Update Clipper2 to 1.0.6
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : Core Clipper Library structures and functions *
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
namespace Clipper2Lib
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : This is the main polygon clipping module *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#ifndef clipper_engine_h
#define clipper_engine_h
#define CLIPPER2_VERSION "1.0.5"
#define CLIPPER2_VERSION "1.0.6"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <queue>
@ -68,16 +68,11 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
template <typename T>
class PolyPath;
using PolyPath64 = PolyPath<int64_t>;
using PolyPathD = PolyPath<double>;
template <typename T>
using PolyTree = PolyPath<T>;
using PolyTree64 = PolyTree<int64_t>;
using PolyTreeD = PolyTree<double>;
class PolyPath64;
class PolyPathD;
using PolyTree64 = PolyPath64;
using PolyTreeD = PolyPathD;
struct OutRec;
typedef std::vector<OutRec*> OutRecList;
@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
Active* front_edge = nullptr;
Active* back_edge = nullptr;
OutPt* pts = nullptr;
PolyPath64* polypath = nullptr;
PolyPath* polypath = nullptr;
Rect64 bounds = {};
Path64 path;
bool is_open = false;
@ -164,10 +159,8 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
FillRule fillrule_ = FillRule::EvenOdd;
FillRule fillpos = FillRule::Positive;
int64_t bot_y_ = 0;
bool has_open_paths_ = false;
bool minima_list_sorted_ = false;
bool using_polytree_ = false;
bool succeeded_ = true;
Active* actives_ = nullptr;
Active *sel_ = nullptr;
Joiner *horz_joiners_ = nullptr;
@ -176,7 +169,6 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
std::vector<Vertex*> vertex_lists_;
std::priority_queue<int64_t> scanline_list_;
std::vector<IntersectNode> intersect_nodes_;
std::vector<OutRec*> outrec_list_; //pointers in case of memory reallocs
std::vector<Joiner*> joiner_list_; //pointers in case of memory reallocs
void Reset();
void InsertScanline(int64_t y);
@ -230,11 +222,12 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void DeleteJoin(Joiner* joiner);
void ProcessJoinerList();
OutRec* ProcessJoin(Joiner* joiner);
bool has_open_paths_ = false;
bool succeeded_ = true;
std::vector<OutRec*> outrec_list_; //pointers in case list memory reallocated
bool ExecuteInternal(ClipType ct, FillRule ft, bool use_polytrees);
bool DeepCheckOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRec* owner);
void BuildPaths(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen);
void BuildTree(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths);
#ifdef USINGZ
ZCallback64 zCallback_ = nullptr;
void SetZ(const Active& e1, const Active& e2, Point64& pt);
@ -242,14 +235,6 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void CleanUp(); // unlike Clear, CleanUp preserves added paths
void AddPath(const Path64& path, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
void AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& solution_closed);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& solution_closed, Paths64& solution_open);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths);
virtual ~ClipperBase();
bool PreserveCollinear = true;
@ -264,63 +249,30 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
//alternative Paths structure, it does preserve path 'ownership' - ie those
//paths that contain (or own) other paths. This will be useful to some users.
template <typename T>
class PolyPath final {
double scale_;
Path<T> polygon_;
std::vector<PolyPath*> childs_;
class PolyPath {
const PolyPath<T>* parent_;
PolyPath(const PolyPath<T>* parent,
const Path<T>& path) :
scale_(parent->scale_), polygon_(path), parent_(parent){}
PolyPath* parent_;
explicit PolyPath(int precision = 0) // NB only for root node
scale_ = std::pow(10, precision);
parent_ = nullptr;
~PolyPath() { Clear(); };
PolyPath(PolyPath* parent = nullptr): parent_(parent){}
virtual ~PolyPath() { Clear(); };
PolyPath(const PolyPath&) = delete;
PolyPath& operator=(const PolyPath&) = delete;
PolyPath<T>* operator [] (size_t index) { return childs_[index]; }
typename std::vector<PolyPath*>::const_iterator begin() const { return childs_.cbegin(); }
typename std::vector<PolyPath*>::const_iterator end() const { return childs_.cend(); }
void Clear() {
for (PolyPath<T>* child : childs_) delete child;
unsigned Level() const
unsigned result = 0;
const PolyPath<T>* p = parent_;
const PolyPath* p = parent_;
while (p) { ++result; p = p->parent_; }
return result;
void reserve(size_t size)
if (size > childs_.size()) childs_.reserve(size);
virtual PolyPath* AddChild(const Path64& path) = 0;
PolyPath<T>* AddChild(const Path<T>& path)
childs_.push_back(new PolyPath<T>(this, path));
return childs_.back();
virtual void Clear() {};
virtual size_t Count() const { return 0; }
size_t Count() const { return childs_.size(); }
const PolyPath<T>* parent() const { return parent_; }
const PolyPath* Parent() const { return parent_; }
bool IsHole() const
@ -332,41 +284,70 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return is_hole;
const Path<T>& Polygon() const { return polygon_; }
class PolyPath64 : public PolyPath {
std::vector<PolyPath64*> childs_;
Path64 polygon_;
typedef typename std::vector<PolyPath64*>::const_iterator pp64_itor;
PolyPath64(PolyPath64* parent = nullptr) : PolyPath(parent) {}
PolyPath64* operator [] (size_t index) { return static_cast<PolyPath64*>(childs_[index]); }
pp64_itor begin() const { return childs_.cbegin(); }
pp64_itor end() const { return childs_.cend(); }
PolyPath64* AddChild(const Path64& path) override
PolyPath64* result = new PolyPath64(this);
result->polygon_ = path;
return result;
void Clear() override
for (const PolyPath64* child : childs_) delete child;
size_t Count() const override
return childs_.size();
const Path64 Polygon() const { return polygon_; };
double Area() const
double result = Clipper2Lib::Area<T>(polygon_);
for (const PolyPath<T>* child : childs_)
double result = Clipper2Lib::Area<int64_t>(polygon_);
for (const PolyPath64* child : childs_)
result += child->Area();
return result;
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& outstream, const PolyPath& polypath)
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& outstream, const PolyPath64& polypath)
