Explicitly call out DNP in BOM
Add DNP column and group output based on DNP Fixes https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/issues/13466
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ def myEqu(self, other):
result = False
elif self.getFootprint() != other.getFootprint():
result = False
elif self.getDNP() != other.getDNP():
result = False
return result
@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ partfields -= set( ['Reference', 'Value', 'Datasheet', 'Footprint'] )
columnset = compfields | partfields # union
# prepend an initial 'hard coded' list and put the enchillada into list 'columns'
columns = ['Item', 'Qty', 'Reference(s)', 'Value', 'LibPart', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet'] + sorted(list(columnset))
columns = ['Item', 'Qty', 'Reference(s)', 'Value', 'LibPart', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet', 'DNP'] + sorted(list(columnset))
# Create a new csv writer object to use as the output formatter
out = csv.writer( f, lineterminator='\n', delimiter=',', quotechar='\"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL )
@ -103,39 +105,12 @@ writerow( out, ['Tool:', net.getTool()] )
writerow( out, ['Generator:', sys.argv[0]] )
writerow( out, ['Component Count:', len(components)] )
writerow( out, [] )
writerow( out, ['Individual Components:'] )
writerow( out, [] ) # blank line
writerow( out, columns )
# Output all the interesting components individually first:
row = []
for c in components:
del row[:]
row.append('') # item is blank in individual table
row.append('') # Qty is always 1, why print it
row.append( c.getRef() ) # Reference
row.append( c.getValue() ) # Value
row.append( c.getLibName() + ":" + c.getPartName() ) # LibPart
#row.append( c.getDescription() )
row.append( c.getFootprint() )
row.append( c.getDatasheet() )
# from column 7 upwards, use the fieldnames to grab the data
for field in columns[7:]:
row.append( c.getField( field ) );
writerow( out, row )
writerow( out, [] ) # blank line
writerow( out, [] ) # blank line
writerow( out, [] ) # blank line
writerow( out, ['Collated Components:'] )
writerow( out, [] ) # blank line
writerow( out, columns ) # reuse same columns
# Get all of the components in groups of matching parts + values
# (see kicad_netlist_reader.py)
@ -157,7 +132,7 @@ for group in grouped:
c = component
# Fill in the component groups common data
# columns = ['Item', 'Qty', 'Reference(s)', 'Value', 'LibPart', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet'] + sorted(list(columnset))
# columns = ['Item', 'Qty', 'Reference(s)', 'Value', 'LibPart', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet', 'DNP'] + sorted(list(columnset))
item += 1
row.append( item )
row.append( len(group) )
@ -166,6 +141,7 @@ for group in grouped:
row.append( c.getLibName() + ":" + c.getPartName() )
row.append( net.getGroupFootprint(group) )
row.append( net.getGroupDatasheet(group) )
row.append( c.getDNPString() )
# from column 7 upwards, use the fieldnames to grab the data
for field in columns[7:]:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ out.writerow(['Date:', net.getDate()])
out.writerow(['Tool:', net.getTool()])
out.writerow( ['Generator:', sys.argv[0]] )
out.writerow(['Component Count:', len(net.components)])
out.writerow(['Ref', 'Qnty', 'Value', 'Cmp name', 'Footprint', 'Description', 'Vendor'])
out.writerow(['Ref', 'Qnty', 'Value', 'Cmp name', 'Footprint', 'Description', 'Vendor', 'DNP'])
# Get all of the components in groups of matching parts + values
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ for group in grouped:
fromNetlistText( c.getPartName() ),
fromNetlistText( c.getFootprint() ),
fromNetlistText( c.getDescription() ),
fromNetlistText( c.getField("Vendor") )])
fromNetlistText( c.getField("Vendor") ),
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ def myEqu(self, other):
result = False
elif self.getFootprint() != other.getFootprint():
result = False
elif self.getDNP() != other.getDNP():
result = False
for field_name in extra_fields:
if self.getField(field_name) != other.getField(field_name):
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ except IOError:
out = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n', delimiter=',', quotechar='\"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# Output a CSV header
out.writerow(['#', 'Reference', 'Qty', 'Value', 'Footprint'] + extra_fields)
out.writerow(['#', 'Reference', 'Qty', 'Value', 'Footprint', 'DNP'] + extra_fields)
# Get all of the components in groups of matching parts + values
# (see kicad_netlist_reader.py)
@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ for group in grouped:
row.append( len(group) )
row.append( c.getValue() )
row.append( c.getFootprint() )
row.append( c.getDNPString() )
