Pull back some 7.0 fixes to Custom Rules code completion.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2021-09-23 12:30:43 +01:00
parent 67d24e8b00
commit c38de1dcaf
6 changed files with 157 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -251,17 +251,17 @@ static struct EDA_ITEM_DESC
.Map( PCB_FOOTPRINT_T, _HKI( "Footprint" ) )
.Map( PCB_PAD_T, _HKI( "Pad" ) )
.Map( PCB_SHAPE_T, _HKI( "Graphic Shape" ) )
.Map( PCB_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Board Text" ) )
.Map( PCB_FP_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Footprint Text" ) )
.Map( PCB_FP_SHAPE_T, _HKI( "Graphic Shape" ) )
.Map( PCB_SHAPE_T, _HKI( "Graphic" ) )
.Map( PCB_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Text" ) )
.Map( PCB_FP_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Text" ) )
.Map( PCB_FP_SHAPE_T, _HKI( "Graphic" ) )
.Map( PCB_FP_ZONE_T, _HKI( "Zone" ) )
.Map( PCB_TRACE_T, _HKI( "Track" ) )
.Map( PCB_VIA_T, _HKI( "Via" ) )
.Map( PCB_MARKER_T, _HKI( "Board Marker" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_ALIGNED_T, _HKI( "Aligned Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_ORTHOGONAL_T, _HKI( "Orthogonal Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_CENTER_T, _HKI( "Center Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_MARKER_T, _HKI( "Marker" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_ALIGNED_T, _HKI( "Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_ORTHOGONAL_T, _HKI( "Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_CENTER_T, _HKI( "Dimension" ) )
.Map( PCB_DIM_LEADER_T, _HKI( "Leader" ) )
.Map( PCB_TARGET_T, _HKI( "Target" ) )
.Map( PCB_ZONE_T, _HKI( "Zone" ) )
@ -269,19 +269,20 @@ static struct EDA_ITEM_DESC
.Map( PCB_NETINFO_T, _HKI( "NetInfo" ) )
.Map( PCB_GROUP_T, _HKI( "Group" ) )
.Map( SCH_MARKER_T, _HKI( "Schematic Marker" ) )
.Map( SCH_MARKER_T, _HKI( "Marker" ) )
.Map( SCH_JUNCTION_T, _HKI( "Junction" ) )
.Map( SCH_NO_CONNECT_T, _HKI( "No-Connect Flag" ) )
.Map( SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY_T, _HKI( "Wire Entry" ) )
.Map( SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY_T, _HKI( "Bus Entry" ) )
.Map( SCH_LINE_T, _HKI( "Graphic Line" ) )
.Map( SCH_LINE_T, _HKI( "Line" ) )
.Map( SCH_BITMAP_T, _HKI( "Bitmap" ) )
.Map( SCH_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Schematic Text" ) )
.Map( SCH_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Text" ) )
.Map( SCH_LABEL_T, _HKI( "Net Label" ) )
.Map( SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T, _HKI( "Global Label" ) )
.Map( SCH_HIER_LABEL_T, _HKI( "Hierarchical Label" ) )
.Map( SCH_FIELD_T, _HKI( "Schematic Field" ) )
.Map( SCH_SYMBOL_T, _HKI( "Schematic Symbol" ) )
.Map( SCH_FIELD_T, _HKI( "Field" ) )
.Map( SCH_SYMBOL_T, _HKI( "Symbol" ) )
.Map( SCH_PIN_T, _HKI( "Pin" ) )
.Map( SCH_SHEET_PIN_T, _HKI( "Sheet Pin" ) )
.Map( SCH_SHEET_T, _HKI( "Sheet" ) )
@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ static struct EDA_ITEM_DESC
.Map( LIB_ALIAS_T, _HKI( "Alias" ) )
.Map( LIB_ARC_T, _HKI( "Arc" ) )
.Map( LIB_CIRCLE_T, _HKI( "Circle" ) )
.Map( LIB_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Symbol Text" ) )
.Map( LIB_TEXT_T, _HKI( "Text" ) )
.Map( LIB_RECTANGLE_T, _HKI( "Rectangle" ) )
.Map( LIB_POLYLINE_T, _HKI( "Polyline" ) )
.Map( LIB_BEZIER_T, _HKI( "Bezier" ) )

View File

@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ void SCINTILLA_TRICKS::DoAutocomplete( const wxString& aPartial, const wxArraySt
return first.CmpNoCase( second );
m_te->AutoCompShow( aPartial.size(), wxJoin( matchedTokens, ' ' ) );
m_te->AutoCompShow( aPartial.size(), wxJoin( matchedTokens, m_te->AutoCompGetSeparator() ) );

View File

@ -336,25 +336,26 @@ bool DIALOG_EXCHANGE_FOOTPRINTS::processMatchingFootprints()
return false;
/* The change is done from the last footprint because processFootprint() modifies the last
* item in the list.
* NB: the change is done from the last footprint because processFootprint() modifies the
* last item in the list.
for( auto it = m_parent->GetBoard()->Footprints().rbegin();
it != m_parent->GetBoard()->Footprints().rend(); it++ )
auto mod = *it;
FOOTPRINT* footprint = *it;
if( !isMatch( mod ) )
if( !isMatch( footprint ) )
if( m_updateMode )
if( processFootprint( mod, mod->GetFPID() ) )
if( processFootprint( footprint, footprint->GetFPID() ) )
change = true;
if( processFootprint( mod, newFPID ) )
if( processFootprint( footprint, newFPID ) )
change = true;