const unsigned level_indent = 4;
const unsigned coords_per_line = 4;
const size_t level_indent = 4;
const size_t coords_per_line = 4;
const size_t last_on_line = coords_per_line - 1;
unsigned level = polypath.Level();
if (level > 0)
std::string level_padding;
level_padding.insert(0, (level -1) * level_indent, ' ');
level_padding.insert(0, (level - 1) * level_indent, ' ');
std::string caption = polypath.IsHole() ? "Hole " : "Outer Polygon ";
std::string childs = polypath.Count() == 1 ? " child" : " children";
outstream << level_padding.c_str() << caption << "with " << polypath.Count() << childs << std::endl;
int last_on_line = coords_per_line - 1;
outstream << level_padding;
int i = 0, highI = polypath.Polygon().size() - 1;
size_t i = 0, highI = polypath.Polygon().size() - 1;
for (; i < highI; ++i)
outstream << polypath.Polygon()[i] << ' ';
if ((i % coords_per_line) == last_on_line)
outstream << std::endl << level_padding;
outstream << std::endl << level_padding;
if (highI >= 0)
outstream << polypath.Polygon()[i];
if (highI > 0) outstream << polypath.Polygon()[i];
outstream << std::endl;
for (auto child : polypath)
@ -376,10 +357,61 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void Polytree64ToPolytreeD(const PolyPath64& polytree, PolyPathD& result);
class PolyPathD : public PolyPath {
std::vector<PolyPathD*> childs_;
double inv_scale_;
PathD polygon_;
typedef typename std::vector<PolyPathD*>::const_iterator ppD_itor;
PolyPathD(PolyPathD* parent = nullptr) : PolyPath(parent)
inv_scale_ = parent ? parent->inv_scale_ : 1.0;
PolyPathD* operator [] (size_t index)
return static_cast<PolyPathD*>(childs_[index]);
ppD_itor begin() const { return childs_.cbegin(); }
ppD_itor end() const { return childs_.cend(); }
void SetInvScale(double value) { inv_scale_ = value; }
double InvScale() { return inv_scale_; }
PolyPathD* AddChild(const Path64& path) override
PolyPathD* result = new PolyPathD(this);
result->polygon_ = ScalePath<double, int64_t>(path, inv_scale_);
return result;
void Clear() override
for (const PolyPathD* child : childs_) delete child;
size_t Count() const override
return childs_.size();
const PathD Polygon() const { return polygon_; };
double Area() const
double result = Clipper2Lib::Area<double>(polygon_);
for (const PolyPathD* child : childs_)
result += child->Area();
return result;
class Clipper64 : public ClipperBase
void BuildPaths64(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen);
void BuildTree64(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths);
#ifdef USINGZ
void SetZCallback(ZCallback64 cb) { zCallback_ = cb; }
@ -401,23 +433,38 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& closed_paths)
return ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths);
Paths64 dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& closed_paths, Paths64& open_paths)
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule,
Paths64& closed_paths, Paths64& open_paths)
return ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths, open_paths);
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPaths64(closed_paths, &open_paths);
return succeeded_;
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree)
return ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree);
Paths64 dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)
return ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree, open_paths);
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTree64(polytree, open_paths);
return succeeded_;
@ -427,6 +474,8 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
#ifdef USINGZ
ZCallbackD zCallback_ = nullptr;
void BuildPathsD(PathsD& solutionClosed, PathsD* solutionOpen);
void BuildTreeD(PolyPathD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths);
explicit ClipperD(int precision = 2) : ClipperBase()
@ -485,13 +534,8 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PathsD& closed_paths)
#ifdef USINGZ
Paths64 closed_paths64;
if (!ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths64)) return false;
closed_paths = ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(closed_paths64, invScale_);
return true;
PathsD dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
@ -500,40 +544,39 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
#ifdef USINGZ
Paths64 closed_paths64;
Paths64 open_paths64;
if (!ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type,
fill_rule, closed_paths64, open_paths64)) return false;
closed_paths = ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(closed_paths64, invScale_);
open_paths = ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(open_paths64, invScale_);
return true;
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPathsD(closed_paths, &open_paths);
return succeeded_;
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTreeD& polytree)
#ifdef USINGZ
PolyTree64 tree_result;
if (!ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, tree_result)) return false;;
Polytree64ToPolytreeD(tree_result, polytree);
return true;
PathsD dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTreeD& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTreeD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths)
#ifdef USINGZ
PolyTree64 tree_result;
if (!ClipperBase::Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, tree_result, open_paths)) return false;;
Polytree64ToPolytreeD(tree_result, polytree);
return true;
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTreeD(polytree, open_paths);
return succeeded_;
} // namespace
#endif // clipper_engine_h
@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 28 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : This module exports the Clipper2 Library (ie DLL/so) *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
// The exported functions below refer to simple structures that
// can be understood across multiple languages. Consequently
// Path64, PathD, Polytree64 etc are converted from classes
// (std::vector<> etc) into the following data structures:
// CPath64 (int64_t*) & CPathD (double_t*):
// Path64 and PathD are converted into arrays of x,y coordinates.
// However in these arrays the first x,y coordinate pair is a
// counter with 'x' containing the number of following coordinate
// pairs. ('y' must always be 0.)
