Coding standards.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2022-09-27 11:50:14 +01:00
parent fb80f83335
commit 57a79f3020
2 changed files with 141 additions and 175 deletions

View File

void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::refreshItemsTypes()
// If you need some more types to be shown, simply add them to the
// corresponding list
m_componentsTypes.push_back( componentsType_t( FP_THROUGH_HOLE, _( "THT:" ) ) );
m_componentsTypes.push_back( componentsType_t( FP_SMD, _( "SMD:" ) ) );
// If you need some more types to be shown, simply add them to the corresponding list
m_fpTypes.push_back( FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T( FP_THROUGH_HOLE, FP_THROUGH_HOLE, _( "THT:" ) ) );
m_fpTypes.push_back( FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T( FP_SMD, FP_SMD, _( "SMD:" ) ) );
m_padsTypes.push_back( padsType_t( PAD_ATTRIB::PTH, _( "Through hole:" ) ) );
m_padsTypes.push_back( padsType_t( PAD_ATTRIB::SMD, _( "SMD:" ) ) );
m_padsTypes.push_back( padsType_t( PAD_ATTRIB::CONN, _( "Connector:" ) ) );
m_padsTypes.push_back( padsType_t( PAD_ATTRIB::NPTH, _( "NPTH:" ) ) );
m_padTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>( PAD_ATTRIB::PTH, _( "Through hole:" ) ) );
m_padTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>( PAD_ATTRIB::SMD, _( "SMD:" ) ) );
m_padTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>( PAD_ATTRIB::CONN, _( "Connector:" ) ) );
m_padTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>( PAD_ATTRIB::NPTH, _( "NPTH:" ) ) );
m_viasTypes.push_back( viasType_t( VIATYPE::THROUGH, _( "Through vias:" ) ) );
m_viasTypes.push_back( viasType_t( VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED, _( "Blind/buried:" ) ) );
m_viasTypes.push_back( viasType_t( VIATYPE::MICROVIA, _( "Micro vias:" ) ) );
m_viaTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>( VIATYPE::THROUGH, _( "Through vias:" ) ) );
m_viaTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>( VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED, _( "Blind/buried:" ) ) );
m_viaTypes.push_back( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>( VIATYPE::MICROVIA, _( "Micro vias:" ) ) );
// If there not enough rows in grids, append some
int appendRows = m_componentsTypes.size() + 2 - m_gridComponents->GetNumberRows();
int appendRows = m_fpTypes.size() + 2 - m_gridComponents->GetNumberRows();
if( appendRows > 0 )
m_gridComponents->AppendRows( appendRows );
appendRows = m_padsTypes.size() + 1 - m_gridPads->GetNumberRows();
appendRows = m_padTypes.size() + 1 - m_gridPads->GetNumberRows();
if( appendRows > 0 )
m_gridPads->AppendRows( appendRows );
appendRows = m_viasTypes.size() + 1 - m_gridVias->GetNumberRows();
appendRows = m_viaTypes.size() + 1 - m_gridVias->GetNumberRows();
if( appendRows )
m_gridVias->AppendRows( appendRows );
@ -186,8 +185,8 @@ bool DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::TransferDataToWindow()
m_startLayerColInitialSize = m_gridDrills->GetColSize( drillType_t::COL_START_LAYER );
m_stopLayerColInitialSize = m_gridDrills->GetColSize( drillType_t::COL_STOP_LAYER );
m_startLayerColInitialSize = m_gridDrills->GetColSize( DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_START_LAYER );
m_stopLayerColInitialSize = m_gridDrills->GetColSize( DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_STOP_LAYER );
// Add space for the vertical scrollbar, so that it won't overlap with the cells.
