Don't call BuildInitialTrace() for entry gateways.

We're going to call it to connect the entry and target gateways
anyway, so all we need are gateways at 22.5 degrees to setup entry
at +/- 45 degrees from the current direction.



(cherry picked from commit 507a25f150)
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2023-04-10 22:21:20 +01:00
parent 349dbb98a6
commit c31c14e46b
1 changed files with 62 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR& DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR::operator=( const DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR& aOther
if( aOther.m_primP )
m_primP = aOther.m_primP->Clone();
if( aOther.m_primN )
m_primN = aOther.m_primN->Clone();
@ -178,15 +179,15 @@ static DIRECTION_45::AngleType angle( const VECTOR2I &a, const VECTOR2I &b )
static bool checkGap( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &p, const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &n, int gap )
int i, j;
SEG::ecoord gap_sq = SEG::Square( gap - 100 );
for( i = 0; i < p.SegmentCount(); i++ )
for( int i = 0; i < p.SegmentCount(); i++ )
for( j = 0; j < n.SegmentCount() ; j++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n.SegmentCount() ; j++ )
int dist = p.CSegment( i ).Distance( n.CSegment( j ) );
SEG::ecoord dist_sq = p.CSegment( i ).SquaredDistance( n.CSegment( j ) );
if( dist < gap - 100 )
if( dist_sq < gap_sq )
return false;
@ -205,10 +206,10 @@ void DP_GATEWAY::Reverse()
bool DIFF_PAIR::BuildInitial( const DP_GATEWAY& aEntry, const DP_GATEWAY &aTarget,
bool aPrefDiagonal )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN p = DIRECTION_45().BuildInitialTrace ( aEntry.AnchorP(), aTarget.AnchorP(),
aPrefDiagonal );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN n = DIRECTION_45().BuildInitialTrace ( aEntry.AnchorN(), aTarget.AnchorN(),
aPrefDiagonal );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN p = DIRECTION_45().BuildInitialTrace( aEntry.AnchorP(), aTarget.AnchorP(),
aPrefDiagonal );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN n = DIRECTION_45().BuildInitialTrace( aEntry.AnchorN(), aTarget.AnchorN(),
aPrefDiagonal );
int mask = aEntry.AllowedAngles() | DIRECTION_45::ANG_STRAIGHT | DIRECTION_45::ANG_OBTUSE;
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ bool DIFF_PAIR::BuildInitial( const DP_GATEWAY& aEntry, const DP_GATEWAY &aTarge
if( aTarget.HasEntryLines() )
DP_GATEWAY t(aTarget) ;
DP_GATEWAY t( aTarget );
if( !CheckConnectionAngle( t.Entry(), mask ) )
@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ bool DIFF_PAIR::BuildInitial( const DP_GATEWAY& aEntry, const DP_GATEWAY &aTarge
m_p = sum_p;
m_n = sum_n;
if( !checkGap ( p, n, m_gapConstraint ) )
if( !checkGap( p, n, m_gapConstraint ) )
return false;
if( p.SelfIntersecting() || n.SelfIntersecting() )
@ -270,7 +271,9 @@ bool DIFF_PAIR::CheckConnectionAngle( const DIFF_PAIR& aOther, int aAllowedAngle
bool checkP, checkN;
if( m_p.SegmentCount() == 0 || aOther.m_p.SegmentCount() == 0 )
checkP = true;
DIRECTION_45 p0( m_p.CSegment( -1 ) );
@ -340,7 +343,6 @@ bool DP_GATEWAYS::FitGateways( DP_GATEWAYS& aEntry, DP_GATEWAYS& aTarget, bool a
int n = 0;
int bestScore = -1000;
bool found = false;
@ -348,26 +350,24 @@ bool DP_GATEWAYS::FitGateways( DP_GATEWAYS& aEntry, DP_GATEWAYS& aTarget, bool a
for( const DP_GATEWAY& g_target : aTarget.Gateways() )
for( int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++ )
for( bool preferred : { false, true } )
int score = ( attempt == 1 ? -3 : 0 );
int score = preferred ? 0 : -3;
score += g_entry.Priority();
score += g_target.Priority();
if( score < bestScore )
DIFF_PAIR l( m_gap );
if( l.BuildInitial( g_entry, g_target,
aPrefDiagonal ^ ( attempt ? true : false ) ) )
if( score >= bestScore )
best.p = l.CP();
best.n = l.CN();
bestScore = score;
found = true;
DIFF_PAIR l( m_gap );
if( l.BuildInitial( g_entry, g_target, preferred ? aPrefDiagonal
: !aPrefDiagonal ) )
best.p = l.CP();
best.n = l.CN();
bestScore = score;
found = true;
@ -552,13 +552,13 @@ void DP_GATEWAYS::BuildForCursor( const VECTOR2I& aCursorPos )
int gap = m_fitVias ? m_viaGap + m_viaDiameter : m_gap;
for( int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++ )
for( bool diagonal : { false, true } )
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if( !attempt )
if( !diagonal )
dir = makeGapVector( VECTOR2I( gap, gap ), gap );
@ -573,15 +573,13 @@ void DP_GATEWAYS::BuildForCursor( const VECTOR2I& aCursorPos )
if( i /2 == 0 )
dir = VECTOR2I( (gap + 1) / 2 * ( ( i % 2 ) ? -1 : 1 ), 0 );
dir = VECTOR2I( 0, (gap + 1) / 2 * ( ( i % 2 ) ? -1 : 1) );
dir = VECTOR2I( 0, (gap + 1) / 2 * ( ( i % 2 ) ? -1 : 1 ) );
if( m_fitVias )
BuildGeneric( aCursorPos + dir, aCursorPos - dir, true, true );
m_gateways.emplace_back( aCursorPos + dir, aCursorPos - dir,
attempt ? true : false );
m_gateways.emplace_back( aCursorPos + dir, aCursorPos - dir, diagonal );
@ -612,45 +610,34 @@ void DP_GATEWAYS::buildDpContinuation( const DP_PRIMITIVE_PAIR& aPair, bool aIsD
if( !aPair.Directional() )
DIRECTION_45 dP = aPair.DirP();
DIRECTION_45 dN = aPair.DirN();
// Add gateways that angle the anchor points by 22.5 degrees for connection to tracks which
// are at +/- 45 degrees from the existing direction.