// |counter|coord1|coord2|...|coordN|
// |N ,0 |x1, y1|x2, y2|...|xN, yN|
// __________________________________
// CPaths64 (int64_t**) & CPathsD (double_t**):
// These are arrays of pointers to CPath64 and CPathD where
// the first pointer is to a 'counter path'. This 'counter
// path' has a single x,y coord pair where 'y' contains
// the number of paths that follow (and with 'x' always 0).
// _______________________________
// |counter|path1|path2|...|pathN|
// |addr0 |addr1|addr2|...|addrN| (*addr0[0]=0; *addr0[1]=N)
// _______________________________
// The structures of CPolytree64 and CPolytreeD are defined
// below and they don't need to be repeated or explained here.
// Finally, the pointer structures created and exported through
// these functions can't safely be destroyed externally, so
// a number of 'dispose functions are also exported.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.offset.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.rectclip.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
typedef int64_t* CPath64;
typedef int64_t** CPaths64;
typedef double* CPathD;
typedef double** CPathsD;
typedef struct CPolyPath64 {
CPath64 polygon;
uint32_t is_hole;
uint32_t child_count;
CPolyPath64* childs;
typedef struct CPolyPathD {
CPathD polygon;
uint32_t is_hole;
uint32_t child_count;
CPolyPathD* childs;
template <typename T>
struct CRect {
T left;
T top;
T right;
T bottom;
typedef CRect<int64_t> CRect64;
typedef CRect<double> CRectD;
template <typename T>
inline bool CRectIsEmpty(const CRect<T>& rect)
return (rect.right <= rect.left) || (rect.bottom <= rect.top);
template <typename T>
inline Rect<T> CRectToRect(const CRect<T>& rect)
Rect<T> result;
result.left = rect.left;
result.top = rect.top;
result.right = rect.right;
result.bottom = rect.bottom;
return result;
inline CPath64 CreateCPath64(size_t cnt1, size_t cnt2);
inline CPath64 CreateCPath64(const Path64& p);
inline CPaths64 CreateCPaths64(const Paths64& pp);
inline Path64 ConvertCPath64(const CPath64& p);
inline Paths64 ConvertCPaths64(const CPaths64& pp);
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(size_t cnt1, size_t cnt2);
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(const PathD& p);
inline CPathsD CreateCPathsD(const PathsD& pp);
inline PathD ConvertCPathD(const CPathD& p);
inline PathsD ConvertCPathsD(const CPathsD& pp);
// the following function avoid multiple conversions
inline Path64 ConvertCPathD(const CPathD& p, double scale);
inline Paths64 ConvertCPathsD(const CPathsD& pp, double scale);
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(const Path64& p, double scale);
inline CPathsD CreateCPathsD(const Paths64& pp, double scale);
inline CPolyTree64* CreateCPolyTree64(const PolyTree64& pt);
inline CPolyTreeD* CreateCPolyTreeD(const PolyTree64& pt, double scale);
#define EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT const char* Version()
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPath64(CPath64 p)
if (p) delete[] p;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPaths64(CPaths64& pp)
if (!pp) return;
CPaths64 v = pp;
CPath64 cnts = *v;
const size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(cnts[1]);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= cnt; ++i) //nb: cnt +1
delete[] pp;
pp = nullptr;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPathD(CPathD p)
if (p) delete[] p;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPathsD(CPathsD& pp)
if (!pp) return;
CPathsD v = pp;
CPathD cnts = *v;
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(cnts[1]);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= cnt; ++i) //nb: cnt +1
delete[] pp;
pp = nullptr;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPaths64& solution, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false)
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPaths64(subjects);
sub_open = ConvertCPaths64(subjects_open);
clp = ConvertCPaths64(clips);
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.PreserveCollinear = preserve_collinear;
clipper.ReverseSolution = reverse_solution;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype), FillRule(fillrule), sol, sol_open))
return -1; // clipping bug - should never happen :)
solution = CreateCPaths64(sol);
solution_open = CreateCPaths64(sol_open);
return 0; //success !!
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOpPt64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPolyTree64*& solution, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false)
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPaths64(subjects);
sub_open = ConvertCPaths64(subjects_open);
clp = ConvertCPaths64(clips);
PolyTree64 pt;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.PreserveCollinear = preserve_collinear;
clipper.ReverseSolution = reverse_solution;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype), FillRule(fillrule), pt, sol_open))
return -1; // clipping bug - should never happen :)
solution = CreateCPolyTree64(pt);
solution_open = CreateCPaths64(sol_open);
return 0; //success !!