m_gridDrills->SetMinSize( m_gridDrills->GetEffectiveMinSize()
@ -213,9 +212,9 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
// Go through components types list
for( auto& type : m_componentsTypes )
for( FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T& type : m_fpTypes )
if(( footprint->GetAttributes() & type.attribute ) > 0 )
if( ( footprint->GetAttributes() & type.attribute_mask ) == type.attribute_value )
if( footprint->IsFlipped() )
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() )
// Go through pads types list
for( auto& type : m_padsTypes )
for( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>& type : m_padTypes )
if( pad->GetAttribute() == type.attribute )
@ -253,9 +252,9 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
bottom = pad->GetLayerSet().CuStack().back();
drillType_t drill( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y,
pad->GetDrillShape(), pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB::NPTH,
true, top, bottom );
DRILL_TYPE_T drill( pad->GetDrillSize().x, pad->GetDrillSize().y,
pad->GetDrillShape(), pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB::NPTH,
true, top, bottom, 0 );
auto it = m_drillTypes.begin();
@ -283,7 +282,7 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
if( PCB_VIA* via = dyn_cast<PCB_VIA*>( track ) )
for( auto& type : m_viasTypes )
for( TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>& type : m_viaTypes )
if( via->GetViaType() == type.attribute )
@ -292,8 +291,8 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
drillType_t drill( via->GetDrillValue(), via->GetDrillValue(), PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE,
true, false, via->TopLayer(), via->BottomLayer() );
DRILL_TYPE_T drill( via->GetDrillValue(), via->GetDrillValue(), PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_CIRCLE,
true, false, via->TopLayer(), via->BottomLayer(), 0 );
auto it = m_drillTypes.begin();
@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
sort( m_drillTypes.begin(), m_drillTypes.end(),
drillType_t::COMPARE( drillType_t::COL_COUNT, false ) );
bool boundingBoxCreated = false; //flag if bounding box initialized
BOX2I bbox;
@ -372,75 +371,74 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::getDataFromPCB()
static wxString formatCount( int aCount )
return wxString::Format( wxT( "%i" ), aCount );
void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::updateWidets()
int totalPads = 0;
int currentRow = 0;
int row = 0;
for( const auto& type : m_padsTypes )
for( const TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>& type : m_padTypes )
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_AMOUNT,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), type.qty ) );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( row, COL_AMOUNT, formatCount( type.qty ) );
totalPads += type.qty;
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_AMOUNT, wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), totalPads ) );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridPads->SetCellValue( row, COL_AMOUNT, formatCount( totalPads ) );
int totalVias = 0;
currentRow = 0;
row = 0;
for( const auto& type : m_viasTypes )
for( const TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>& type : m_viaTypes )
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_AMOUNT, wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), type.qty ) );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( row, COL_AMOUNT, formatCount( type.qty ) );
totalVias += type.qty;
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_AMOUNT, wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), totalVias ) );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridVias->SetCellValue( row, COL_AMOUNT, formatCount( totalVias ) );
int totalFront = 0;
int totalBack = 0;
// We don't use row 0, as there labels are
currentRow = 1;
row = 1;
for( const auto& type : m_componentsTypes )
for( const FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T& type : m_fpTypes )
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_FRONT_SIDE,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), type.frontSideQty ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_BOTTOM_SIDE,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), type.backSideQty ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, 3,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ),
type.frontSideQty + type.backSideQty ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, type.title );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_FRONT_SIDE, formatCount( type.frontSideQty ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_BOTTOM_SIDE, formatCount( type.backSideQty ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, 3, formatCount( type.frontSideQty + type.backSideQty ) );
totalFront += type.frontSideQty;
totalBack += type.backSideQty;
