Revise TestSegmentHit to catch missing hits
Fixes issue where TestSegmentHit falsely skips segments that are slightly off 45°. Improves speed of function by exiting on non-hits more quickly. Simplifies function and removes magic numbers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,152 +119,51 @@ bool SegmentIntersectsSegment( const wxPoint &a_p1_l1, const wxPoint &a_p2_l1,
/* Function TestSegmentHit
* test for hit on line segment
* i.e. a reference point is within a given distance from segment
* aRefPoint = reference point to test
* aStart, aEnd are coordinates of end points segment
* aDist = maximum distance for hit
* Note: for calculation time reasons, the distance between the ref point
* and the segment is not always exactly calculated
* (we only know if the actual dist is < aDist, not exactly know this dist.
* Because many times we have horizontal or vertical segments,
* a special calcultaion is made for them
* Note: sometimes we need to calculate the distande between 2 points
* A square root should be calculated.
* However, because we just compare 2 distnaces, to avoid calculating square root,
* the square of distances are compared.
static inline double square( int x ) // helper function to calculate x*x
bool TestSegmentHit( const wxPoint &aRefPoint, wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd, int aDist )
return (double) x * x;
bool TestSegmentHit( const wxPoint &aRefPoint, wxPoint aStart,
wxPoint aEnd, int aDist )
// test for vertical or horizontal segment
if( aEnd.x == aStart.x )
// vertical segment
int ll = abs( aRefPoint.x - aStart.x );
int xmin = aStart.x;
int xmax = aEnd.x;
int ymin = aStart.y;
int ymax = aEnd.y;
wxPoint delta = aStart - aRefPoint;
if( ll > aDist )
if( xmax < xmin )
std::swap( xmax, xmin );
if( ymax < ymin )
std::swap( ymax, ymin );
// First, check if we are outside of the bounding box
if( ( ymin - aRefPoint.y > aDist ) || ( aRefPoint.y - ymax > aDist ) )
return false;
// To have only one case to examine, ensure aEnd.y > aStart.y
if( aEnd.y < aStart.y )
std::swap( aStart.y, aEnd.y );
if( aRefPoint.y <= aEnd.y && aRefPoint.y >= aStart.y )
return true;
// there is a special case: x,y near an end point (distance < dist )
// the distance should be carefully calculated
if( (aStart.y - aRefPoint.y) < aDist )
double dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aStart.x) +
square( aRefPoint.y - aStart.y );
if( dd <= square( aDist ) )
return true;
if( (aRefPoint.y - aEnd.y) < aDist )
double dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aEnd.x ) +
square( aRefPoint.y - aEnd.y );
if( dd <= square( aDist ) )
return true;
else if( aEnd.y == aStart.y )
// horizontal segment
int ll = abs( aRefPoint.y - aStart.y );
if( ll > aDist )
if( ( xmin - aRefPoint.x > aDist ) || ( aRefPoint.x - xmax > aDist ) )
return false;
// To have only one case to examine, ensure xf > xi
if( aEnd.x < aStart.x )
std::swap( aStart.x, aEnd.x );
// Next, eliminate easy cases
if( aStart.x == aEnd.x && aRefPoint.y > ymin && aRefPoint.y < ymax )
return std::abs( delta.x ) <= aDist;
if( aRefPoint.x <= aEnd.x && aRefPoint.x >= aStart.x )
return true;
if( aStart.y == aEnd.y && aRefPoint.x > xmin && aRefPoint.x < xmax )
return std::abs( delta.y ) <= aDist;
// there is a special case: x,y near an end point (distance < dist )
// the distance should be carefully calculated
if( (aStart.x - aRefPoint.x) <= aDist )
double dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aStart.x ) +
square( aRefPoint.y - aStart.y );
if( dd <= square( aDist ) )
return true;
wxPoint len = aEnd - aStart;
// Precision note here:
// These are 32-bit integers, so squaring requires 64 bits to represent
// exactly. 64-bit Doubles have only 52 bits in the mantissa, so we start to lose
// precision at 2^53, which corresponds to ~ ±1nm @ 9.5cm, 2nm at 90cm, etc...
// Long doubles avoid this ambiguity as well as the more expensive denormal double calc
// Long doubles usually (sometimes more if SIMD) have at least 64 bits in the mantissa
long double length_square = (long double) len.x * len.x + (long double) len.y * len.y;
long double cross = std::abs( (long double) len.x * delta.y - (long double) len.y * delta.x );
long double dist_square = (long double) aDist * aDist;
if( (aRefPoint.x - aEnd.x) <= aDist )
double dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aEnd.x ) +
square( aRefPoint.y - aEnd.y );
if( dd <= square( aDist ) )
return true;
// oblique segment:
// First, we need to calculate the distance between the point
// and the line defined by aStart and aEnd
// this dist should be < dist
// find a,slope such that aStart and aEnd lie on y = a + slope*x
double slope = (double) (aEnd.y - aStart.y) / (aEnd.x - aStart.x);
double a = (double) aStart.y - slope * aStart.x;
// find c,orthoslope such that (x,y) lies on y = c + orthoslope*x,
// where orthoslope=(-1/slope)
// to calculate xp, yp = near point from aRefPoint
// which is on the line defined by aStart, aEnd
double orthoslope = -1.0 / slope;
double c = (double) aRefPoint.y - orthoslope * aRefPoint.x;
// find nearest point to (x,y) on line defined by aStart, aEnd
double xp = (a - c) / (orthoslope - slope);
double yp = a + slope * xp;
// find distance to line, in fact the square of dist,
// because we just know if it is > or < aDist
double dd = square( aRefPoint.x - xp ) + square( aRefPoint.y - yp );
double dist = square( aDist );
// The perpendicular distance to a line is the vector magnitude of the line from
// a test point to the test line. That is the 2d determinant. Because we handled
// the zero length case above, so we are guaranteed a unique solution.
if( dd > dist ) // this reference point is not a good candiadte.
return false;
// dd is < dist, therefore we should make a fine test
if( fabs( slope ) > 0.7 )
// line segment more vertical than horizontal
if( (aEnd.y > aStart.y && yp <= aEnd.y && yp >= aStart.y) ||
(aEnd.y < aStart.y && yp >= aEnd.y && yp <= aStart.y) )
return true;
// line segment more horizontal than vertical
if( (aEnd.x > aStart.x && xp <= aEnd.x && xp >= aStart.x) ||
(aEnd.x < aStart.x && xp >= aEnd.x && xp <= aStart.x) )
return true;
// Here, the test point is still a good candidate,
// however it is not "between" the end points of the segment.
// It is "outside" the segment, but it could be near a segment end point
// Therefore, we test the dist from the test point to each segment end point
dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aEnd.x ) + square( aRefPoint.y - aEnd.y );
if( dd <= dist )
return true;
dd = square( aRefPoint.x - aStart.x ) + square( aRefPoint.y - aStart.y );
if( dd <= dist )
return true;
return false; // no hit
return ( ( length_square >= cross && dist_square >= cross ) ||
( length_square * dist_square >= cross * cross ) );
Reference in New Issue