View File

wxPostEvent( m_Parent, wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxID_OK ) );
} );
m_textEditor->AutoCompSetSeparator( '|' );
m_netClassRegex.Compile( "NetClass\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED );
m_netNameRegex.Compile( "NetName\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED );
m_typeRegex.Compile( "Type\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED );
m_padTypeRegex.Compile( "Pad_Type\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED );
m_fabPropRegex.Compile( "Fabrication_Property\\s*[!=]=\\s*$", wxRE_ADVANCED );
m_compileButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( BITMAPS::drc ) );
@ -114,9 +119,24 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
auto isDisallowToken =
[]( const wxString& token ) -> bool
return token == "buried_via"
|| token == "graphic"
|| token == "hole"
|| token == "micro_via"
|| token == "pad"
|| token == "text"
|| token == "track"
|| token == "via"
|| token == "zone";
std::stack<wxString> sexprs;
wxString partial;
wxString last;
@ -182,6 +202,15 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
else if( c == ')' )
while( !sexprs.empty() && ( sexprs.top() == "assertion"
|| sexprs.top() == "disallow"
|| isDisallowToken( sexprs.top() )
|| sexprs.top() == "min_resolved_spokes"
|| sexprs.top() == "zone_connection" ) )
if( !sexprs.empty() )
@ -189,19 +218,40 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
else if( c == ' ' )
if( context == SEXPR_OPEN && !partial.IsEmpty() )
if( context == SEXPR_OPEN && ( partial == "constraint"
|| partial == "disallow"
|| partial == "layer"
|| partial == "severity" ) )
sexprs.push( partial );
if( sexprs.size() && ( sexprs.top() == "constraint"
|| sexprs.top() == "disallow"
|| sexprs.top() == "layer" ) )
partial = wxEmptyString;
context = SEXPR_TOKEN;
else if( partial == "disallow"
|| isDisallowToken( partial )
|| partial == "min_resolved_spokes"
|| partial == "zone_connection" )
sexprs.push( partial );
partial = wxEmptyString;
context = SEXPR_TOKEN;
else if( partial == "rule"
|| partial == "assertion"
|| partial == "condition" )
sexprs.push( partial );
partial = wxEmptyString;
context = SEXPR_STRING;
context = NONE;
@ -218,20 +268,18 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
if( sexprs.empty() )
tokens = "rule "
tokens = "rule|"
else if( sexprs.top() == "rule" )
tokens = "condition "
"constraint "
tokens = "condition|"
else if( sexprs.top() == "constraint" )
tokens = "max "
"min "
tokens = "max|min|opt";
else if( context == SEXPR_TOKEN )
@ -242,49 +290,42 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
else if( sexprs.top() == "constraint" )
tokens = "annular_width "
"clearance "
"courtyard_clearance "
"diff_pair_gap "
"diff_pair_uncoupled "
"disallow "
"edge_clearance "
"length "
"hole_clearance "
"hole_size "
"hole_to_hole "
"silk_clearance "
"skew "
"track_width "
"via_count "
tokens = "annular_width|"
else if( sexprs.top() == "disallow"
|| sexprs.top() == "buried_via"
|| sexprs.top() == "graphic"
|| sexprs.top() == "hole"
|| sexprs.top() == "micro_via"
|| sexprs.top() == "pad"
|| sexprs.top() == "text"
|| sexprs.top() == "track"
|| sexprs.top() == "via"
|| sexprs.top() == "zone" )
else if( sexprs.top() == "disallow" || isDisallowToken( sexprs.top() ) )
tokens = "buried_via "
"graphic "
"hole "
"micro_via "
"pad "
"text "
"track "
"via "
tokens = "buried_via|"
else if( sexprs.top() == "layer" )
tokens = "inner "
"outer "
tokens = "inner|outer|\"x\"";
else if( sexprs.top() == "severity" )
tokens = "warning|error|ignore|exclusion";
else if( context == STRING && !sexprs.empty() && sexprs.top() == "condition" )
@ -307,12 +348,12 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
for( const wxString& propName : propNames )
tokens += " " + propName;
tokens += "|" + propName;
for( const wxString& funcSig : functions.GetSignatures() )
tokens += " " + funcSig;
tokens += "|" + funcSig;
else if( expr_context == STRING )
@ -322,20 +363,51 @@ void PANEL_SETUP_RULES::onScintillaCharAdded( wxStyledTextEvent &aEvent )
BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board->GetDesignSettings();
for( const std::pair<const wxString, NETCLASSPTR>& entry : bds.GetNetClasses() )
tokens += " " + entry.first;
tokens += "|" + entry.first;
else if( m_netNameRegex.Matches( last ) )
BOARD* board = m_frame->GetBoard();
for( const wxString& netnameCandidate : board->GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates() )
tokens += " " + netnameCandidate;
tokens += "|" + netnameCandidate;
else if( m_typeRegex.Matches( last ) )
tokens = "Dimension|"
else if( m_padTypeRegex.Matches( last ) )
tokens = "Through-hole|"
"Edge connector|"
"NPTH, mechanical";
else if( m_fabPropRegex.Matches( last ) )
tokens = "None|"
"BGA pad|"
"Fiducial, global to board|"
"Fiducial, local to footprint|"
"Test point pad|"
"Heatsink pad|"
"Castellated pad";
if( !tokens.IsEmpty() )
m_scintillaTricks-> DoAutocomplete( partial, wxSplit( tokens, ' ' ) );
m_scintillaTricks->DoAutocomplete( partial, wxSplit( tokens, '|' ) );

View File

@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ private:
wxRegEx m_netClassRegex;
wxRegEx m_netNameRegex;
wxRegEx m_typeRegex;
wxRegEx m_padTypeRegex;
wxRegEx m_fabPropRegex;
HTML_MESSAGE_BOX* m_helpWindow;