httplib: code style / spelling fixes

This commit is contained in:
Jon Evans 2023-09-18 21:27:39 -04:00
parent 75294dc35b
commit 8f6ae8c6b3
3 changed files with 115 additions and 114 deletions

View File

bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::ValidateHTTPLibraryEndpoints()
m_endpointValid = false;
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> m_curl = createCurlEasyObject();
m_curl->SetURL( m_rootURL );
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL );
res = m_curl->GetBuffer();
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( m_curl ) )
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
if( res.length() == 0 )
@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::ValidateHTTPLibraryEndpoints()
// Check that the endpoints exist, if not fail.
if( ! http_endpoint_categories ).empty()
&& ! http_endpoint_parts ).empty() )
m_enpointValid = true;
m_enpointValid = false;
m_endpointValid = true;
catch( const std::exception& e )
@ -96,27 +95,27 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::ValidateHTTPLibraryEndpoints()
"connection: %s" ),
m_lastError );
m_enpointValid = false;
m_endpointValid = false;
if( IsValidEnpoint() )
if( m_endpointValid )
return IsValidEnpoint();
return m_endpointValid;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::IsValidEnpoint() const
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::isValidEndpoint() const
return m_enpointValid;
return m_endpointValid;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::syncCategories()
if( !IsValidEnpoint() )
if( !isValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "syncCategories: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
@ -124,16 +123,16 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::syncCategories()
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> m_curl = createCurlEasyObject();
m_curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + http_endpoint_categories + ".json" );
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + http_endpoint_categories + ".json" );
res = m_curl->GetBuffer();
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( m_curl ) )
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
@ -169,9 +168,9 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::syncCategories()
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectOne( const std::string aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& aFetchedPart )
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectOne( const std::string& aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& aFetchedPart )
if( !IsValidEnpoint() )
if( !isValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "SelectOne: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
@ -187,16 +186,16 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectOne( const std::string aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& a
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> m_curl = createCurlEasyObject();
m_curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + fmt::format( http_endpoint_parts + "/{}.json", aPartID ) );
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + fmt::format( http_endpoint_parts + "/{}.json", aPartID ) );
res = m_curl->GetBuffer();
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( m_curl ) )
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectOne( const std::string aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& a
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectAll( const HTTP_LIB_CATEGORY& aCategory,
std::vector<HTTP_LIB_PART>& aParts )
if( !IsValidEnpoint() )
if( !isValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "SelectAll: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
@ -277,21 +276,21 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectAll( const HTTP_LIB_CATEGORY& aCategory,
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> m_curl = createCurlEasyObject();
m_curl->SetURL( m_rootURL
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL
+ fmt::format( http_endpoint_parts + "/category/{}.json", ) );
res = m_curl->GetBuffer();
res = curl->GetBuffer();
nlohmann::json response = nlohmann::json::parse( res );
std::string key = "";
std::string value = "";
for( nlohmann::json item : response )
for( nlohmann::json& item : response )
//PART result;
@ -329,12 +328,12 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectAll( const HTTP_LIB_CATEGORY& aCategory,
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::checkServerResponse( std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY>& m_curl )
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::checkServerResponse( std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY>& aCurl )
long http_code = 0;
curl_easy_getinfo( m_curl->GetCurl(), CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code );
curl_easy_getinfo( aCurl->GetCurl(), CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code );
if( http_code != 200 )
@ -388,76 +387,81 @@ bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::boolFromString( const std::any& aVal )
* see:
wxString HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::httpErrorCodeDescription( uint16_t http_code )
wxString HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::httpErrorCodeDescription( uint16_t aHttpCode )
switch( http_code )
case 100: return "100" + _( "Continue" );
case 101: return "101" + _( "Switching Protocols" );
case 102: return "102" + _( "Processing" );
case 103: return "103" + _( "Early Hints" );
auto codeDescription =
[]( uint16_t aCode ) -> wxString
switch( aCode )
case 100: return wxS( "Continue" );
case 101: return wxS( "Switching Protocols" );
