Fix DP meander placer when tuning from an uncoupled section

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Jon Evans 2023-01-28 22:25:46 -05:00
parent 088cadfefc
commit 971abcfc1a
1 changed files with 26 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -178,6 +178,20 @@ bool DP_MEANDER_PLACER::Move( const VECTOR2I& aP, ITEM* aEndItem )
cutTunedLine( m_originPair.CP(), m_currentStart, aP, preP, tunedP, postP );
cutTunedLine( m_originPair.CN(), m_currentStart, aP, preN, tunedN, postN );
auto updateStatus =
int comp = compareWithTolerance( m_lastLength - m_settings.m_targetLength, 0,
m_settings.m_lengthTolerance );
if( comp > 0 )
m_lastStatus = TOO_LONG;
else if( comp < 0 )
m_lastStatus = TOO_SHORT;
m_lastStatus = TUNED;
DIFF_PAIR tuned( m_originPair );
tuned.SetShape( tunedP, tunedN );
@ -185,7 +199,17 @@ bool DP_MEANDER_PLACER::Move( const VECTOR2I& aP, ITEM* aEndItem )
tuned.CoupledSegmentPairs( coupledSegments );
if( coupledSegments.size() == 0 )
// Tuning started at an uncoupled area of the DP; we won't get a valid result until the
// cursor is moved far enough along a coupled area. Prevent the track from disappearing and
// the length from being zero by just using the original.
m_finalShapeP = m_originPair.CP();
m_finalShapeN = m_originPair.CN();
m_lastLength = origPathLength();
return false;
m_result = MEANDERED_LINE( this, true );
m_result.SetWidth( tuned.Width() );
@ -314,16 +338,7 @@ bool DP_MEANDER_PLACER::Move( const VECTOR2I& aP, ITEM* aEndItem )
m_lastLength += std::max( tunedP.Length(), tunedN.Length() );
int comp = compareWithTolerance( m_lastLength - m_settings.m_targetLength, 0,
m_settings.m_lengthTolerance );
if( comp > 0 )
m_lastStatus = TOO_LONG;
else if( comp < 0 )
m_lastStatus = TOO_SHORT;
m_lastStatus = TUNED;
@ -464,6 +479,7 @@ DP_MEANDER_PLACER::TUNING_STATUS DP_MEANDER_PLACER::TuningStatus() const
return m_lastStatus;
const std::vector<int> DP_MEANDER_PLACER::CurrentNets() const
std::vector<int> rv;