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_FRONT_SIDE,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), totalFront ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_BOTTOM_SIDE,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), totalBack ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( currentRow, COL_TOTAL,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i " ), totalFront + totalBack ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_LABEL, _( "Total:" ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_FRONT_SIDE, formatCount( totalFront ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_BOTTOM_SIDE, formatCount( totalBack ) );
m_gridComponents->SetCellValue( row, COL_TOTAL, formatCount( totalFront + totalBack ) );
if( m_hasOutline )
m_gridBoard->SetCellValue( ROW_BOARD_WIDTH, COL_AMOUNT,
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardWidth ) + wxS( " " ) );
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardWidth ) );
m_gridBoard->SetCellValue( ROW_BOARD_HEIGHT, COL_AMOUNT,
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardHeight ) + wxS( " " ) );
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardHeight ) );
m_gridBoard->SetCellValue( ROW_BOARD_AREA, COL_AMOUNT,
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardArea, true, EDA_DATA_TYPE::AREA ) );
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( m_boardArea, true,
@ -465,7 +463,7 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::updateDrillGrid()
BOARD* board = m_parentFrame->GetBoard();
int currentRow = 0;
for( const auto& type : m_drillTypes )
for( const DRILL_TYPE_T& type : m_drillTypes )
wxString shapeStr;
wxString startLayerStr;
@ -488,19 +486,18 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::updateDrillGrid()
stopLayerStr = board->GetLayerName( type.stopLayer );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_COUNT,
wxString::Format( wxT( "%i" ), type.qty ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_SHAPE, shapeStr );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_X_SIZE,
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_COUNT, formatCount( type.qty ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_SHAPE, shapeStr );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_X_SIZE,
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( type.xSize ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_Y_SIZE,
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_Y_SIZE,
m_parentFrame->MessageTextFromValue( type.ySize ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_PLATED,
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_PLATED,
type.isPlated ? _( "PTH" ) : _( "NPTH" ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_VIA_PAD,
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_VIA_PAD,
type.isPad ? _( "Pad" ) : _( "Via" ) );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_START_LAYER, startLayerStr );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, drillType_t::COL_STOP_LAYER, stopLayerStr );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_START_LAYER, startLayerStr );
m_gridDrills->SetCellValue( currentRow, DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_STOP_LAYER, stopLayerStr );
@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::updateDrillGrid()
void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString& aStr,
bool aUseRowLabels, bool aUseColLabels,
bool aUseColLabels,
bool aUseFirstColAsLabel )
std::vector<int> widths( aGrid->GetNumberCols(), 0 );
@ -538,12 +535,6 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString&
aStr << wxT( "|" );
if( aUseRowLabels )
aStr.Append( ' ', rowLabelsWidth );
aStr << wxT( " |" );
for( int col = 0; col < aGrid->GetNumberCols(); col++ )
if( aUseColLabels )
@ -560,12 +551,6 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString&
aStr << wxT( "|" );
if( aUseRowLabels )
aStr.Append( '-', rowLabelsWidth );
aStr << wxT( "-|" );
for( int col = 0; col < aGrid->GetNumberCols(); col++ )
aStr << wxT( "-" );
@ -582,14 +567,12 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString&
if( !aUseColLabels )
firstRow = 1;
if( !aUseRowLabels && aUseFirstColAsLabel )
if( aUseFirstColAsLabel )
firstCol = 1;
for( int row = firstRow; row < aGrid->GetNumberRows(); row++ )
if( aUseRowLabels )
tmp.Printf( wxT( "|%-*s |" ), rowLabelsWidth, aGrid->GetRowLabelValue( row ) );
else if( aUseFirstColAsLabel )
if( aUseFirstColAsLabel )
tmp.Printf( wxT( "|%-*s |" ), widths[0], aGrid->GetCellValue( row, 0 ) );
tmp.Printf( wxT( "|" ) );
@ -618,17 +601,18 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::adjustDrillGridColumns()
// Find the total current width
for( int i = 0; i < m_gridDrills->GetNumberCols(); i++ )
if( i != drillType_t::COL_START_LAYER && i != drillType_t::COL_STOP_LAYER )
remainingWidth -= m_gridDrills->GetColSize( i );
double scalingFactor = std::max(
1.0, remainingWidth / ( m_startLayerColInitialSize + m_stopLayerColInitialSize ) );
double scalingFactor = std::max( 1.0,
/ ( m_startLayerColInitialSize + m_stopLayerColInitialSize ) );
int startLayerColWidth = static_cast<int>( m_startLayerColInitialSize * scalingFactor );