case 102: return wxS( "Processing" );
case 103: return wxS( "Early Hints" );
case 200: return "200" + _( "OK" );
case 201: return "201" + _( "Created" );
case 203: return "203" + _( "Non-Authoritative Information" );
case 204: return "204" + _( "No Content" );
case 205: return "205" + _( "Reset Content" );
case 206: return "206" + _( "Partial Content" );
case 207: return "207" + _( "Multi-Status" );
case 208: return "208" + _( "Already Reporte" );
case 226: return "226" + _( "IM Used" );
case 200: return wxS( "OK" );
case 201: return wxS( "Created" );
case 203: return wxS( "Non-Authoritative Information" );
case 204: return wxS( "No Content" );
case 205: return wxS( "Reset Content" );
case 206: return wxS( "Partial Content" );
case 207: return wxS( "Multi-Status" );
case 208: return wxS( "Already Reporte" );
case 226: return wxS( "IM Used" );
case 300: return "300" + _( "Multiple Choices" );
case 301: return "301" + _( "Moved Permanently" );
case 302: return "302" + _( "Found" );
case 303: return "303" + _( "See Other" );
case 304: return "304" + _( "Not Modified" );
case 305: return "305" + _( "Use Proxy (Deprecated)" );
case 306: return "306" + _( "Unused" );
case 307: return "307" + _( "Temporary Redirect" );
case 308: return "308" + _( "Permanent Redirect" );
case 300: return wxS( "Multiple Choices" );
case 301: return wxS( "Moved Permanently" );
case 302: return wxS( "Found" );
case 303: return wxS( "See Other" );
case 304: return wxS( "Not Modified" );
case 305: return wxS( "Use Proxy (Deprecated)" );
case 306: return wxS( "Unused" );
case 307: return wxS( "Temporary Redirect" );
case 308: return wxS( "Permanent Redirect" );
case 400: return "400" + _( "Bad Request" );
case 401: return "401" + _( "Unauthorized" );
case 402: return "402" + _( "Payment Required (Experimental)" );
case 403: return "403" + _( "Forbidden" );
case 404: return "404" + _( "Not Found" );
case 405: return "405" + _( "Method Not Allowed" );
case 406: return "406" + _( "Not Acceptable" );
case 407: return "407" + _( "Proxy Authentication Required" );
case 408: return "408" + _( "Request Timeout" );
case 409: return "409" + _( "Conflict" );
case 410: return "410" + _( "Gone" );
case 411: return "411" + _( "Length Required" );
case 412: return "413" + _( "Payload Too Large" );
case 414: return "414" + _( "URI Too Long" );
case 415: return "415" + _( "Unsupported Media Type" );
case 416: return "416" + _( "Range Not Satisfiable" );
case 417: return "417" + _( "Expectation Failed" );
case 418: return "418" + _( "I'm a teapot" );
case 421: return "421" + _( "Misdirected Request" );
case 422: return "422" + _( "Unprocessable Conten" );
case 423: return "423" + _( "Locked" );
case 424: return "424" + _( "Failed Dependency" );
case 425: return "425" + _( "Too Early (Experimental)" );
case 426: return "426" + _( "Upgrade Required" );
case 428: return "428" + _( "Precondition Required" );
case 429: return "429" + _( "Too Many Requests" );
case 431: return "431" + _( "Request Header Fields Too Large" );
case 451: return "451" + _( "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" );
case 400: return wxS( "Bad Request" );
case 401: return wxS( "Unauthorized" );
case 402: return wxS( "Payment Required (Experimental)" );
case 403: return wxS( "Forbidden" );
case 404: return wxS( "Not Found" );
case 405: return wxS( "Method Not Allowed" );
case 406: return wxS( "Not Acceptable" );
case 407: return wxS( "Proxy Authentication Required" );
case 408: return wxS( "Request Timeout" );
case 409: return wxS( "Conflict" );
case 410: return wxS( "Gone" );
case 411: return wxS( "Length Required" );
case 412: return wxS( "Payload Too Large" );
case 414: return wxS( "URI Too Long" );
case 415: return wxS( "Unsupported Media Type" );
case 416: return wxS( "Range Not Satisfiable" );
case 417: return wxS( "Expectation Failed" );
case 418: return wxS( "I'm a teapot" );
case 421: return wxS( "Misdirected Request" );
case 422: return wxS( "Unprocessable Conten" );
case 423: return wxS( "Locked" );
case 424: return wxS( "Failed Dependency" );
case 425: return wxS( "Too Early (Experimental)" );
case 426: return wxS( "Upgrade Required" );
case 428: return wxS( "Precondition Required" );
case 429: return wxS( "Too Many Requests" );
case 431: return wxS( "Request Header Fields Too Large" );
case 451: return wxS( "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" );
case 500: return "500" + _( "Internal Server Error" );
case 501: return "501" + _( "Not Implemented" );
case 502: return "502" + _( "Bad Gateway" );
case 503: return "503" + _( "Service Unavailable" );
case 504: return "504" + _( "Gateway Timeout" );
case 505: return "505" + _( "HTTP Version Not Supported" );
case 506: return "506" + _( "Variant Also Negotiates" );
case 507: return "507" + _( "Insufficient Storag" );
case 508: return "508" + _( "Loop Detecte" );
case 510: return "510" + _( "Not Extended" );
case 511: return "511" + _( "Network Authentication Required" );
case 500: return wxS( "Internal Server Error" );
case 501: return wxS( "Not Implemented" );
case 502: return wxS( "Bad Gateway" );
case 503: return wxS( "Service Unavailable" );
case 504: return wxS( "Gateway Timeout" );
case 505: return wxS( "HTTP Version Not Supported" );
case 506: return wxS( "Variant Also Negotiates" );
case 507: return wxS( "Insufficient Storag" );
case 508: return wxS( "Loop Detecte" );
case 510: return wxS( "Not Extended" );
case 511: return wxS( "Network Authentication Required" );
default: return wxS( "Unknown" );
return wxString::Format( _( "Code Unkonwn: %d" ), http_code );
return wxString::Format( wxS( "%d: %s" ), aHttpCode, codeDescription( aHttpCode ) );