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOpD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPathsD& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision = 2,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return -5;
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPathsD(subjects, scale);
sub_open = ConvertCPathsD(subjects_open, scale);
clp = ConvertCPathsD(clips, scale);
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.PreserveCollinear = preserve_collinear;
clipper.ReverseSolution = reverse_solution;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0)
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype),
FillRule(fillrule), sol, sol_open)) return -1;
if (sol.size() > 0) solution = CreateCPathsD(sol, 1 / scale);
if (sol_open.size() > 0)
solution_open = CreateCPathsD(sol_open, 1 / scale);
return 0;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOpPtD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPolyTreeD*& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision = 2,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return -5;
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPathsD(subjects, scale);
sub_open = ConvertCPathsD(subjects_open, scale);
clp = ConvertCPathsD(clips, scale);
PolyTree64 sol;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.PreserveCollinear = preserve_collinear;
clipper.ReverseSolution = reverse_solution;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0)
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype),
FillRule(fillrule), sol, sol_open)) return -1;
solution = CreateCPolyTreeD(sol, 1 / scale);
if (sol_open.size() > 0)
solution_open = CreateCPathsD(sol_open, 1 / scale);
return 0;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 InflatePaths64(const CPaths64 paths,
double delta, uint8_t jt, uint8_t et, double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0, bool reverse_solution = false)
Paths64 pp;
pp = ConvertCPaths64(paths);
ClipperOffset clip_offset( miter_limit,
arc_tolerance, reverse_solution);
clip_offset.AddPaths(pp, JoinType(jt), EndType(et));
Paths64 result = clip_offset.Execute(delta);
return CreateCPaths64(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD InflatePathsD(const CPathsD paths,
double delta, uint8_t jt, uint8_t et,
double precision = 2, double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0, bool reverse_solution = false)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8 || !paths) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
ClipperOffset clip_offset(miter_limit, arc_tolerance, reverse_solution);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsD(paths, scale);
clip_offset.AddPaths(pp, JoinType(jt), EndType(et));
Paths64 result = clip_offset.Execute(delta * scale);
return CreateCPathsD(result, 1/scale);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClip64(const CRect64& rect,
const CPaths64 paths)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
Rect64 r64 = CRectToRect(rect);
class RectClip rc(r64);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPaths64(paths);
Paths64 result;
for (const Path64& p : pp)
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(p);
if (!r64.Intersects(pathRec)) continue;
if (r64.Contains(pathRec))
Path64 p2 = rc.Execute(p);
if (!p2.empty()) result.push_back(std::move(p2));
return CreateCPaths64(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipD(const CRectD& rect,
const CPathsD paths, int precision = 2)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(CRectToRect(rect), scale);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsD(paths, scale);
class RectClip rc(r);
Paths64 result;
for (const Path64& p : pp)
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(p);
if (!r.Intersects(pathRec)) continue;
if (r.Contains(pathRec))
Path64 p2 = rc.Execute(p);
if (!p2.empty()) result.push_back(std::move(p2));
return CreateCPathsD(result, 1/scale);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClipLines64(const CRect64& rect,
const CPaths64 paths)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
Rect64 r = CRectToRect(rect);
class RectClipLines rcl (r);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPaths64(paths);
Paths64 result;
for (const Path64& p : pp)
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(p);
if (!r.Intersects(pathRec)) continue;
if (r.Contains(pathRec))
Paths64 pp2 = rcl.Execute(p);
if (!pp2.empty())
result.insert(result.end(), pp2.begin(), pp2.end());
return CreateCPaths64(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipLinesD(const CRectD& rect,
const CPathsD paths, int precision = 2)
Paths64 result;
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(CRectToRect(rect), scale);
class RectClipLines rcl(r);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsD(paths, scale);
for (const Path64& p : pp)
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(p);
if (!r.Intersects(pathRec)) continue;
if (r.Contains(pathRec))
Paths64 pp2 = rcl.Execute(p);
if (pp2.empty()) continue;
result.insert(result.end(), pp2.begin(), pp2.end());
return CreateCPathsD(result, 1/scale);
inline CPath64 CreateCPath64(size_t cnt1, size_t cnt2)
// create a dummy counter path
CPath64 result = new int64_t[2 + cnt1 *2];
result[0] = cnt1;
result[1] = cnt2;
return result;
inline CPath64 CreateCPath64(const Path64& p)
size_t cnt = p.size();
if (!cnt) return nullptr;
CPath64 result = CreateCPath64(cnt, 0);
CPath64 v = result;
v += 2; // skip counters
for (const Point64& pt : p)
*v++ = pt.x;
*v++ = pt.y;
return result;
inline Path64 ConvertCPath64(const CPath64& p)
Path64 result;
if (p && *p)
CPath64 v = p;
const size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(p[0]);
v += 2; // skip counters
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
// x,y here avoids right to left function evaluation
// result.push_back(Point64(*v++, *v++));
int64_t x = *v++;
int64_t y = *v++;
result.push_back(Point64(x, y));
return result;
inline CPaths64 CreateCPaths64(const Paths64& pp)
size_t cnt = pp.size(), cnt2 = cnt;
// don't allocate space for empty paths
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
if (!pp[i].size()) --cnt2;
if (!cnt2) return nullptr;
CPaths64 result = new int64_t* [cnt2 + 1];
CPaths64 v = result;
*v++ = CreateCPath64(0, cnt2); // assign a counter path
for (const Path64& p : pp)
*v = CreateCPath64(p);
if (*v) ++v;
return result;
inline Paths64 ConvertCPaths64(const CPaths64& pp)
Paths64 result;
if (pp)
CPaths64 v = pp;
CPath64 cnts = pp[0];
const size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(cnts[1]); // nb 2nd cnt
++v; // skip cnts
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
return result;
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(size_t cnt1, size_t cnt2)
// create a dummy path counter
CPathD result = new double[2 + cnt1 * 2];
result[0] = static_cast<double>(cnt1);
result[1] = static_cast<double>(cnt2);
return result;
