Fix color handling in the stackup manager panel
This commit is contained in:
// Calculates a good size for color swatches (icons) in this dialog
wxClientDC dc( this );
m_colorSwatchesSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XX" );
m_colorComboSize = dc.GetTextExtent( wxString::Format( "XXX %s XXX",
wxGetTranslation( NotSpecifiedPrm() ) ) );
m_colorIconsSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XXXX" );
// Calculates a good size for wxTextCtrl to enter Epsilon R and Loss tan
@ -313,10 +311,8 @@ wxColor PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::GetSelectedColor( int aRow ) const
if( idx != GetColorUserDefinedListIdx() ) // a standard color is selected
return GetColorStandardList()[idx].m_Color;
else if( m_UserColors.count( aRow ) )
return aRow );
return wxNullColour;
return m_rowUiItemsList[aRow].m_UserColor;
@ -376,8 +372,6 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::synchronizeWithBoard( bool aFullSync )
m_impedanceControlled->SetValue( brd_stackup.m_HasDielectricConstrains );
int row = 0;
for( BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM& ui_row_item : m_rowUiItemsList )
BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* item = ui_row_item.m_Item;
@ -429,12 +423,15 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::synchronizeWithBoard( bool aFullSync )
if( item->GetColor().StartsWith( "#" ) ) // User defined color
wxColour color( item->GetColor() );
m_UserColors[row] = color;
ui_row_item.m_UserColor = color;
color_idx = GetColorUserDefinedListIdx();
if( bm_combo ) // Update user color shown in the wxBitmapComboBox
bm_combo->SetString( color_idx, color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
wxString label = wxString::Format( _( "Custom (%s)" ),
color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
bm_combo->SetString( color_idx, label );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
LAYER_SELECTOR::DrawColorSwatch( layerbmp, COLOR4D(), COLOR4D( color ) );
bm_combo->SetItemBitmap( color_idx, layerbmp );
@ -683,13 +680,17 @@ BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createRowData( int aRow,
if( item->IsColorEditable() )
int color_idx = 0;
int color_idx = 0;
int user_color_idx = GetColorUserDefinedListIdx();
// Always init the user-defined color for a row
ui_row_item.m_UserColor = GetColorStandardList()[user_color_idx].m_Color;
if( item->GetColor().StartsWith( "#" ) ) // User defined color
wxColour color( item->GetColor() );
m_UserColors[row] = color;
color_idx = GetColorUserDefinedListIdx();
ui_row_item.m_UserColor = color;
color_idx = user_color_idx;
@ -704,8 +705,6 @@ BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createRowData( int aRow,
wxBitmapComboBox* bm_combo = createBmComboBox( item, row );
m_colorComboSize.y = bm_combo->GetSize().y;
bm_combo->SetMinSize( m_colorComboSize );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( bm_combo, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
bm_combo->SetSelection( color_idx );
ui_row_item.m_ColorCtrl = bm_combo;
@ -778,7 +777,6 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::rebuildLayerStackPanel()
// In order to recreate a clean grid layer list, we have to delete and
// recreate the sizer m_fgGridSizer (just deleting items in this size is not enough)
@ -1019,8 +1017,7 @@ bool PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::transferDataFromUIToStackup()
if( idx == GetColorUserDefinedListIdx() )
wxASSERT( m_UserColors.count( row ) );
wxColour color = m_UserColors[row];
wxColour color = ui_item.m_UserColor;
item->SetColor( color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
@ -1147,20 +1144,28 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onColorSelected( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( GetColorStandardListCount()-1 == idx ) // Set user color is the last option in list
COLOR4D defaultColor( GetColorStandardList()[GetColorUserDefinedListIdx()].m_Color );
COLOR4D currentColor(
m_UserColors.count( row ) ? m_UserColors[row] : COLOR4D( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ) );
wxColour userColour = m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_UserColor;
COLOR4D currentColor( userColour.IsOk() ? userColour : COLOR4D( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ) );
COLOR4D defaultColor( GetColorStandardList()[GetColorUserDefinedListIdx()].m_Color );
DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER dlg( this, currentColor, false, nullptr, defaultColor );
// Give a time-slice to close the menu before opening the dialog.
// (Only matters on some versions of GTK.)
