Python scripting: fix some issues when trying to create a DRC Report:

- avoid aborting the DRC report on a .dru issue without any error message.
- ensure the list of layer names is up to date (contains both canonical
and user layers names, that can be used in DRC tests.
Fixes #11410
This commit is contained in:
jean-pierre charras 2022-12-19 12:39:20 +01:00
parent 1ce6cd6d4d
commit abff7975f1
1 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -475,12 +475,25 @@ bool WriteDRCReport( BOARD* aBoard, const wxString& aFileName, EDA_UNITS aUnits,
wxString drcRulesPath = prj->AbsolutePath( fn.GetFullName() );
// Rebuild The Instance of ENUM_MAP<PCB_LAYER_ID> (layer names list), because the DRC
// engine can use layer names (canonical and/or user names)
layerEnum.Undefined( UNDEFINED_LAYER );
for( LSEQ seq = LSET::AllLayersMask().Seq(); seq; ++seq )
layerEnum.Map( *seq, LSET::Name( *seq ) ); // Add Canonical name
layerEnum.Map( *seq, aBoard->GetLayerName( *seq ) ); // Add User name
engine->InitEngine( drcRulesPath );
catch( PARSE_ERROR& )
catch( PARSE_ERROR& err )
fprintf( stderr, "Init DRC engine: err <%s>\n", TO_UTF8( err.What() ) ); fflush( stderr);
return false;