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(const PathD& p)
size_t cnt = p.size();
if (!cnt) return nullptr;
CPathD result = CreateCPathD(cnt, 0);
CPathD v = result;
v += 2; // skip counters
for (const PointD& pt : p)
*v++ = pt.x;
*v++ = pt.y;
return result;
inline PathD ConvertCPathD(const CPathD& p)
PathD result;
if (p)
CPathD v = p;
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(v[0]);
v += 2; // skip counters
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
// x,y here avoids right to left function evaluation
// result.push_back(PointD(*v++, *v++));
double x = *v++;
double y = *v++;
result.push_back(PointD(x, y));
return result;
inline CPathsD CreateCPathsD(const PathsD& pp)
size_t cnt = pp.size(), cnt2 = cnt;
// don't allocate space for empty paths
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
if (!pp[i].size()) --cnt2;
if (!cnt2) return nullptr;
CPathsD result = new double * [cnt2 + 1];
CPathsD v = result;
*v++ = CreateCPathD(0, cnt2); // assign counter path
for (const PathD& p : pp)
*v = CreateCPathD(p);
if (*v) { ++v; }
return result;
inline PathsD ConvertCPathsD(const CPathsD& pp)
PathsD result;
if (pp)
CPathsD v = pp;
CPathD cnts = v[0];
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(cnts[1]);
++v; // skip cnts path
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
return result;
inline Path64 ConvertCPathD(const CPathD& p, double scale)
Path64 result;
if (p)
CPathD v = p;
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(*v);
v += 2; // skip counters
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
// x,y here avoids right to left function evaluation
// result.push_back(PointD(*v++, *v++));
double x = *v++ * scale;
double y = *v++ * scale;
result.push_back(Point64(x, y));
return result;
inline Paths64 ConvertCPathsD(const CPathsD& pp, double scale)
Paths64 result;
if (pp)
CPathsD v = pp;
CPathD cnts = v[0];
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(cnts[1]);
++v; // skip cnts path
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
result.push_back(ConvertCPathD(*v++, scale));
return result;
inline CPathD CreateCPathD(const Path64& p, double scale)
size_t cnt = p.size();
if (!cnt) return nullptr;
CPathD result = CreateCPathD(cnt, 0);
CPathD v = result;
v += 2; // skip cnts
for (const Point64& pt : p)
*v++ = pt.x * scale;
*v++ = pt.y * scale;
return result;
inline CPathsD CreateCPathsD(const Paths64& pp, double scale)
size_t cnt = pp.size(), cnt2 = cnt;
// don't allocate space for empty paths
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
if (!pp[i].size()) --cnt2;
if (!cnt2) return nullptr;
CPathsD result = new double* [cnt2 + 1];
CPathsD v = result;
*v++ = CreateCPathD(0, cnt2);
for (const Path64& p : pp)
*v = CreateCPathD(p, scale);
if (*v) ++v;
return result;
inline void InitCPolyPath64(CPolyTree64* cpt,
bool is_hole, const PolyPath64* pp)
cpt->polygon = CreateCPath64(pp->Polygon());
cpt->is_hole = is_hole;
size_t child_cnt = pp->Count();
cpt->child_count = child_cnt;
cpt->childs = nullptr;
if (!child_cnt) return;
cpt->childs = new CPolyPath64[child_cnt];
CPolyPath64* child = cpt->childs;
for (const PolyPath64* pp_child : *pp)
InitCPolyPath64(child++, !is_hole, pp_child);
inline CPolyTree64* CreateCPolyTree64(const PolyTree64& pt)
CPolyTree64* result = new CPolyTree64();
result->polygon = nullptr;
result->is_hole = false;
size_t child_cnt = pt.Count();
result->childs = nullptr;
result->child_count = child_cnt;
if (!child_cnt) return result;
result->childs = new CPolyPath64[child_cnt];
CPolyPath64* child = result->childs;
for (const PolyPath64* pp : pt)
InitCPolyPath64(child++, true, pp);
return result;
inline void DisposeCPolyPath64(CPolyPath64* cpp)
if (!cpp->child_count) return;
CPolyPath64* child = cpp->childs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cpp->child_count; ++i)
delete[] cpp->childs;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPolyTree64(CPolyTree64*& cpt)
if (!cpt) return;
delete cpt;
cpt = nullptr;
inline void InitCPolyPathD(CPolyTreeD* cpt,
bool is_hole, const PolyPath64* pp, double scale)
cpt->polygon = CreateCPathD(pp->Polygon(), scale);
cpt->is_hole = is_hole;
size_t child_cnt = pp->Count();
cpt->child_count = child_cnt;
cpt->childs = nullptr;
if (!child_cnt) return;
cpt->childs = new CPolyPathD[child_cnt];
CPolyPathD* child = cpt->childs;
for (const PolyPath64* pp_child : *pp)
InitCPolyPathD(child++, !is_hole, pp_child, scale);
inline CPolyTreeD* CreateCPolyTreeD(const PolyTree64& pt, double scale)
CPolyTreeD* result = new CPolyTreeD();
result->polygon = nullptr;
result->is_hole = false;
size_t child_cnt = pt.Count();
result->child_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(child_cnt);
result->childs = nullptr;
if (!child_cnt) return result;
result->childs = new CPolyPathD[child_cnt];
CPolyPathD* child = result->childs;
for (const PolyPath64* pp : pt)
InitCPolyPathD(child++, true, pp, scale);
return result;
inline void DisposeCPolyPathD(CPolyPathD* cpp)
if (!cpp->child_count) return;
CPolyPathD* child = cpp->childs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cpp->child_count; ++i)
delete[] cpp->childs;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeExportedCPolyTreeD(CPolyTreeD*& cpt)
if (!cpt) return;
delete cpt;
cpt = nullptr;
} // end Clipper2Lib namespace
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : This module provides a simple interface to the Clipper Library *
@ -13,11 +13,6 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
// Remove this define (comes in from X.h on older Linuxes)
#ifdef None
#undef None
#include "clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper.offset.h"
@ -75,6 +70,19 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return result;
inline void BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips,
PolyTreeD& polytree, int decimal_prec = 2)
if (decimal_prec > 8 || decimal_prec < -8)
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
PathsD result;
ClipperD clipper(decimal_prec);
clipper.Execute(cliptype, fillrule, polytree);
inline Paths64 Intersect(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Intersection, fillrule, subjects, clips);
@ -135,11 +143,6 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Xor, fillrule, subjects, clips, decimal_prec);
inline bool IsFullOpenEndType(EndType et)
return (et != EndType::Polygon) && (et != EndType::Joined);
inline Paths64 InflatePaths(const Paths64& paths, double delta,
JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0)
@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0, double precision = 2)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8)
throw new Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
ClipperOffset clip_offset(miter_limit);
clip_offset.AddPaths(ScalePaths<int64_t,double>(paths, scale), jt, et);
@ -260,14 +263,14 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(path);
if (!rect.Intersects(pathRec)) return Path64();
if (rect.Contains(pathRec)) return path;