int stopLayerColWidth = static_cast<int>( m_stopLayerColInitialSize * scalingFactor );
m_gridDrills->SetColSize( drillType_t::COL_START_LAYER, startLayerColWidth );
m_gridDrills->SetColSize( drillType_t::COL_STOP_LAYER, stopLayerColWidth );
m_gridDrills->SetColSize( DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_START_LAYER, startLayerColWidth );
m_gridDrills->SetColSize( DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_STOP_LAYER, stopLayerColWidth );
@ -652,23 +636,21 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::saveReportClicked( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
wxFileName fn = m_parentFrame->GetBoard()->GetFileName();
boardName = fn.GetName();
wxFileDialog saveFileDialog( this, _( "Save Report File" ),
wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Report File" ), s_savedDialogState.saveReportFolder,
s_savedDialogState.saveReportName, TextFileWildcard(),
if( saveFileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
s_savedDialogState.saveReportFolder = wxPathOnly( saveFileDialog.GetPath() );
s_savedDialogState.saveReportName = saveFileDialog.GetFilename();
s_savedDialogState.saveReportFolder = wxPathOnly( dlg.GetPath() );
s_savedDialogState.saveReportName = dlg.GetFilename();
outFile = wxFopen( saveFileDialog.GetPath(), wxT( "wt" ) );
outFile = wxFopen( dlg.GetPath(), wxT( "wt" ) );
if( outFile == nullptr )
msg.Printf( _( "Failed to create file '%s'." ), saveFileDialog.GetPath() );
msg.Printf( _( "Failed to create file '%s'." ), dlg.GetPath() );
DisplayErrorMessage( this, msg );
@ -701,13 +683,13 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::saveReportClicked( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
msg << wxT( "\n" );
msg << _( "Pads" ) << wxT( "\n----\n" );
for( auto& type : m_padsTypes )
for( auto& type : m_padTypes )
msg << wxT( "- " ) << type.title << wxS( " " ) << type.qty << wxT( "\n" );
msg << wxT( "\n" );
msg << _( "Vias" ) << wxT( "\n----\n" );
for( auto& type : m_viasTypes )
for( auto& type : m_viaTypes )
msg << wxT( "- " ) << type.title << wxS( " " ) << type.qty << wxT( "\n" );
// We will save data about components in the table.
@ -718,13 +700,13 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::saveReportClicked( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
widths.reserve( labels.size() );
for( const auto& label : labels )
for( const wxString& label : labels )
widths.push_back( label.size() );
int frontTotal = 0;
int backTotal = 0;
for( const auto& type : m_componentsTypes )
for( const FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T& type : m_fpTypes )
// Get maximum width for left label column
widths[0] = std::max<int>( type.title.size(), widths[0] );
@ -745,17 +727,17 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::saveReportClicked( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
msg << _( "Components" ) << wxT( "\n----------\n" );
msg << wxT( "\n" );
printGridToStringAsTable( m_gridComponents, msg, false, false, true );
printGridToStringAsTable( m_gridComponents, msg, false, true );
msg << wxT( "\n" );
msg << _( "Drill holes" ) << wxT( "\n-----------\n" );
msg << wxT( "\n" );
printGridToStringAsTable( m_gridDrills, msg, false, true, false );
printGridToStringAsTable( m_gridDrills, msg, true, false );
if( fprintf( outFile, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) ) < 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "Error writing file '%s'." ), saveFileDialog.GetPath() );
msg.Printf( _( "Error writing file '%s'." ), dlg.GetPath() );
DisplayErrorMessage( this, msg );
@ -771,11 +753,11 @@ void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::drillGridSize( wxSizeEvent& aEvent )
void DIALOG_BOARD_STATISTICS::drillGridSort( wxGridEvent& aEvent )
drillType_t::COL_ID colId = static_cast<drillType_t::COL_ID>( aEvent.GetCol() );
bool ascending =
!( m_gridDrills->IsSortingBy( colId ) && m_gridDrills->IsSortOrderAscending() );
DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_ID colId = static_cast<DRILL_TYPE_T::COL_ID>( aEvent.GetCol() );
bool ascending = !( m_gridDrills->IsSortingBy( colId )
&& m_gridDrills->IsSortOrderAscending() );
sort( m_drillTypes.begin(), m_drillTypes.end(), drillType_t::COMPARE( colId, ascending ) );
sort( m_drillTypes.begin(), m_drillTypes.end(), DRILL_TYPE_T::COMPARE( colId, ascending ) );

View File

@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ public:
* Type information, which will be shown in dialog.
template <typename T>
struct typeContainer_t
typeContainer_t<T>( T aAttribute, const wxString& aTitle )
: attribute( aAttribute ),
title( aTitle ),
qty( 0 )
TYPE_CONTAINER_T<T>( T aAttribute, const wxString& aTitle ) :
attribute( aAttribute ),
title( aTitle ),
qty( 0 )
@ -61,30 +61,29 @@ public:
int qty;
using padsType_t = typeContainer_t<PAD_ATTRIB>;
using viasType_t = typeContainer_t<VIATYPE>;
* Footprint attributes (such as SMD, THT, Virtual and so on), which will be shown in the
* dialog. Holds both front and bottom components quantities.
