Mouse controls in simulation plot made coherent with the rest of KiCad

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Suminski 2016-08-11 14:41:27 +02:00
parent 8c138312fb
commit a35e324c3f
2 changed files with 71 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -1122,15 +1122,14 @@ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(mpWindow, wxWindow)
EVT_MIDDLE_UP( mpWindow::OnShowPopupMenu)
EVT_RIGHT_DOWN( mpWindow::OnMouseRightDown) // JLB
EVT_RIGHT_UP ( mpWindow::OnShowPopupMenu)
EVT_MOUSEWHEEL( mpWindow::OnMouseWheel ) // JLB
EVT_MOTION( mpWindow::OnMouseMove ) // JLB
EVT_LEFT_DOWN( mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown)
EVT_LEFT_UP( mpWindow::OnMouseLeftRelease)
EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(mpWindow::OnMouseMiddleDown) // JLB
EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(mpWindow::OnMouseWheel ) // JLB
EVT_MOTION(mpWindow::OnMouseMove ) // JLB
EVT_MENU( mpID_CENTER, mpWindow::OnCenter)
EVT_MENU( mpID_FIT, mpWindow::OnFit)
@ -1154,7 +1153,6 @@ mpWindow::mpWindow( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const w
m_buff_bmp = NULL;
m_enableDoubleBuffer = FALSE;
m_enableMouseNavigation = TRUE;
m_mouseMovedAfterRightClick = FALSE;
m_movingInfoLayer = NULL;
// Set margins to 0
m_marginTop = 0; m_marginRight = 0; m_marginBottom = 0; m_marginLeft = 0;
@ -1167,7 +1165,7 @@ mpWindow::mpWindow( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const w
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_ZOOM_IN, _("Zoom in"), _("Zoom in plot view."));
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_ZOOM_OUT, _("Zoom out"), _("Zoom out plot view."));
m_popmenu.AppendCheckItem( mpID_LOCKASPECT, _("Lock aspect"), _("Lock horizontal and vertical zoom aspect."));
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_HELP_MOUSE, _("Show mouse commands..."), _("Show help about the mouse commands."));
//m_popmenu.Append( mpID_HELP_MOUSE, _("Show mouse commands..."), _("Show help about the mouse commands."));
SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE );
@ -1197,15 +1195,10 @@ mpWindow::~mpWindow()
// Mouse handler, for detecting when the user drag with the right button or just "clicks" for the menu
// JLB
void mpWindow::OnMouseRightDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
void mpWindow::OnMouseMiddleDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
m_mouseMovedAfterRightClick = FALSE;
m_mouseRClick_X = event.GetX();
m_mouseRClick_Y = event.GetY();
if (m_enableMouseNavigation)
SetCursor( *wxCROSS_CURSOR );
m_mouseMClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseMClick.y = event.GetY();
// Process mouse wheel events
@ -1218,38 +1211,37 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseWheel( wxMouseEvent &event )
// GetClientSize( &m_scrX,&m_scrY);
// Scroll vertically or horizontally (this is SHIFT is hold down).
int change = - event.GetWheelRotation(); // Opposite direction (More intuitive)!
double changeUnitsX = change / m_scaleX;
double changeUnitsY = change / m_scaleY;
if (event.m_controlDown)
wxPoint clickPt( event.GetX(),event.GetY() );
// CTRL key hold: Zoom in/out:
if (event.GetWheelRotation()>0)
ZoomIn( clickPt );
else ZoomOut( clickPt );
// horizontal scroll
m_posX += changeUnitsX;
m_desiredXmax += changeUnitsX;
m_desiredXmin += changeUnitsX;
else if(event.m_shiftDown)
// vertical scroll
m_posY -= changeUnitsY;
m_desiredYmax -= changeUnitsY;
m_desiredYmax -= changeUnitsY;
// Scroll vertically or horizontally (this is SHIFT is hold down).
int change = - event.GetWheelRotation(); // Opposite direction (More intuitive)!
double changeUnitsX = change / m_scaleX;
double changeUnitsY = change / m_scaleY;
// zoom in/out
wxPoint clickPt( event.GetX(),event.GetY() );
if (event.m_shiftDown)
m_posX += changeUnitsX;
m_desiredXmax += changeUnitsX;
m_desiredXmin += changeUnitsX;
if (event.GetWheelRotation() > 0)
ZoomIn( clickPt );
m_posY -= changeUnitsY;
m_desiredYmax -= changeUnitsY;
m_desiredYmax -= changeUnitsY;
ZoomOut( clickPt );
// If the user "drags" with the right buttom pressed, do "pan"
@ -1262,17 +1254,15 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
if (event.m_rightDown)
if (event.m_middleDown)
m_mouseMovedAfterRightClick = TRUE; // Hides the popup menu after releasing the button!