RectClip64 rc(rect);
class RectClip rc(rect);
return rc.Execute(path);
inline Paths64 RectClip(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& paths)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return Paths64();
RectClip64 rc(rect);
class RectClip rc(rect);
Paths64 result;
@ -292,10 +295,10 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if (rect.IsEmpty() || path.empty() ||
!rect.Contains(Bounds(path))) return PathD();
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8)
throw new Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
RectClip64 rc(r);
class RectClip rc(r);
Path64 p = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale);
return ScalePath<double, int64_t>(rc.Execute(p), 1 / scale);
@ -304,10 +307,10 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return PathsD();
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8)
throw new Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
RectClip64 rc(r);
class RectClip rc(r);
PathsD result;
for (const PathD& path : paths)
@ -328,25 +331,111 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return result;
inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Path64& path)
Paths64 result;
if (rect.IsEmpty() || path.empty()) return result;
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(path);
if (!rect.Intersects(pathRec)) return result;
if (rect.Contains(pathRec))
return result;
class RectClipLines rcl(rect);
return rcl.Execute(path);
inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& paths)
Paths64 result;
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return result;
class RectClipLines rcl(rect);
for (const Path64& p : paths)
Rect64 pathRec = Bounds(p);
if (!rect.Intersects(pathRec))
else if (rect.Contains(pathRec))
Paths64 pp = rcl.Execute(p);
if (!pp.empty())
result.insert(result.end(), pp.begin(), pp.end());
return result;
inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathD& path, int precision = 2)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || path.empty() ||
!rect.Contains(Bounds(path))) return PathsD();
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8)
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
class RectClipLines rcl(r);
Path64 p = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale);
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(rcl.Execute(p), 1 / scale);
inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathsD& paths, int precision = 2)
PathsD result;
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return result;
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8)
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
class RectClipLines rcl(r);
for (const PathD& path : paths)
RectD pathRec = Bounds(path);
if (!rect.Intersects(pathRec))
else if (rect.Contains(pathRec))
Path64 p = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale);
Paths64 pp = rcl.Execute(p);
if (pp.empty()) continue;
PathsD ppd = ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(pp, 1 / scale);
result.insert(result.end(), ppd.begin(), ppd.end());
return result;
namespace details
template <typename T>
inline void InternalPolyNodeToPaths(const PolyPath<T>& polypath, Paths<T>& paths)
inline void PolyPathToPaths64(const PolyPath64& polypath, Paths64& paths)
for (auto child : polypath)
InternalPolyNodeToPaths(*child, paths);
for (const PolyPath* child : polypath)
PolyPathToPaths64(*(PolyPath64*)(child), paths);
inline bool InternalPolyPathContainsChildren(const PolyPath64& pp)
inline void PolyPathToPathsD(const PolyPathD& polypath, PathsD& paths)
for (auto child : pp)
for (const PolyPath* child : polypath)
PolyPathToPathsD(*(PolyPathD*)(child), paths);
inline bool PolyPath64ContainsChildren(const PolyPath64& pp)
for (auto ch : pp)
PolyPath64* child = (PolyPath64*)ch;
for (const Point64& pt : child->Polygon())
if (PointInPolygon(pt, pp.Polygon()) == PointInPolygonResult::IsOutside)
return false;
if (child->Count() > 0 && !InternalPolyPathContainsChildren(*child))
if (child->Count() > 0 && !PolyPath64ContainsChildren(*child))
return false;
return true;
@ -442,20 +531,28 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
} // end details namespace
template <typename T>
inline Paths<T> PolyTreeToPaths(const PolyTree<T>& polytree)
inline Paths64 PolyTreeToPaths64(const PolyTree64& polytree)
Paths<T> result;
Paths64 result;
for (auto child : polytree)
details::InternalPolyNodeToPaths(*child, result);
details::PolyPathToPaths64(*(PolyPath64*)(child), result);
return result;
inline PathsD PolyTreeToPathsD(const PolyTreeD& polytree)
PathsD result;
for (auto child : polytree)
details::PolyPathToPathsD(*(PolyPathD*)(child), result);
return result;
inline bool CheckPolytreeFullyContainsChildren(const PolyTree64& polytree)
for (auto child : polytree)
if (child->Count() > 0 && !details::InternalPolyPathContainsChildren(*child))
return false;
if (child->Count() > 0 &&
return false;
return true;
@ -545,7 +642,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
inline PathD TrimCollinear(const PathD& path, int precision, bool is_open_path = false)
if (precision > 8 || precision < -8)
throw new Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
throw Clipper2Exception(precision_error);
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Path64 p = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale);
p = TrimCollinear(p, is_open_path);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : FAST rectangular clipping *
@ -20,27 +20,31 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib
enum class Location { Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Inside };
class RectClip64 {
class RectClip {
const Rect64 rect_;
const Point64 mp_;
const Path64 rectPath_;
Path64 result_;
std::vector<Location> start_locs_;
void Reset();
void GetNextLocation(const Path64& path,
Location& loc, int& i, int highI);
void AddCorner(Location prev, Location curr);
void AddCorner(Location& loc, bool isClockwise);
RectClip64(const Rect64& rect) :
RectClip(const Rect64& rect) :
rectPath_(rect.AsPath()) {}
Path64 Execute(const Path64& path);
class RectClipLines : public RectClip {
RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect) : RectClip(rect) {};
Paths64 Execute(const Path64& path);
} // Clipper2Lib namespace
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : This is the main polygon clipping module *
@ -145,8 +145,9 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if ((currentY == ae.top.y) || (ae.top.x == ae.bot.x)) return ae.top.x;
else if (currentY == ae.bot.y) return ae.bot.x;
else return ae.bot.x + static_cast<int64_t>(std::round(ae.dx * (currentY - ae.bot.y)));
//nb: std::round above substantially *improves* performance
else return ae.bot.x + static_cast<int64_t>(std::nearbyint(ae.dx * (currentY - ae.bot.y)));
// nb: std::nearbyint (or std::round) substantially *improves* performance here
// as it greatly improves the likelihood of edge adjacency in ProcessIntersectList().