int gap = ( aPair.AnchorP() - aPair.AnchorN() ).EuclideanNorm();
auto addAngledGateways =
[&]( int length, int priority )
entryLineP.Append( aPair.AnchorP() );
entryLineP.Append( aPair.AnchorP() + aPair.DirP().ToVector().Resize( length ) );
DP_GATEWAY gwExtendP( entryLineP.CLastPoint(), aPair.AnchorN(), aIsDiagonal );
gwExtendP.SetPriority( priority );
gwExtendP.SetEntryLines( entryLineP, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN() );
m_gateways.push_back( gwExtendP );
VECTOR2I vdP = aPair.AnchorP() + dP.Left().ToVector();
VECTOR2I vdN = aPair.AnchorN() + dN.Left().ToVector();
entryLineN.Append( aPair.AnchorN() );
entryLineN.Append( aPair.AnchorN() + aPair.DirN().ToVector().Resize( length ) );
DP_GATEWAY gwExtendN( aPair.AnchorP(), entryLineN.CLastPoint(), aIsDiagonal );
gwExtendN.SetPriority( priority );
gwExtendN.SetEntryLines( SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN(), entryLineN );
m_gateways.push_back( gwExtendN );
SEGMENT* sP = static_cast<SEGMENT*>( aPair.PrimP() );
addAngledGateways( KiROUND( (double) m_gap * 0.38268 ), 20 );
VECTOR2I t1, t2;
auto vL = makeGapVector( dP.Left().ToVector(), ( gap + 1 ) / 2 );
auto vR = makeGapVector( dP.Right().ToVector(), ( gap + 1 ) / 2 );
if( sP->Seg().Side( vdP ) == sP->Seg().Side( vdN ) )
t1 = aPair.AnchorP() + vL;
t2 = aPair.AnchorN() + vR;
t1 = aPair.AnchorP() + vR;
t2 = aPair.AnchorN() + vL;
DP_GATEWAY gwL( t2, aPair.AnchorN(), !aIsDiagonal );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN ep = dP.BuildInitialTrace( aPair.AnchorP(), t2, !aIsDiagonal );
gwL.SetPriority( 10 );
gwL.SetEntryLines( ep , SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN() );
m_gateways.push_back( gwL );
DP_GATEWAY gwR( aPair.AnchorP(), t1, !aIsDiagonal );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN en = dP.BuildInitialTrace( aPair.AnchorN(), t1, !aIsDiagonal );
gwR.SetPriority( 10) ;
gwR.SetEntryLines( SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN(), en );
m_gateways.push_back( gwR );
// fixme; sin(22.5) doesn't always work, so we also add some lower priority ones with a bit
// of wiggle room. See
addAngledGateways( KiROUND( (double) m_gap * 0.4 ), 5 );
@ -736,7 +723,7 @@ void DP_GATEWAYS::BuildGeneric( const VECTOR2I& p0_p, const VECTOR2I& p0_n, bool
ips[0] = st_n[i].IntersectLines( d_p[j] );
ips[1] = st_p[i].IntersectLines( d_n[j] );
// diagonal-straight cases: 8 possibilities of "weirder" exists
// diagonal-straight cases: 8 possibilities of "weirder" exists
for( int k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
if( ips[k] )
@ -902,8 +889,8 @@ double DIFF_PAIR::CoupledLength() const
double l = 0.0;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++ )
l += pairs[i].coupledP.Length();
for( const COUPLED_SEGMENTS& pair : pairs )
l += pair.coupledP.Length();
return l;
@ -934,9 +921,11 @@ int DIFF_PAIR::CoupledLength ( const SEG& aP, const SEG& aN ) const
SEG p_clip, n_clip;
int64_t dist = std::abs( aP.Distance( aN ) - m_width );
if( aP.ApproxParallel( aN ) && m_gapConstraint.Matches( dist ) &&
commonParallelProjection ( aP, aN, p_clip, n_clip ) )
if( aP.ApproxParallel( aN ) && m_gapConstraint.Matches( dist )
&& commonParallelProjection ( aP, aN, p_clip, n_clip ) )
return p_clip.Length();
return 0;