* dialog. Holds both front and back footprint quantities.
struct componentsType_t
componentsType_t( FOOTPRINT_ATTR_T aAttribute, wxString aTitle )
: attribute( aAttribute ),
title( aTitle ),
frontSideQty( 0 ),
backSideQty( 0 )
FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T( int aAttributeMask, int aAttributeValue, wxString aTitle ) :
attribute_mask( aAttributeMask ),
attribute_value( aAttributeValue ),
title( aTitle ),
frontSideQty( 0 ),
backSideQty( 0 )
wxString title;
int frontSideQty;
int backSideQty;
int attribute_mask;
int attribute_value;
wxString title;
int frontSideQty;
int backSideQty;
struct drillType_t
enum COL_ID
@ -98,20 +97,20 @@ public:
drillType_t( int aXSize, int aYSize, PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T aShape, bool aIsPlated, bool aIsPad,
PCB_LAYER_ID aStartLayer, PCB_LAYER_ID aStopLayer, int aQty = 0 )
: xSize( aXSize ),
ySize( aYSize ),
shape( aShape ),
isPlated( aIsPlated ),
isPad( aIsPad ),
startLayer( aStartLayer ),
stopLayer( aStopLayer ),
qty( aQty )
DRILL_TYPE_T( int aXSize, int aYSize, PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_T aShape, bool aIsPlated,
bool aIsPad, PCB_LAYER_ID aStartLayer, PCB_LAYER_ID aStopLayer, int aQty ) :
xSize( aXSize ),
ySize( aYSize ),
shape( aShape ),
isPlated( aIsPlated ),
isPad( aIsPad ),
startLayer( aStartLayer ),
stopLayer( aStopLayer ),
qty( aQty )
bool operator==( const drillType_t& other )
bool operator==( const DRILL_TYPE_T& other )
return xSize == other.xSize && ySize == other.ySize && shape == other.shape
&& isPlated == other.isPlated && isPad == other.isPad
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ public:
COMPARE( COL_ID aColId, bool aAscending ) : colId( aColId ), ascending( aAscending )
bool operator()( const drillType_t& aLeft, const drillType_t& aRight )
bool operator()( const DRILL_TYPE_T& aLeft, const DRILL_TYPE_T& aRight )
switch( colId )
@ -167,11 +166,6 @@ public:
int qty;
using componentsTypeList_t = std::deque<componentsType_t>;
using padsTypeList_t = std::deque<padsType_t>;
using viasTypeList_t = std::deque<viasType_t>;
using drillTypeList_t = std::deque<drillType_t>;
@ -193,8 +187,8 @@ private:
void updateDrillGrid();
///< Print grid to string in tabular format.
void printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString& aStr, bool aUseRowLabels,
bool aUseColLabels, bool aUseFirstColAsLabel );
void printGridToStringAsTable( wxGrid* aGrid, wxString& aStr, bool aUseColLabels,
bool aUseFirstColAsLabel );
void adjustDrillGridColumns();
@ -213,26 +207,16 @@ private:
int m_boardHeight;
double m_boardArea;
///< Show if board outline properly defined.
bool m_hasOutline;
bool m_hasOutline; ///< Show if board outline properly defined.
///< Hold all components types to be shown in the dialog.
componentsTypeList_t m_componentsTypes;
std::deque<FOOTPRINT_TYPE_T> m_fpTypes;
std::deque<TYPE_CONTAINER_T<PAD_ATTRIB>> m_padTypes;
std::deque<TYPE_CONTAINER_T<VIATYPE>> m_viaTypes;
std::deque<DRILL_TYPE_T> m_drillTypes;
///< Hold all pads types to be shown in the dialog.
padsTypeList_t m_padsTypes;
///< Hold all vias types to be shown in the dialog.
viasTypeList_t m_viasTypes;
///< Hold all drill hole types to be shown in the dialog.
drillTypeList_t m_drillTypes;
///< Width of the start layer column as calculated by the wxWidgets autosizing algorithm.
int m_startLayerColInitialSize;
///< Width of the stop layer column as calculated by the wxWidgets autosizing algorithm.
int m_stopLayerColInitialSize;
int m_startLayerColInitialSize; ///< Width of the start layer column as calculated by
///< the wxWidgets autosizing algorithm.
int m_stopLayerColInitialSize; ///< Width of the stop layer column.