@ -2050,52 +2051,6 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return succeeded_;
bool ClipperBase::Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& solution_closed)
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPaths(solution_closed, nullptr);
return succeeded_;
bool ClipperBase::Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule,
Paths64& solution_closed, Paths64& solution_open)
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPaths(solution_closed, &solution_open);
return succeeded_;
bool ClipperBase::Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree)
Paths64 dummy;
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTree(polytree, dummy);
return succeeded_;
bool ClipperBase::Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree, Paths64& solution_open)
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTree(polytree, solution_open);
return succeeded_;
void ClipperBase::DoIntersections(const int64_t top_y)
if (BuildIntersectList(top_y))
@ -3284,72 +3239,6 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
bool BuildPath(OutPt* op, bool reverse, bool isOpen, Path64& path)
if (op->next == op || (!isOpen && op->next == op->prev)) return false;
Point64 lastPt;
OutPt* op2;
if (reverse)
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->prev;
op = op->next;
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->next;
while (op2 != op)
if (op2->pt != lastPt)
lastPt = op2->pt;
if (reverse)
op2 = op2->prev;
op2 = op2->next;
return true;
void ClipperBase::BuildPaths(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen)
if (solutionOpen)
for (OutRec* outrec : outrec_list_)
if (outrec->pts == nullptr) continue;
Path64 path;
if (solutionOpen && outrec->is_open)
if (BuildPath(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path))
//closed paths should always return a Positive orientation
if (BuildPath(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, path))
inline bool Path1InsidePath2(const OutRec* or1, const OutRec* or2)
PointInPolygonResult result = PointInPolygonResult::IsOn;
@ -3380,7 +3269,40 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return result;
bool BuildPath64(OutPt* op, bool reverse, bool isOpen, Path64& path)
if (op->next == op || (!isOpen && op->next == op->prev)) return false;
Point64 lastPt;
OutPt* op2;
if (reverse)
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->prev;
op = op->next;
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->next;
while (op2 != op)
if (op2->pt != lastPt)
lastPt = op2->pt;
if (reverse)
op2 = op2->prev;
op2 = op2->next;
return true;
bool ClipperBase::DeepCheckOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRec* owner)
if (owner->bounds.IsEmpty()) owner->bounds = GetBounds(owner->path);
@ -3400,7 +3322,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if (split->splits && DeepCheckOwner(outrec, split)) return true;
if (!split->path.size())
BuildPath(split->pts, ReverseSolution, false, split->path);
BuildPath64(split->pts, ReverseSolution, false, split->path);
if (split->bounds.IsEmpty()) split->bounds = GetBounds(split->path);
if (split->bounds.Contains(outrec->bounds) &&
@ -3426,8 +3348,36 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void Clipper64::BuildPaths64(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen)
if (solutionOpen)
void ClipperBase::BuildTree(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)
for (OutRec* outrec : outrec_list_)
if (outrec->pts == nullptr) continue;
Path64 path;
if (solutionOpen && outrec->is_open)
if (BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path))
//closed paths should always return a Positive orientation
if (BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, path))
void Clipper64::BuildTree64(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)
@ -3440,13 +3390,13 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if (outrec->is_open)
Path64 path;
if (BuildPath(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path))
if (BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path))
if (!BuildPath(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path))
if (!BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path))
if (outrec->bounds.IsEmpty()) outrec->bounds = GetBounds(outrec->path);
outrec->owner = GetRealOutRec(outrec->owner);
if (outrec->owner) DeepCheckOwner(outrec, outrec->owner);
@ -3463,12 +3413,12 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
tmp->idx = tmp_idx;
outrec = tmp;
outrec->owner = GetRealOutRec(outrec->owner);
BuildPath(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path);
BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path);
if (outrec->bounds.IsEmpty()) outrec->bounds = GetBounds(outrec->path);
if (outrec->owner) DeepCheckOwner(outrec, outrec->owner);
PolyPath64* owner_polypath;
PolyPath* owner_polypath;
if (outrec->owner && outrec->owner->polypath)
owner_polypath = outrec->owner->polypath;
@ -3477,20 +3427,117 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
static void PolyPath64ToPolyPathD(const PolyPath64& polypath, PolyPathD& result)
bool BuildPathD(OutPt* op, bool reverse, bool isOpen, PathD& path, double inv_scale)
for (auto child : polypath)
if (op->next == op || (!isOpen && op->next == op->prev)) return false;
Point64 lastPt;
OutPt* op2;
if (reverse)
PolyPathD* res_child = result.AddChild(
PolyPath64ToPolyPathD(*child, *res_child);
