (RU)" ), KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
new Contributor( wxT( "Pedro Martin del Valle" ), wxT( "pkicad@yahoo.es" ), wxT( "Spanish (ES)" ), KiBitmapNew( lang_es_xpm ) ) );

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#define PrecisionKey wxT( "DrilltPrecisionOpt" )
#define MirrorKey wxT( "DrillMirrorYOpt" )
#define MinimalHeaderKey wxT( "DrillMinHeader" )
#define MergePTHNPTHKey wxT( "DrillMergePTHNPTH" )
#define UnitDrillInchKey wxT( "DrillUnit" )
#define DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey wxT( "DrillAuxAxis" )
#define DrillMapFileTypeKey wxT( "DrillMapFileType" )
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ int DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_UnitDrillIsInch = true;
bool DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_MinimalHeader = false;
bool DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_Mirror = false;
bool DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_Merge_PTH_NPTH = false;
bool DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis = false;
int DIALOG_GENDRILL::m_mapFileType = 1;
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::initDialog()
m_config->Read( ZerosFormatKey, &m_ZerosFormat );
m_config->Read( MirrorKey, &m_Mirror );
m_config->Read( MergePTHNPTHKey, &m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
m_config->Read( MinimalHeaderKey, &m_MinimalHeader );
m_config->Read( UnitDrillInchKey, &m_UnitDrillIsInch );
m_config->Read( DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey, &m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis );
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::InitDisplayParams()
m_Choice_Drill_Offset->SetSelection( 1 );
m_Check_Mirror->SetValue( m_Mirror );
m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH->SetValue( m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
m_Choice_Drill_Map->SetSelection( m_mapFileType );
m_ViaDrillValue->SetLabel( _( "Use Netclasses values" ) );
m_MicroViaDrillValue->SetLabel( _( "Use Netclasses values" ) );
@ -226,6 +230,7 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::UpdateConfig()
m_config->Write( ZerosFormatKey, m_ZerosFormat );
m_config->Write( MirrorKey, m_Mirror );
m_config->Write( MergePTHNPTHKey, m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
m_config->Write( MinimalHeaderKey, m_MinimalHeader );
m_config->Write( UnitDrillInchKey, m_UnitDrillIsInch );
m_config->Write( DrillOriginIsAuxAxisKey, m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis );
@ -328,6 +333,7 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::SetParams()
m_UnitDrillIsInch = (m_Choice_Unit->GetSelection() == 0) ? false : true;
m_MinimalHeader = m_Check_Minimal->IsChecked();
m_Mirror = m_Check_Mirror->IsChecked();
m_Merge_PTH_NPTH = m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH->IsChecked();
m_ZerosFormat = m_Choice_Zeros_Format->GetSelection();
m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis = m_Choice_Drill_Offset->GetSelection();
@ -367,7 +373,8 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::GenDrillAndMapFiles(bool aGenDrill, bool aGenMap)
excellonWriter.SetFormat( !m_UnitDrillIsInch,
m_Precision.m_lhs, m_Precision.m_rhs );
excellonWriter.SetOptions( m_Mirror, m_MinimalHeader, m_FileDrillOffset );
excellonWriter.SetOptions( m_Mirror, m_MinimalHeader,
m_FileDrillOffset, m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
excellonWriter.SetMapFileFormat( filefmt[choice] );
excellonWriter.CreateDrillandMapFilesSet( defaultPath, aGenDrill, aGenMap,
@ -400,7 +407,8 @@ void DIALOG_GENDRILL::OnGenReportFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
excellonWriter.SetFormat( !m_UnitDrillIsInch,
m_Precision.m_lhs, m_Precision.m_rhs );
excellonWriter.SetOptions( m_Mirror, m_MinimalHeader, m_FileDrillOffset );
excellonWriter.SetOptions( m_Mirror, m_MinimalHeader,
m_FileDrillOffset, m_Merge_PTH_NPTH );
bool success = excellonWriter.GenDrillReportFile( dlg.GetPath() );

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public:
static int m_ZerosFormat;
static bool m_MinimalHeader;
static bool m_Mirror;
static bool m_Merge_PTH_NPTH;
static bool m_DrillOriginIsAuxAxis; /* Axis selection (main / auxiliary)
* for drill origin coordinates */
DRILL_PRECISION m_Precision; // Selected precision for drill files

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Jun 6 2014)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Jun 17 2015)
// http://www.wxformbuilder.org/
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
wxStaticBoxSizer* bdirnameSizer;
bdirnameSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Output directory:") ), wxHORIZONTAL );
m_outputDirectoryName = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_outputDirectoryName = new wxTextCtrl( bdirnameSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_outputDirectoryName->SetMaxLength( 0 );
bdirnameSizer->Add( m_outputDirectoryName, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_buttonBrowse = new wxButton( this, wxID_ANY, _("Browse"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_buttonBrowse = new wxButton( bdirnameSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Browse"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
bdirnameSizer->Add( m_buttonBrowse, 0, wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT, 5 );
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
wxStaticBoxSizer* sbSizerPrecision;
