Fix several bugs in hull push-back with vias.

1) take hole plating thickness into account
2) build hulls specifically for via so pushing back to the hull doesn't
have to try and figure out how much extra to push back for the via
and/or hole
3) clear MK_HOLE flags when colliding with the pad itself so that we
don't get stuck in HOLE mode
4) move flag setting/clearing to updateNearest() so that it will keep
track of the state of the nearest collision

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2021-01-02 19:10:56 +00:00
parent 13094fdc28
commit 8b849b1c49
1 changed files with 64 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -307,107 +307,100 @@ NODE::OPT_OBSTACLE NODE::NearestObstacle( const LINE* aLine, int aKindMask,
nearest.m_distFirst = INT_MAX;
auto updateNearest =
[&]( int dist, VECTOR2I pt, ITEM* item, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& hull )
[&]( VECTOR2I pt, ITEM* obstacle, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& hull, bool isHole )
int dist = aLine->CLine().PathLength( pt );
if( dist < nearest.m_distFirst )
nearest.m_distFirst = dist;
nearest.m_ipFirst = pt;
nearest.m_item = item;
nearest.m_item = obstacle;
nearest.m_hull = hull;
obstacle->Mark( isHole ? obstacle->Marker() | MK_HOLE
: obstacle->Marker() & ~MK_HOLE );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN obstacleHull;
DEBUG_DECORATOR* debugDecorator = ROUTER::GetInstance()->GetInterface()->GetDebugDecorator();
std::vector<SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION> intersectingPts;
int layer = aLine->Layer();
for( const OBSTACLE& obstacle : obstacleList )
if( aRestrictedSet && aRestrictedSet->find( obstacle.m_item ) == aRestrictedSet->end() )
std::vector<SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION> intersectingPts;
int clearance = GetClearance( obstacle.m_item, aLine ) + aLine->Width() / 2;
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->Hull( clearance, 0, aLine->Layer() );
ROUTER::GetInstance()->GetInterface()->GetDebugDecorator()->AddLine( obstacleHull, 2, 1000 );
if( aLine->EndsWithVia() )
const VIA& via = aLine->Via();
int viaClearance = GetClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via );
int holeClearance = GetHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via );
if( holeClearance + via.Drill() / 2 > viaClearance + via.Diameter() / 2 )
viaClearance = holeClearance + via.Drill() / 2 - via.Diameter() / 2;
// ObstacleHull has line clearance and 1/2 line width already built in. So
// viaHull's clearance needs to be only that portion of the via clearance that
// is *in excess* of the line clearance.
viaClearance = std::max( 0, viaClearance - clearance );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN viaHull = via.Hull( viaClearance, 0 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( viaHull, intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
int dist = aLine->CLine().Length() + ( ip.p - via.Pos() ).EuclideanNorm();
updateNearest( dist, ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull );
obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->Hull( clearance + PNS_HULL_MARGIN, 0, layer );
debugDecorator->AddLine( obstacleHull, 2 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( aLine->CLine(), intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
updateNearest( ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull, false );
if( aLine->EndsWithVia() )
int dist = aLine->CLine().PathLength( ip.p );
updateNearest( dist, ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull );
const VIA& via = aLine->Via();
// Don't use via.Drill(); it doesn't include the plating thickness
int viaHoleRadius = static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( via.Hole() )->GetRadius();
int viaClearance = GetClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via ) + via.Diameter() / 2;
int holeClearance = GetHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via ) + viaHoleRadius;
if( holeClearance > viaClearance )
viaClearance = holeClearance;
obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->Hull( viaClearance + PNS_HULL_MARGIN, 0, layer );
debugDecorator->AddLine( obstacleHull, 3 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( aLine->CLine(), intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
updateNearest( ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull, false );
if( obstacle.m_item->Hole() )
clearance = GetHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, aLine ) + aLine->Width() / 2;
obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->HoleHull( clearance, 0, aLine->Layer() );
ROUTER::GetInstance()->GetInterface()->GetDebugDecorator()->AddLine( obstacleHull, 3, 1000 );
if( aLine->EndsWithVia() )
const VIA& via = aLine->Via();
int viaClearance = GetClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via );
int holeClearance = GetHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via );
int holeToHole = GetHoleToHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via );
if( holeClearance + via.Drill() / 2 > viaClearance + via.Diameter() / 2 )
viaClearance = holeClearance + via.Drill() / 2 - via.Diameter() / 2;
if( holeToHole + via.Drill() / 2 > viaClearance + via.Diameter() / 2 )
viaClearance = holeToHole + via.Drill() / 2 - via.Diameter() / 2;
// ObsHull has line clearance and 1/2 line width already built in. So viaHull's
// clearance needs to be just that which is *in excess* of clearance.
viaClearance = std::max( 0, viaClearance - clearance );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN viaHull = via.Hull( viaClearance, 0 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( viaHull, intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
int dist = aLine->CLine().Length() + ( ip.p - via.Pos() ).EuclideanNorm();
updateNearest( dist, ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull );
obstacle.m_item->Mark( obstacle.m_item->Marker() | MK_HOLE );
obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->HoleHull( clearance + PNS_HULL_MARGIN, 0, layer );
debugDecorator->AddLine( obstacleHull, 4 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( aLine->CLine(), intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
updateNearest( ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull, true );
if( aLine->EndsWithVia() )
int dist = aLine->CLine().PathLength( ip.p );
updateNearest( dist, ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull );
obstacle.m_item->Mark( obstacle.m_item->Marker() | MK_HOLE );
const VIA& via = aLine->Via();
// Don't use via.Drill(); it doesn't include the plating thickness
int viaHoleRadius = static_cast<const SHAPE_CIRCLE*>( via.Hole() )->GetRadius();
int viaClearance = GetClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via ) + via.Diameter() / 2;
int holeClearance = GetHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via ) + viaHoleRadius;
int holeToHole = GetHoleToHoleClearance( obstacle.m_item, &via ) + viaHoleRadius;
if( holeClearance > viaClearance )
viaClearance = holeClearance;
if( holeToHole > viaClearance )
viaClearance = holeToHole;
obstacleHull = obstacle.m_item->Hull( viaClearance + PNS_HULL_MARGIN, 0, layer );
debugDecorator->AddLine( obstacleHull, 5 );
obstacleHull.Intersect( aLine->CLine(), intersectingPts );
for( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::INTERSECTION& ip : intersectingPts )
updateNearest( ip.p, obstacle.m_item, obstacleHull, true );