Reentrancy block for symbol editor symbol properties dialog.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2022-03-07 10:25:28 +00:00
parent bf44ae907b
commit d3716b9956
1 changed files with 7 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -453,10 +453,16 @@ void DIALOG_LIB_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES::OnSymbolNameText( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DIALOG_LIB_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES::OnSymbolNameKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event )
if( !m_delayedFocusCtrl && !m_SymbolNameCtrl->GetValidator()->Validate( m_SymbolNameCtrl ) )
if( !m_delayedFocusCtrl )
// If the validation fails and we throw up a dialog then GTK will give us another
// KillFocus event and we end up in infinite recursion. So we use m_delayedFocusCtrl
// as a re-entrancy block and then clear it again if validation passes.
m_delayedFocusCtrl = m_SymbolNameCtrl;
m_delayedFocusPage = 0;
if( m_SymbolNameCtrl->GetValidator()->Validate( m_SymbolNameCtrl ) )
m_delayedFocusCtrl = nullptr;