sbSizerPrecision = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Precision") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_staticTextPrecision = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Precision"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_staticTextPrecision = new wxStaticText( sbSizerPrecision->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Precision"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_staticTextPrecision->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerPrecision->Add( m_staticTextPrecision, 0, wxALL, 5 );
@ -82,12 +82,21 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
wxStaticBoxSizer* sbOptSizer;
sbOptSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Drill File Options:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_Check_Mirror = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Mirror y axis"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Check_Mirror = new wxCheckBox( sbOptSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Mirror y axis"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Check_Mirror->SetToolTip( _("Not recommanded.\nUsed mostly by users who make themselves the boards.") );
sbOptSizer->Add( m_Check_Mirror, 0, wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_Check_Minimal = new wxCheckBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Minimal header"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Check_Minimal = new wxCheckBox( sbOptSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Minimal header"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Check_Minimal->SetToolTip( _("Not recommanded.\nUse it only for board houses which do not accept fully featured headers.") );
sbOptSizer->Add( m_Check_Minimal, 0, wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH = new wxCheckBox( sbOptSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Merge PTH and NPTH holes into one file"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH->SetToolTip( _("Not recommanded.\nUse it only for board houses which ask for merged PTH and NPTH into onlu one file") );
sbOptSizer->Add( m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH, 0, wxALL, 5 );
bMiddleBoxSizer->Add( sbOptSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
@ -108,18 +117,18 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
wxStaticBoxSizer* sbSizerInfo;
sbSizerInfo = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Info:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_DefaultViasDrillSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Default Vias Drill:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_DefaultViasDrillSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( sbSizerInfo->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Default Vias Drill:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_ViaDrillValue = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Via Drill Value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ViaDrillValue = new wxStaticText( m_DefaultViasDrillSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Via Drill Value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ViaDrillValue->Wrap( -1 );
m_DefaultViasDrillSizer->Add( m_ViaDrillValue, 0, wxALL, 5 );
sbSizerInfo->Add( m_DefaultViasDrillSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
m_MicroViasDrillSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Micro Vias Drill:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_MicroViasDrillSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( sbSizerInfo->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Micro Vias Drill:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_MicroViaDrillValue = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Micro Via Drill Value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_MicroViaDrillValue = new wxStaticText( m_MicroViasDrillSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Micro Via Drill Value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_MicroViaDrillValue->Wrap( -1 );
m_MicroViasDrillSizer->Add( m_MicroViaDrillValue, 0, wxALL, 5 );
@ -127,25 +136,25 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
sbSizerInfo->Add( m_MicroViasDrillSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
wxStaticBoxSizer* sbSizerHoles;
sbSizerHoles = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Holes Count:") ), wxVERTICAL );
sbSizerHoles = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( sbSizerInfo->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Holes Count:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Plated Pads:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( sbSizerHoles->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Plated Pads:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerHoles->Add( m_PlatedPadsCountInfoMsg, 0, wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Not Plated Pads:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( sbSizerHoles->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Not Plated Pads:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerHoles->Add( m_NotPlatedPadsCountInfoMsg, 0, wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_ThroughViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Through Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ThroughViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( sbSizerHoles->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Through Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_ThroughViasInfoMsg->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerHoles->Add( m_ThroughViasInfoMsg, 0, wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_MicroViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Micro Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_MicroViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( sbSizerHoles->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Micro Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_MicroViasInfoMsg->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerHoles->Add( m_MicroViasInfoMsg, 0, wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_BuriedViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Buried Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_BuriedViasInfoMsg = new wxStaticText( sbSizerHoles->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Buried Vias:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_BuriedViasInfoMsg->Wrap( -1 );