// The change:
int Ax= m_mouseRClick_X - event.GetX();
int Ay= m_mouseRClick_Y - event.GetY();
int Ax= m_mouseMClick.x - event.GetX();
int Ay= m_mouseMClick.y - event.GetY();
// For the next event, use relative to this coordinates.
m_mouseRClick_X = event.GetX();
m_mouseRClick_Y = event.GetY();
m_mouseMClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseMClick.y = event.GetY();
double Ax_units = Ax / m_scaleX;
double Ay_units = -Ay / m_scaleY;
@ -1296,9 +1286,9 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
wxPen pen(*wxBLACK, 1, wxDOT);
dc.DrawRectangle(m_mouseLClick_X, m_mouseLClick_Y, event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick_X, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick_Y);
dc.DrawRectangle(m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y, event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick.x, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick.y);
} else {
wxPoint moveVector(event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick_X, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick_Y);
wxPoint moveVector(event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick.x, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick.y);
@ -1327,16 +1317,16 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
void mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
m_mouseLClick_X = event.GetX();
m_mouseLClick_Y = event.GetY();
m_mouseLClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseLClick.y = event.GetY();
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() X = %d , Y = %d"), event.GetX(), event.GetY());/*m_mouseLClick_X, m_mouseLClick_Y);*/
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() X = %d , Y = %d"), event.GetX(), event.GetY());/*m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);*/
wxPoint pointClicked = event.GetPosition();
m_movingInfoLayer = IsInsideInfoLayer(pointClicked);
if (m_movingInfoLayer != NULL) {
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() started moving layer %lx"), (long int) m_movingInfoLayer);/*m_mouseLClick_X, m_mouseLClick_Y);*/
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() started moving layer %lx"), (long int) m_movingInfoLayer);/*m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);*/
@ -1345,7 +1335,7 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
void mpWindow::OnMouseLeftRelease (wxMouseEvent &event)
wxPoint release(event.GetX(), event.GetY());
wxPoint press(m_mouseLClick_X, m_mouseLClick_Y);
wxPoint press(m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);
if (m_movingInfoLayer != NULL) {
m_movingInfoLayer = NULL;
@ -1617,18 +1607,9 @@ void mpWindow::LockAspect(bool enable)
void mpWindow::OnShowPopupMenu(wxMouseEvent &event)
// Only display menu if the user has not "dragged" the figure
if (m_enableMouseNavigation)
SetCursor( *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR );
if (!m_mouseMovedAfterRightClick) // JLB
m_clickedX = event.GetX();
m_clickedY = event.GetY();
PopupMenu( &m_popmenu, event.GetX(), event.GetY());
m_clickedX = event.GetX();
m_clickedY = event.GetY();
PopupMenu( &m_popmenu, event.GetX(), event.GetY());
void mpWindow::OnLockAspect(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
@ -1640,7 +1621,7 @@ void mpWindow::OnMouseHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxMessageBox(_("Supported Mouse commands:\n \
- Left button down + Mark area: Rectangular zoom\n \
- Right button down + Move: Pan (Move)\n \
- Middle button down + Move: Pan (Move)\n \
- Wheel: Vertical scroll\n \
- Wheel + SHIFT: Horizontal scroll\n \
- Wheel + CTRL: Zoom in/out"),_("wxMathPlot help"),wxOK,this);
@ -1662,7 +1643,7 @@ void mpWindow::OnCenter(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void mpWindow::OnZoomIn(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ZoomIn( wxPoint(m_mouseRClick_X,m_mouseRClick_Y) );
ZoomIn( wxPoint(m_mouseMClick.x,m_mouseMClick.y) );
void mpWindow::OnZoomOut(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
@ -1794,9 +1775,9 @@ void mpWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
// If scrollbars are enabled, refresh them
if (m_enableScrollBars) {
/* m_scrollX = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scrollY = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY )*m_scaleY);
Scroll(m_scrollX, m_scrollY);*/
/* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY )*m_scaleY);