View File

@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void SCH_HTTP_LIB_PLUGIN::ensureConnection()
if( !m_conn || !m_conn->IsValidEnpoint() )
if( !m_conn || !m_conn->isValidEndpoint() )
wxString msg = wxString::Format(
_( "Could not connect to %s. Errors: %s" ),
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ void SCH_HTTP_LIB_PLUGIN::connect()
m_conn = std::make_unique<HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION>( m_settings->m_Source, true );
if( !m_conn->IsValidEnpoint() )
if( !m_conn->isValidEndpoint() )
m_lastError = m_conn->GetLastError();
@ -447,4 +447,4 @@ void SCH_HTTP_LIB_PLUGIN::SaveSymbol( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const LIB_SY
const STRING_UTF8_MAP* aProperties )
// TODO: Implement this sometime;

View File

@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ public:
bool IsValidEnpoint() const;
bool isValidEndpoint() const;
* Retrieves a single part with full details from the HTTP library.
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ public:
* @param aResult will conatain the part if one was found
* @return true if aResult was filled; false otherwise
bool SelectOne( const std::string aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& aFetchedPart );
bool SelectOne( const std::string& aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& aFetchedPart );
* Retrieves all parts from a specific category from the HTTP library.
@ -72,8 +71,6 @@ private:
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> aCurl( new KICAD_CURL_EASY() );
// prepare curl
aCurl->SetHeader( "Accept", "application/json" );
aCurl->SetHeader( "Authorization", "Token " + m_token );
@ -85,11 +82,11 @@ private:
bool syncCategories();
bool checkServerResponse( std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY>& m_curl );
bool checkServerResponse( std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY>& aCurl );
bool boolFromString( const std::any& aVal );
wxString httpErrorCodeDescription( uint16_t http_code );
wxString httpErrorCodeDescription( uint16_t aHttpCode );
std::string m_token;
std::string m_rootURL;
@ -103,7 +100,7 @@ private:
std::map<std::string, std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> m_cache;
bool m_enpointValid = false;
bool m_endpointValid = false;
std::string m_lastError;