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->prev;
op = op->next;
lastPt = op->pt;
op2 = op->next;
path.push_back(PointD(lastPt.x * inv_scale, lastPt.y * inv_scale));
while (op2 != op)
if (op2->pt != lastPt)
lastPt = op2->pt;
path.push_back(PointD(lastPt.x * inv_scale, lastPt.y * inv_scale));
if (reverse)
op2 = op2->prev;
op2 = op2->next;
return true;
void ClipperD::BuildPathsD(PathsD& solutionClosed, PathsD* solutionOpen)
if (solutionOpen)
for (OutRec* outrec : outrec_list_)
if (outrec->pts == nullptr) continue;
PathD path;
if (solutionOpen && outrec->is_open)
if (BuildPathD(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path, invScale_))
//closed paths should always return a Positive orientation
if (BuildPathD(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, path, invScale_))
inline void Polytree64ToPolytreeD(const PolyPath64& polytree, PolyPathD& result)
void ClipperD::BuildTreeD(PolyPathD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths)
PolyPath64ToPolyPathD(polytree, result);
if (has_open_paths_)
for (OutRec* outrec : outrec_list_)
if (!outrec || !outrec->pts) continue;
if (outrec->is_open)
PathD path;
if (BuildPathD(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, true, path, invScale_))
if (!BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path))
if (outrec->bounds.IsEmpty()) outrec->bounds = GetBounds(outrec->path);
outrec->owner = GetRealOutRec(outrec->owner);
if (outrec->owner) DeepCheckOwner(outrec, outrec->owner);
// swap the order when a child preceeds its owner
// (because owners must preceed children in polytrees)
if (outrec->owner && outrec->idx < outrec->owner->idx)
OutRec* tmp = outrec->owner;
outrec_list_[outrec->owner->idx] = outrec;
outrec_list_[outrec->idx] = tmp;
size_t tmp_idx = outrec->idx;
outrec->idx = tmp->idx;
tmp->idx = tmp_idx;
outrec = tmp;
outrec->owner = GetRealOutRec(outrec->owner);
BuildPath64(outrec->pts, ReverseSolution, false, outrec->path);
if (outrec->bounds.IsEmpty()) outrec->bounds = GetBounds(outrec->path);
if (outrec->owner) DeepCheckOwner(outrec, outrec->owner);
PolyPath* owner_polypath;
if (outrec->owner && outrec->owner->polypath)
owner_polypath = outrec->owner->polypath;
owner_polypath = &polytree;
outrec->polypath = owner_polypath->AddChild(outrec->path);
} // namespace clipper2lib
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Date : 26 October 2022 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : FAST rectangular clipping *
@ -226,13 +226,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
// RectClip64
inline void RectClip64::Reset()
void RectClip64::AddCorner(Location prev, Location curr)
void RectClip::AddCorner(Location prev, Location curr)
if (HeadingClockwise(prev, curr))
@ -240,7 +234,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void RectClip64::AddCorner(Location& loc, bool isClockwise)
void RectClip::AddCorner(Location& loc, bool isClockwise)
if (isClockwise)
@ -254,7 +248,7 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
void RectClip64::GetNextLocation(const Path64& path,
void RectClip::GetNextLocation(const Path64& path,
Location& loc, int& i, int highI)
switch (loc)
@ -309,11 +303,12 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
} //switch
Path64 RectClip64::Execute(const Path64& path)
Path64 RectClip::Execute(const Path64& path)
if (rect_.IsEmpty() || path.size() < 3) return Path64();
int i = 0, highI = static_cast<int>(path.size()) - 1;
Location prev = Location::Inside, loc;
Location crossing_loc = Location::Inside;
@ -427,13 +422,13 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
if (starting_loc == Location::Inside) return path;
Rect64 tmp_rect = Bounds(path);
if (tmp_rect.Contains(rect_) &&
Path1ContainsPath2(path, rectPath_) !=
PointInPolygonResult::IsOutside) return rectPath_;
Path1ContainsPath2(path, rectPath_) !=
PointInPolygonResult::IsOutside) return rectPath_;
return Path64();
if (loc != Location::Inside &&
if (loc != Location::Inside &&
(loc != first_cross_ || start_locs_.size() > 2))
if (start_locs_.size() > 0)
@ -477,4 +472,76 @@ namespace Clipper2Lib {
return res;
Paths64 RectClipLines::Execute(const Path64& path)
Paths64 result;
if (rect_.IsEmpty() || path.size() == 0) return result;
int i = 1, highI = static_cast<int>(path.size()) - 1;
Location prev = Location::Inside, loc;
Location crossing_loc = Location::Inside;
if (!GetLocation(rect_, path[0], loc))
while (i <= highI && !GetLocation(rect_, path[i], prev)) ++i;
if (i > highI) {
return result;
if (prev == Location::Inside) loc = Location::Inside;
i = 1;
if (loc == Location::Inside) result_.push_back(path[0]);
while (i <= highI)
prev = loc;
GetNextLocation(path, loc, i, highI);
if (i > highI) break;
Point64 ip, ip2;
Point64 prev_pt = path[static_cast<size_t>(i - 1)];
crossing_loc = loc;
if (!GetIntersection(rectPath_, path[i], prev_pt, crossing_loc, ip))
// ie remaining outside
// we must be crossing the rect boundary to get here
if (loc == Location::Inside) // path must be entering rect
else if (prev != Location::Inside)
// passing right through rect. 'ip' here will be the second
// intersect pt but we'll also need the first intersect pt (ip2)
crossing_loc = prev;
GetIntersection(rectPath_, prev_pt, path[i], crossing_loc, ip2);
else // path must be exiting rect
} //while i <= highI
if (result_.size() > 1)
return result;
} // namespace
Reference in New Issue