sbSizerHoles->Add( m_BuriedViasInfoMsg, 0, wxALL, 5 );
@ -186,7 +195,7 @@ DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE::DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, con
wxStaticBoxSizer* bmsgSizer;
bmsgSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Messages:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_messagesBox = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
m_messagesBox = new wxTextCtrl( bmsgSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
m_messagesBox->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1,90 ) );
bmsgSizer->Add( m_messagesBox, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<property name="minimum_size"></property>
<property name="name">DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE</property>
<property name="pos"></property>
<property name="size">506,471</property>
<property name="size">506,518</property>
<property name="style">wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER</property>
<property name="subclass">DIALOG_SHIM; dialog_shim.h</property>
<property name="title">Drill Files Generation</property>
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@
<property name="style"></property>
<property name="subclass"></property>
<property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
<property name="tooltip"></property>
<property name="tooltip">Not recommanded.&#x0A;Used mostly by users who make themselves the boards.</property>
<property name="validator_data_type"></property>
<property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
<property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
@ -847,7 +847,95 @@
<property name="style"></property>
<property name="subclass"></property>
<property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
<property name="tooltip"></property>
<property name="tooltip">Not recommanded.&#x0A;Use it only for board houses which do not accept fully featured headers.</property>
<property name="validator_data_type"></property>
<property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
<property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
<property name="validator_variable"></property>
<property name="window_extra_style"></property>
<property name="window_name"></property>
<property name="window_style"></property>
<event name="OnChar"></event>
<event name="OnCheckBox"></event>
<event name="OnEnterWindow"></event>
<event name="OnEraseBackground"></event>
<event name="OnKeyDown"></event>
<event name="OnKeyUp"></event>
<event name="OnKillFocus"></event>
<event name="OnLeaveWindow"></event>
<event name="OnLeftDClick"></event>
<event name="OnLeftDown"></event>
<event name="OnLeftUp"></event>
<event name="OnMiddleDClick"></event>
<event name="OnMiddleDown"></event>
<event name="OnMiddleUp"></event>
<event name="OnMotion"></event>
<event name="OnMouseEvents"></event>
<event name="OnMouseWheel"></event>
<event name="OnPaint"></event>
<event name="OnRightDClick"></event>
<event name="OnRightDown"></event>
<event name="OnRightUp"></event>
<event name="OnSetFocus"></event>
<event name="OnSize"></event>
<event name="OnUpdateUI"></event>
<object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
<property name="border">5</property>
<property name="flag">wxALL</property>
<property name="proportion">0</property>
<object class="wxCheckBox" expanded="1">
<property name="BottomDockable">1</property>
<property name="LeftDockable">1</property>
<property name="RightDockable">1</property>
<property name="TopDockable">1</property>
<property name="aui_layer"></property>
<property name="aui_name"></property>
<property name="aui_position"></property>
<property name="aui_row"></property>
<property name="best_size"></property>
<property name="bg"></property>
<property name="caption"></property>
<property name="caption_visible">1</property>
<property name="center_pane">0</property>
<property name="checked">0</property>
<property name="close_button">1</property>
<property name="context_help"></property>
<property name="context_menu">1</property>
<property name="default_pane">0</property>
<property name="dock">Dock</property>
<property name="dock_fixed">0</property>
<property name="docking">Left</property>
<property name="enabled">1</property>
<property name="fg"></property>
<property name="floatable">1</property>
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="gripper">0</property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
<property name="label">Merge PTH and NPTH holes into one file</property>
<property name="max_size"></property>
<property name="maximize_button">0</property>
<property name="maximum_size"></property>
<property name="min_size"></property>
<property name="minimize_button">0</property>
<property name="minimum_size"></property>
<property name="moveable">1</property>
<property name="name">m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH</property>
<property name="pane_border">1</property>
<property name="pane_position"></property>
<property name="pane_size"></property>
<property name="permission">protected</property>
<property name="pin_button">1</property>
<property name="pos"></property>
<property name="resize">Resizable</property>
<property name="show">1</property>