Scroll(m_scroll.x, m_scroll.y);*/
// Scroll(x2p(m_posX), y2p(m_posY));
// SetVirtualSize((int) ((m_maxX - m_minX)*m_scaleX), (int) ((m_maxY - m_minY)*m_scaleY));
// int centerX = (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2; // + m_marginLeft; // c.x = m_scrX/2;
@ -1816,18 +1797,18 @@ void mpWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
// event.Skip();
// return;
// }
// // m_scrollX = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// // m_scrollY = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// // Scroll(m_scrollX, m_scrollY);
// // m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// // m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// // Scroll(m_scroll.x, m_scroll.y);
// // GetClientSize( &m_scrX, &m_scrY);
// //Scroll(x2p(m_desiredXmin), y2p(m_desiredYmin));
// int pixelStep = 1;
// if (event.GetOrientation() == wxHORIZONTAL) {
// //m_desiredXmin -= (m_scrollX - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// //m_desiredXmax -= (m_scrollX - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_posX -= (m_scrollX - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_scrollX = event.GetPosition();
// //m_desiredXmin -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// //m_desiredXmax -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_posX -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_scroll.x = event.GetPosition();
// }
// Fit(m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax);
// // /* int pixelStep = 1;
@ -1870,13 +1851,13 @@ void mpWindow::SetMPScrollbars(bool status)
// EnableScrolling(false, false);
// m_enableScrollBars = status;
// EnableScrolling(status, status);
/* m_scrollX = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scrollY = (int) floor((m_posY - m_minY)*m_scaleY);*/
/* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_posY - m_minY)*m_scaleY);*/
// int scrollWidth = (int) floor((m_maxX - m_minX)*m_scaleX) - m_scrX;
// int scrollHeight = (int) floor((m_minY - m_maxY)*m_scaleY) - m_scrY;
// /* m_scrollX = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// m_scrollY = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// /* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// int scrollWidth = (int) floor(((m_maxX - m_minX) - (m_desiredXmax - m_desiredXmin))*m_scaleX);
// int scrollHeight = (int) floor(((m_maxY - m_minY) - (m_desiredYmax - m_desiredYmin))*m_scaleY);
@ -1887,8 +1868,8 @@ void mpWindow::SetMPScrollbars(bool status)
// 1,
// scrollWidth,
// scrollHeight,
// m_scrollX,
// m_scrollY);
// m_scroll.x,
// m_scroll.y);
// // SetVirtualSize((int) (m_maxX - m_minX), (int) (m_maxY - m_minY));
// }
// Refresh(false);*/

View File

@ -1161,7 +1161,8 @@ class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpWindow : public wxWindow
void OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event); //!< Size handler, will update scroll bar sizes
// void OnScroll2 (wxScrollWinEvent &event); //!< Scroll handler, will move canvas
void OnShowPopupMenu (wxMouseEvent &event); //!< Mouse handler, will show context menu
void OnMouseRightDown(wxMouseEvent &event); //!< Mouse handler, for detecting when the user drags with the right button or just "clicks" for the menu
void OnMouseMiddleDown(wxMouseEvent &event); //!< Mouse handler, for detecting when the user
//!< drags with the middle button or just "clicks" for the menu
void OnCenter (wxCommandEvent &event); //!< Context menu handler
void OnFit (wxCommandEvent &event); //!< Context menu handler
void OnZoomIn (wxCommandEvent &event); //!< Context menu handler
@ -1225,11 +1226,10 @@ class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpWindow : public wxWindow
wxBitmap *m_buff_bmp; //!< For double buffering
bool m_enableDoubleBuffer; //!< For double buffering
bool m_enableMouseNavigation; //!< For pan/zoom with the mouse.
bool m_mouseMovedAfterRightClick;
long m_mouseRClick_X,m_mouseRClick_Y; //!< For the right button "drag" feature
int m_mouseLClick_X, m_mouseLClick_Y; //!< Starting coords for rectangular zoom selection
wxPoint m_mouseMClick; //!< For the middle button "drag" feature
wxPoint m_mouseLClick; //!< Starting coords for rectangular zoom selection
bool m_enableScrollBars;
int m_scrollX, m_scrollY;
wxPoint m_scroll;
mpInfoLayer* m_movingInfoLayer; //!< For moving info layers over the window area