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
wxBitmapComboBox* combo = static_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( FindWindowById( item_id ) );
wxColour color = dlg.GetColor().ToColour();
m_UserColors[row] = color;
wxColour color = dlg.GetColor().ToColour();
combo->SetString( idx, color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_UserColor = color;
wxString label = wxString::Format( _( "Custom (%s)" ),
color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
combo->SetString( idx, label );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
LAYER_SELECTOR::DrawColorSwatch( layerbmp, COLOR4D( 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
@ -1316,6 +1321,8 @@ wxColor PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::getColorIconItem( int aRow )
wxASSERT_MSG( color.IsOk(), "Invalid color in PCB stackup" );
return color;
@ -1325,6 +1332,7 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::updateIconColor( int aRow )
if( aRow >= 0 )
wxStaticBitmap* st_bitmap = m_rowUiItemsList[aRow].m_Icon;
// explicit depth important under MSW
wxBitmap bmp( m_colorIconsSize.x, m_colorIconsSize.y / 2, 28 );
drawBitmap( bmp, getColorIconItem( aRow ) );
@ -1348,6 +1356,7 @@ wxBitmapComboBox* PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createBmComboBox( BOARD_STACKUP_ITE
wxBitmapComboBox* combo = new wxBitmapComboBox( m_scGridWin, ID_ITEM_COLOR + aRow,
wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY );
// Fills the combo box with choice list + bitmaps
const FAB_LAYER_COLOR* color_list = GetColorStandardList();
@ -1366,14 +1375,10 @@ wxBitmapComboBox* PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createBmComboBox( BOARD_STACKUP_ITE
else // Append the user color, if specified, else add a default user color
if( aStackupItem && aStackupItem->GetColor().StartsWith( "#" ) )
curr_color = wxColour( aStackupItem->GetColor() );
label = aStackupItem->GetColor();
label = curr_color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX );
label = wxString::Format( _( "Custom (%s)" ),
curr_color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
@ -1382,14 +1387,20 @@ wxBitmapComboBox* PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createBmComboBox( BOARD_STACKUP_ITE
combo->Append( label, layerbmp );
#ifdef __WXGTK__
// Adjust the minimal width. On GTK, the size calculated by wxWidgets is not good
// bitmaps are ignored
int min_width = combo->GetSize().x;
min_width += m_colorSwatchesSize.x;
combo->SetMinSize( wxSize( min_width, -1 ) );
// Ensure the size of the widget is enough to show the text and the icon
// We have to have a selected item when doing this, because otherwise GTK
// will just choose a random size that might not fit the actual data
// (such as in cases where the font size is very large). So we select
// the longest item (which should be the last item), and size it that way.
int sel = combo->GetSelection();
combo->SetSelection( combo->GetCount() - 1 );
combo->SetMinSize( wxSize( -1, -1 ) );
wxSize bestSize = combo->GetBestSize();
bestSize.x = bestSize.x + m_colorSwatchesSize.x;
combo->SetMinSize( bestSize );
combo->SetSelection( sel );
// add the wxBitmapComboBox to wxControl list, to be able to disconnect the event
// on exit
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <board.h>
#include <widgets/unit_binder.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include "panel_board_stackup_base.h"
#include "class_board_stackup.h"
@ -63,14 +64,23 @@ struct BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM
wxControl* m_EpsilonCtrl; // control shown in column 8
wxControl* m_LossTgCtrl; // control shown in column 9
wxColour m_UserColor; // User-specified color (if any)
m_Item( aItem ), m_SubItem( aSubItem ),
m_isEnabled( true ), m_Icon( nullptr ), m_LayerName( nullptr ),
m_Item( aItem ),
m_SubItem( aSubItem ),
m_isEnabled( true ),
m_Icon( nullptr ),
m_LayerName( nullptr ),
m_LayerTypeCtrl( nullptr ),
m_MaterialCtrl( nullptr ),m_MaterialButt( nullptr ),
m_ThicknessCtrl( nullptr ), m_ThicknessLockCtrl( nullptr ),
m_MaterialCtrl( nullptr ),
m_MaterialButt( nullptr ),
m_ThicknessCtrl( nullptr ),
m_ThicknessLockCtrl( nullptr ),
m_ColorCtrl( nullptr ),
m_EpsilonCtrl( nullptr ), m_LossTgCtrl( nullptr )
m_EpsilonCtrl( nullptr ),
m_LossTgCtrl( nullptr ),
m_UserColor( wxNullColour )
@ -110,8 +120,6 @@ public:
// Called by wxWidgets: transfer current settings stored in m_stackup to the board
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override;
std::map<int, wxColor> m_UserColors; // the list of user colors for each grid row
// other colors are defined colors, and are not stored
/** Creates a BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM relative to the aStackupItem.
* @return a BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM filled with corresponding widgets
@ -245,7 +253,6 @@ private:
wxSize m_numericFieldsSize; // Best size to enter double values in wxTextCtrl
wxArrayString m_core_prepreg_choice; // Used to display the option list in dialog
wxSize m_colorSwatchesSize; // the size of color swatches in the wxBitmapComboBox.
wxSize m_colorComboSize; // the size of the wxBitmapComboBox.
wxSize m_colorIconsSize; // the size of color swatches in grid, left column.
// The list of controls (wxChoice, wxBitmapComboBox, wxTextCtrl) added to the panel
Reference in New Issue