<property name="size"></property>
<property name="style"></property>
<property name="subclass"></property>
<property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
<property name="tooltip">Not recommanded.&#x0A;Use it only for board houses which ask for merged PTH and NPTH into onlu one file</property>
<property name="validator_data_type"></property>
<property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
<property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Jun 6 2014)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Jun 17 2015)
// http://www.wxformbuilder.org/
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE : public DIALOG_SHIM
wxRadioBox* m_Choice_Drill_Map;
wxCheckBox* m_Check_Mirror;
wxCheckBox* m_Check_Minimal;
wxCheckBox* m_Check_Merge_PTH_NPTH;
wxRadioBox* m_Choice_Drill_Offset;
wxStaticBoxSizer* m_DefaultViasDrillSizer;
wxStaticText* m_ViaDrillValue;
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE : public DIALOG_SHIM
DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Drill Files Generation"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 506,471 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
DIALOG_GENDRILL_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Drill Files Generation"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 506,473 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 1992-2012 Jean_Pierre Charras <jp.charras at wanadoo.fr>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* Copyright (C) 1992-2015 Jean_Pierre Charras <jp.charras at wanadoo.fr>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2015 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@ -228,41 +228,45 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::GenDrillMapFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_toolListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
int plot_diam;
DRILL_TOOL& tool = m_toolListBuffer[ii];
if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 0 )
if( tool.m_TotalCount == 0 )
plotY += intervalle;
plot_diam = KiROUND( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter );
int plot_diam = KiROUND( tool.m_Diameter );
x = KiROUND( plotX - textmarginaftersymbol * charScale - plot_diam / 2.0 );
y = KiROUND( plotY + charSize * charScale );
plotter->Marker( wxPoint( x, y ), plot_diam, ii );
// List the diameter of each drill in mm and inches.
sprintf( line, "%2.2fmm / %2.3f\" ",
diameter_in_mm( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter ) );
diameter_in_mm( tool.m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( tool.m_Diameter ) );
msg = FROM_UTF8( line );
// Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill.
if( ( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 )
&& ( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
if( ( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 )
&& ( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
sprintf( line, "(1 hole)" );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 ) // && ( m_toolListBuffer[ii]m_OvalCount == 1 )
else if( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 ) // && ( toolm_OvalCount == 1 )
sprintf( line, "(1 slot)" );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 )
sprintf( line, "(%d holes)", m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 1 )
sprintf( line, "(%d holes + 1 slot)", m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount - 1 );
else // if ( m_toolListBuffer[ii]m_OvalCount > 1 )
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 )
sprintf( line, "(%d holes)", tool.m_TotalCount );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 1 )
sprintf( line, "(%d holes + 1 slot)", tool.m_TotalCount - 1 );
else // if ( toolm_OvalCount > 1 )
sprintf( line, "(%d holes + %d slots)",
m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount - m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount,
m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount );
tool.m_TotalCount - tool.m_OvalCount,
tool.m_OvalCount );
msg += FROM_UTF8( line );
if( tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
msg += wxT( " (not plated)" );
plotter->Text( wxPoint( plotX, y ), UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, msg, 0,
wxSize( KiROUND( charSize * charScale ),
KiROUND( charSize * charScale ) ),
@ -323,12 +327,14 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::GenDrillReportFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
* 3 - Non Plated through holes
bool buildNPTHlist = false;
// in this loop are plated only:
for( unsigned pair_ndx = 0; pair_ndx < hole_sets.size(); ++pair_ndx )
LAYER_PAIR pair = hole_sets[pair_ndx];
BuildHolesList( pair, false );
BuildHolesList( pair, buildNPTHlist );
if( pair == LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ) )
@ -337,7 +343,7 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::GenDrillReportFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
out.Print( 0, " plated through holes:\n" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, false );
out.Print( 0, " Total plated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
else // blind/buried
@ -352,25 +358,31 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::GenDrillReportFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, false );
out.Print( 0, " Total plated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
out.Print( 0, "\n\n" );
// NPTHoles:
BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ), true );
// NPTHoles. Generate the full list (pads+vias) if PTH and NPTH are merged,
// or only the NPTH list (which never has vias)
if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
buildNPTHlist = true;
// if( m_toolListBuffer.size() ) nothing wrong with an empty NPTH file.
BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ), buildNPTHlist );
// nothing wrong with an empty NPTH file in report.
if( m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
out.Print( 0, "Not plated through holes are merged with plated holes\n" );
out.Print( 0, "Drill file '%s' contains\n",
TO_UTF8( drillFileName( LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ), true ) ) );
out.Print( 0, " unplated through holes:\n" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, true );
out.Print( 0, " Total unplated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
return true;
@ -383,18 +395,16 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::PlotDrillMarks( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
pos = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Pos;
const HOLE_INFO& hole = m_holeListBuffer[ii];
pos = hole.m_Hole_Pos;
// Always plot the drill symbol (for slots identifies the needed cutter!
aPlotter->Marker( pos, m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter,
m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Tool_Reference - 1 );
aPlotter->Marker( pos, hole.m_Hole_Diameter, hole.m_Tool_Reference - 1 );
if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Shape != 0 )
if( hole.m_Hole_Shape != 0 )
wxSize oblong_size;
oblong_size = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Size;
aPlotter->FlashPadOval( pos, oblong_size,
m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Orient, SKETCH );
wxSize oblong_size = hole.m_Hole_Size;
aPlotter->FlashPadOval( pos, oblong_size, hole.m_Hole_Orient, SKETCH );
@ -402,36 +412,41 @@ bool EXCELLON_WRITER::PlotDrillMarks( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
unsigned EXCELLON_WRITER::printToolSummary( OUTPUTFORMATTER& out ) const
unsigned EXCELLON_WRITER::printToolSummary( OUTPUTFORMATTER& out, bool aSummaryNPTH ) const
unsigned totalHoleCount = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_toolListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
const DRILL_TOOL& tool = m_toolListBuffer[ii];
if( aSummaryNPTH && !tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
if( !aSummaryNPTH && tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
// List the tool number assigned to each drill,
// in mm then in inches.
out.Print( 0, " T%d %2.2fmm %2.3f\" ",
ii + 1,
diameter_in_mm( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_Diameter ) );
int tool_number = ii+1;
out.Print( 0, " T%d %2.2fmm %2.3f\" ", tool_number,
diameter_in_mm( tool.m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( tool.m_Diameter ) );
// Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill.
if( ( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 )
&& ( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
if( ( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
out.Print( 0, "(1 hole)\n" );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount == 1 )
else if( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 )
out.Print( 0, "(1 hole) (with 1 slot)\n" );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 0 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes)\n", m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount );
else if( m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount == 1 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes) (with 1 slot)\n",
m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount );
else // if ( buffer[ii]m_OvalCount > 1 )
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes)\n", tool.m_TotalCount );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 1 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes) (with 1 slot)\n", tool.m_TotalCount );
else // tool.m_OvalCount > 1
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes) (with %d slots)\n",
m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_OvalCount );
tool.m_TotalCount, tool.m_OvalCount );
totalHoleCount += m_toolListBuffer[ii].m_TotalCount;
totalHoleCount += tool.m_TotalCount;
out.Print( 0, "\n" );

View File

@ -56,8 +56,11 @@
#include <reporter.h>
#include <collectors.h>
// Comment/uncomment this to write or not a comment
// in drill file when PTH and NPTH are merged to flag
// tools used for PTH and tools used for NPTH
//#include <dialog_gendrill.h> // Dialog box for drill file generation
m_conversionUnits = 0.0001;
m_unitsDecimal = true;
m_mirror = false;
m_merge_PTH_NPTH = false;
m_minimalHeader = false;
m_ShortHeader = false;
m_mapFileFmt = PLOT_FORMAT_PDF;
@ -83,14 +87,16 @@ void EXCELLON_WRITER::CreateDrillandMapFilesSet( const wxString& aPlotDirectory,
std::vector<LAYER_PAIR> hole_sets = getUniqueLayerPairs();
// append a pair representing the NPTH set of holes.
// append a pair representing the NPTH set of holes, for separate drill files.
if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
hole_sets.push_back( LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ) );
for( std::vector<LAYER_PAIR>::const_iterator it = hole_sets.begin();
it != hole_sets.end(); ++it )
LAYER_PAIR pair = *it;
bool doing_npth = ( it == hole_sets.end() - 1 );
// For separate drill files, the last layer pair is the NPTH dril file.
bool doing_npth = m_merge_PTH_NPTH ? false : ( it == hole_sets.end() - 1 );
BuildHolesList( pair, doing_npth );
@ -185,10 +191,32 @@ int EXCELLON_WRITER::CreateDrillFile( FILE* aFile )
holes_count = 0;
// if PTH_ and NPTH are merged write a comment in drill file at the
// beginning of NPTH section
bool writePTHcomment = m_merge_PTH_NPTH;
bool writeNPTHcomment = m_merge_PTH_NPTH;
/* Write the tool list */
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_toolListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
DRILL_TOOL& tool_descr = m_toolListBuffer[ii];
if( writePTHcomment && !tool_descr.m_Hole_NotPlated )
writePTHcomment = false;
fprintf( m_file, ";TYPE=PLATED\n" );
if( writeNPTHcomment && tool_descr.m_Hole_NotPlated )
writeNPTHcomment = false;
fprintf( m_file, ";TYPE=NON_PLATED\n" );
fprintf( m_file, "T%dC%.3f\n", ii + 1,
tool_descr.m_Diameter * m_conversionUnits );
@ -520,11 +548,14 @@ void EXCELLON_WRITER::WriteEXCELLONEndOfFile()
/* Helper function for sorting hole list.
* Compare function used for sorting holes by increasing diameter value
* and X value
* Compare function used for sorting holes type type (plated then not plated)
* then by increasing diameter value and X value
static bool CmpHoleDiameterValue( const HOLE_INFO& a, const HOLE_INFO& b )
static bool CmpHoleSettings( const HOLE_INFO& a, const HOLE_INFO& b )
if( a.m_Hole_NotPlated != b.m_Hole_NotPlated )
return b.m_Hole_NotPlated;
if( a.m_Hole_Diameter != b.m_Hole_Diameter )
return a.m_Hole_Diameter < b.m_Hole_Diameter;
@ -558,6 +589,7 @@ void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR aLayerPair,
new_hole.m_Tool_Reference = -1; // Flag value for Not initialized
new_hole.m_Hole_Orient = 0;
new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter = hole_sz;
new_hole.m_Hole_NotPlated = false;
new_hole.m_Hole_Size.x = new_hole.m_Hole_Size.y = new_hole.m_Hole_Diameter;
