Code clarity. (No functional changes.)

Also some more error message cleanup for consistency.
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2022-10-11 11:01:33 +01:00
parent 8a9e92bc01
commit d3797dd183
1 changed files with 17 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -167,15 +167,15 @@ size_t DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::getLibsNotInGlobalSymbolLibTable( std::vector< SYMBO
void DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::createProjectSymbolLibTable( REPORTER& aReporter )
wxString msg;
std::vector< SYMBOL_LIB* > libs;
std::vector<SYMBOL_LIB*> libs;
if( getLibsNotInGlobalSymbolLibTable( libs ) )
std::vector< wxString > libNames = SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalLibTable().GetLogicalLibs();
std::vector<wxString> libNames = SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalLibTable().GetLogicalLibs();
wxString msg;
for( auto lib : libs )
for( SYMBOL_LIB* lib : libs )
wxString libName = lib->GetName();
int libNameInc = 1;
@ -193,48 +193,46 @@ void DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::createProjectSymbolLibTable( REPORTER& aReporter )
wxString pluginType = SCH_IO_MGR::ShowType( SCH_IO_MGR::SCH_LEGACY );
wxFileName fn = lib->GetFullFileName();
wxString type = SCH_IO_MGR::ShowType( SCH_IO_MGR::SCH_LEGACY );
wxFileName fn( lib->GetFullFileName() );
// Use environment variable substitution where possible. This is based solely
// on the internal user environment variable list. Checking against all of the
// system wide environment variables is probably not a good idea.
wxString fullFileName = NormalizePath( fn, &Pgm().GetLocalEnvVariables(), &Prj() );
wxFileName tmpFn = fullFileName;
wxString normalizedPath = NormalizePath( fn, &Pgm().GetLocalEnvVariables(), &Prj() );
wxFileName normalizedFn( normalizedPath );
// Don't add symbol libraries that do not exist.
if( tmpFn.Normalize( FN_NORMALIZE_FLAGS | wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS ) && tmpFn.FileExists() )
if( normalizedFn.Normalize(FN_NORMALIZE_FLAGS | wxPATH_NORM_ENV_VARS )
&& normalizedFn.FileExists() )
msg.Printf( _( "Adding library '%s', file '%s' to project symbol library table." ),
fullFileName );
normalizedPath );
aReporter.Report( msg, RPT_SEVERITY_INFO );
prjLibTable.InsertRow( new SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW( libName, fullFileName,
pluginType ) );
libTable.InsertRow( new SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW( libName, normalizedPath, type ) );
msg.Printf( _( "Library '%s' not found." ), fullFileName );
msg.Printf( _( "Library '%s' not found." ), normalizedPath );
aReporter.Report( msg, RPT_SEVERITY_WARNING );
// Don't save empty project symbol library table.
if( !prjLibTable.IsEmpty() )
if( !libTable.IsEmpty() )
wxFileName fn( Prj().GetProjectPath(), SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetSymbolLibTableFileName() );
FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER formatter( fn.GetFullPath() );
prjLibTable.Format( &formatter, 0 );
libTable.Format( &formatter, 0 );
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
msg.Printf( _( "Failed to write project symbol library table. Error:\n %s" ),
ioe.What() );
msg.Printf( _( "Error writing project symbol library table.\n %s" ), ioe.What() );
aReporter.ReportTail( msg, RPT_SEVERITY_ERROR );