Collapse pin-conflicts-map generator back to (mostly) a single path.
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,94 +71,23 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::ResetPanel()
void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::reBuildMatrixPanel()
// Try to know the size of bitmap button used in drc matrix
wxBitmapButton* dummy = new wxBitmapButton( m_matrixPanel, wxID_ANY, KiBitmap( BITMAPS::ercerr ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE );
wxBitmapButton* dummy = new wxBitmapButton( m_matrixPanel, wxID_ANY, KiBitmap( BITMAPS::ercerr ),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE );
wxSize bitmapSize = dummy->GetSize();
delete dummy;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
const wxSize text_padding( 2, 1 );
const int twiddle = -1;
const wxSize text_padding( 8, 6 );
const int twiddle = 1;
wxSize charSize = KIUI::GetTextSize( "X", m_matrixPanel );
wxPoint pos( 0, charSize.y * 2 );
wxStaticText* text;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
wxPoint offset( 2, 3 );
bitmapSize += { 4, 2 };
if( !m_initialized )
std::vector<wxStaticText*> labels;
// Print row labels
for( int ii = 0; ii < ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL; ii++ )
int y = pos.y + (ii * bitmapSize.y);
text = new wxStaticText( m_matrixPanel, -1, CommentERC_H[ii],
wxPoint( 5, y + ( bitmapSize.y / 2 ) - charSize.y / 2 ) );
labels.push_back( text );
int x = text->GetRect().GetRight();
pos.x = std::max( pos.x, x );
// Right-align
for( int ii = 0; ii < ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL; ii++ )
wxPoint labelPos = labels[ ii ]->GetPosition();
labelPos.x = pos.x - labels[ ii ]->GetRect().GetWidth();
labels[ ii ]->SetPosition( labelPos );
pos.x += 5;
pos = m_buttonList[0][0]->GetPosition();
charSize += { 0, 2 };
for( int ii = 0; ii < ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL; ii++ )
int y = pos.y + (ii * bitmapSize.y);
for( int jj = 0; jj <= ii; jj++ )
// Add column labels (only once)
PIN_ERROR diag = m_schematic->ErcSettings().GetPinMapValue( ii, jj );
int x = pos.x + ( jj * ( bitmapSize.x - 2 ) );
if( ( ii == jj ) && !m_initialized )
wxPoint textPos( x + KiROUND( bitmapSize.x / 2 ) - KiROUND( charSize.x ),
y - charSize.y * 2 );
new wxStaticText( m_matrixPanel, wxID_ANY, CommentERC_V[ii], textPos + offset );
wxPoint calloutPos( x + KiROUND( bitmapSize.x / 2 ) - KiROUND( charSize.x / 2 ),
y - charSize.y - 2 );
new wxStaticText( m_matrixPanel, wxID_ANY, "|", calloutPos + offset );
int id = ID_MATRIX_0 + ii + ( jj * ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL );
BITMAPS bitmap_butt = BITMAPS::erc_green;
delete m_buttonList[ii][jj];
BITMAP_BUTTON* btn = new BITMAP_BUTTON( m_matrixPanel, id, KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ),
wxPoint( x, y ), bitmapSize );
#if defined( __WXMAC__ )
btn->SetSize( btn->GetSize().x - 1, btn->GetSize().y );
#elif defined( __WXMSW__ )
btn->SetSize( btn->GetSize().x + 1, btn->GetSize().y );
m_buttonList[ii][jj] = btn;
setDRCMatrixButtonState( m_buttonList[ii][jj], diag );
if( !m_initialized )
std::vector<wxStaticText*> labels;
@ -180,6 +109,7 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::reBuildMatrixPanel()
wxPoint labelPos = labels[ ii ]->GetPosition();
labelPos.x = pos.x - labels[ ii ]->GetRect().GetWidth();
labelPos.y += twiddle;
labels[ ii ]->SetPosition( labelPos );
@ -212,18 +142,22 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::reBuildMatrixPanel()
new wxStaticText( m_matrixPanel, wxID_ANY, "|", calloutPos );
int event_id = ID_MATRIX_0 + ii + ( jj * ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL );
int id = ID_MATRIX_0 + ii + ( jj * ELECTRICAL_PINTYPES_TOTAL );
BITMAPS bitmap_butt = BITMAPS::erc_green;
delete m_buttonList[ii][jj];
wxBitmapButton* btn = new wxBitmapButton( m_matrixPanel, event_id,
KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ), wxPoint( x, y ), wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
BITMAP_BUTTON* btn = new BITMAP_BUTTON( m_matrixPanel, id, KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ),
wxPoint( x, y ), bitmapSize );
wxBitmapButton* btn = new wxBitmapButton( m_matrixPanel, id, KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ),
wxPoint( x, y ), wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE );
btn->SetSize( btn->GetSize() + text_padding );
m_buttonList[ii][jj] = btn;
setDRCMatrixButtonState( m_buttonList[ii][jj], diag );
m_initialized = true;
@ -257,10 +191,10 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::setDRCMatrixButtonState( wxWindow *aButton, PIN_ERROR a
if( !!bitmap_butt )
if( wxBitmapButton* wxBtn = dynamic_cast<wxBitmapButton*>( aButton ) )
wxBtn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ) );
else if( BITMAP_BUTTON* kiBtn = dynamic_cast<BITMAP_BUTTON*>( aButton ) )
kiBtn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ) );
if( wxBitmapButton* wx_btn = dynamic_cast<wxBitmapButton*>( aButton ) )
wx_btn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ) );
else if( BITMAP_BUTTON* ki_btn = dynamic_cast<BITMAP_BUTTON*>( aButton ) )
ki_btn->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( bitmap_butt ) );
aButton->SetToolTip( tooltip );
@ -273,7 +207,7 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_PINMAP::changeErrorLevel( wxCommandEvent& event )
int ii = id - ID_MATRIX_0;
BITMAP_BUTTON* butt = (BITMAP_BUTTON*) event.GetEventObject();
wxWindow* butt = static_cast<wxWindow*>( event.GetEventObject() );
int level = static_cast<int>( m_schematic->ErcSettings().GetPinMapValue( y, x ) );
level = ( level + 1 ) % 3;
Reference in New Issue