# Add the values of extra fields
for field_name in extra_fields:
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ writerow( out, ['Source:', net.getSource()] )
writerow( out, ['Date:', net.getDate()] )
writerow( out, ['Tool:', net.getTool()] )
writerow( out, ['Component Count:', len(components)] )
writerow( out, ['Ref', 'Value', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet', 'Manufacturer', 'Vendor'] )
writerow( out, ['Ref', 'Value', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet', 'Manufacturer', 'Vendor', 'DNP'] )
# Output all of the component information (One component per row)
for c in components:
writerow( out, [c.getRef(), c.getValue(), c.getFootprint(), c.getDatasheet(),
c.getField("Manufacturer"), c.getField("Vendor")])
c.getField("Manufacturer"), c.getField("Vendor"), c.getDNPString()])
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ row =""
row += "<tr><th>Ref</th>"
row += "<th>Qnty</th>"
row += "<th>Value</th>" + "<th>Part</th>" + "<th>Datasheet</th>"
row += "<th>Description</th>" + "<th>Vendor</th></tr>"
row += "<th>Description</th>" + "<th>Vendor</th>" + "<th>DNP</th></tr>"
html = html.replace('<!--TABLEROW-->', row + "<!--TABLEROW-->")
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ for group in grouped:
row += "</td><td>" + c.getLibName() + ":" + c.getPartName()
row += "</td><td>" + c.getDatasheet()
row += "</td><td>" + c.getDescription()
row += "</td><td>" + c.getField("Vendor")+ "</td></tr>"
row += "</td><td>" + c.getField("Vendor")
row += "</td><td>" + c.getDNPString() + "</td></tr>"
row += "\n"
html = html.replace('<!--TABLEROW-->', row + "<!--TABLEROW-->")
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ def myEqu(self, other):
result = False
elif self.getField("Voltage") != other.getField("Voltage"):
result = False
elif self.getDNP() != other.getDNP():
result = False
return result
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ html = html.replace('<!--COMPCOUNT-->', "<b>Component Count:</b>" + \
row = "<tr><th style='width:640px'>Ref</th>" + "<th>Qnty</th>"
row += "<th>Value</th>" + "<th>Part</th>" + "<th>Footprint</th>"
row += "<th>Description</th>" + "<th>Vendor</th></tr>"
row += "<th>Description</th>" + "<th>Vendor</th> + "<th>DNP</th></tr>"
html = html.replace('<!--TABLEROW-->', row + "<!--TABLEROW-->")
@ -125,7 +127,8 @@ for group in grouped:
row += "<tr><td>" + refs +"</td><td>" + str(len(group))
row += "</td><td>" + c.getValue() + "</td><td>" + c.getLibName() + ":"
row += c.getPartName() + "</td><td>" + c.getFootprint() + "</td><td>"
row += c.getDescription() + "</td><td>" + c.getField("Vendor")
row += c.getDescription() + "</td><td>" + c.getField("Vendor") + "</td><td>"
row += c.getDNPString()
row += "</td></tr>"
html = html.replace('<!--TABLEROW-->', row + "<!--TABLEROW-->")
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ writerow( out, ['Source:', net.getSource()] )
writerow( out, ['Date:', net.getDate()] )
writerow( out, ['Tool:', net.getTool()] )
writerow( out, ['Component Count:', len(components)] )
writerow( out, ['Ref', 'Value', 'Part', 'Footprint', 'Description', 'Vendor'] )
writerow( out, ['Ref', 'Value', 'Part', 'Footprint', 'Description', 'Vendor', 'DNP'] )
# Output all of the component information
for c in components:
writerow( out, [c.getRef(), c.getValue(), c.getLibName() + ":" + c.getPartName(),
c.getFootprint(), c.getDescription(), c.getField("Vendor")])
c.getFootprint(), c.getDescription(), c.getField("Vendor"), c.getDNPString()])
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class comp():
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Equivalency operator, remember this can be easily overloaded
2 components are equivalent ( i.e. can be grouped
if they have same value and same footprint
if they have same value and same footprint and are both set to be populated
Override the component equivalence operator must be done before
loading the netlist, otherwise all components will have the original
@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class comp():
if self.getValue() == other.getValue():
if self.getFootprint() == other.getFootprint():
if self.getRef().rstrip(string.digits) == other.getRef().rstrip(string.digits):
if self.getDNP() == other.getDNP():
result = True
return result
@ -418,6 +419,15 @@ class comp():
return False
Return 'DNP' if the component has the DNP property set
def getDNPString(self):
if self.getDNP():
return 'DNP'
return ''
Return true if the component has the exclude from BOM property set
@ -758,7 +768,6 @@ class netlist():
# Make sure to start off will all components ungrouped to begin with
for c in components:
c.grouped = False
# Group components based on the value, library and part identifiers
for c in components:
Reference in New Issue