new_hole.m_Hole_Shape = 0; // hole shape: round
@ -582,12 +614,15 @@ void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR aLayerPair,
for( MODULE* module = m_pcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
if( !aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
if( aGenerateNPTH_list && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 )
@ -605,28 +640,33 @@ void EXCELLON_WRITER::BuildHolesList( LAYER_PAIR aLayerPair,
new_hole.m_Hole_Size = pad->GetDrillSize();
new_hole.m_Hole_Pos = pad->GetPosition(); // hole position
new_hole.m_Hole_Bottom_Layer = B_Cu;
new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer = F_Cu;// pad holes are through holes
new_hole.m_Hole_Top_Layer = F_Cu; // pad holes are through holes
m_holeListBuffer.push_back( new_hole );
// Sort holes per increasing diameter value
sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleDiameterValue );
sort( m_holeListBuffer.begin(), m_holeListBuffer.end(), CmpHoleSettings );
// build the tool list
int last_hole = -1; /* Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
* for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter) */
DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0 );
int last_hole = -1; // Set to not initialized (this is a value not used
// for m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter)
bool last_notplated_opt = false;
DRILL_TOOL new_tool( 0, false );
unsigned jj;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != last_hole )
if( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter != last_hole ||
m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated != last_notplated_opt )
new_tool.m_Diameter = ( m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter );
new_tool.m_Diameter = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_Diameter;
new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated = m_holeListBuffer[ii].m_Hole_NotPlated;
m_toolListBuffer.push_back( new_tool );
last_hole = new_tool.m_Diameter;
last_notplated_opt = new_tool.m_Hole_NotPlated;
jj = m_toolListBuffer.size();

View File

@ -37,20 +37,22 @@ class BOARD;
class PLOTTER;
/* the DRILL_TOOL class handles tools used in the excellon drill file */
// the DRILL_TOOL class handles tools used in the excellon drill file:
int m_Diameter; // the diameter of the used tool (for oblong, the smaller size)
int m_TotalCount; // how many times it is used (round and oblong)
int m_OvalCount; // oblong count
bool m_Hole_NotPlated; // Is the hole plated or not plated
DRILL_TOOL( int diametre )
DRILL_TOOL( int aDiameter, bool a_NotPlated )
m_TotalCount = 0;
m_OvalCount = 0;
m_Diameter = diametre;
m_Diameter = aDiameter;
m_Hole_NotPlated = a_NotPlated;
@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ public:
LAYER_ID m_Hole_Bottom_Layer; // hole ending layer (usually back layer)
LAYER_ID m_Hole_Top_Layer; // hole starting layer (usually front layer):
// m_Hole_Top_Layer < m_Hole_Bottom_Layer
bool m_Hole_NotPlated; // hole not plated. Must be in a specific drill file
bool m_Hole_NotPlated; // hole not plated. Must be in a specific drill file or section
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ private:
// (i.e inches or mm)
bool m_mirror;
wxPoint m_offset; // Drill offset coordinates
bool m_merge_PTH_NPTH; // True to generate only one drill file
std::vector<HOLE_INFO> m_holeListBuffer; // Buffer containing holes
std::vector<DRILL_TOOL> m_toolListBuffer; // Buffer containing tools
@ -204,11 +207,12 @@ public:
* @param aMinimalHeader = true to use a minimal header (no comments, no info)
* @param aOffset = drill coordinates offset
void SetOptions( bool aMirror, bool aMinimalHeader, wxPoint aOffset )
void SetOptions( bool aMirror, bool aMinimalHeader, wxPoint aOffset, bool aMerge_PTH_NPTH )
m_mirror = aMirror;
m_offset = aOffset;
m_minimalHeader = aMinimalHeader;
m_merge_PTH_NPTH = aMerge_PTH_NPTH;
@ -349,8 +353,10 @@ private:
* Function printToolSummary
* prints m_toolListBuffer[] tools to aOut and returns total hole count.
* @param aOut = the current OUTPUTFORMATTER to print summary
* @param aSummaryNPTH = true to print summary for NPTH, false for PTH
unsigned printToolSummary( OUTPUTFORMATTER& aOut ) const;
unsigned printToolSummary( OUTPUTFORMATTER& aOut, bool aSummaryNPTH ) const;
const std::string layerPairName( LAYER_PAIR aPair ) const;