CADSTAR PCB: Fix Zone fill priorities

The algorithm now correctly determines fill priorities when the zone
outlines are close together and within the minimum clearance between
This commit is contained in:
Roberto Fernandez Bautista 2021-10-12 18:39:04 +01:00
parent a1c1f60665
commit e867a4fd27
2 changed files with 132 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::Load( BOARD* aBoard, PROJECT* aProject )
// operations to join them together into a single polygon.
long numSteps = Layout.Coppers.size();
// A large amount is also spent calculating zone priorities
numSteps += ( Layout.Templates.size() * Layout.Templates.size() ) / 2;
m_progressReporter->SetMaxProgress( numSteps );
@ -120,7 +123,19 @@ void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::Load( BOARD* aBoard, PROJECT* aProject )
loadCoppers(); // Progress reporting is here as significantly most amount of time spent
for( PCB_LAYER_ID id : LSET::AllCuMask( m_numCopperLayers ).Seq() )
if( !calculateZonePriorities( id ) )
wxLogError( wxString::Format( _( "Unable to determine zone fill priorities for layer "
"'%s'. A best attempt has been made but it is "
"possible that DRC errors exist and that manual "
"editing of the zone priorities is required." ),
m_board->GetLayerName( id ) ) );
@ -3616,24 +3631,62 @@ void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::applyDimensionSettings( const DIMENSION& aCads
void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::calculateZonePriorities()
bool CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::calculateZonePriorities( PCB_LAYER_ID& aLayer )
std::map<TEMPLATE_ID, std::set<TEMPLATE_ID>> winningOverlaps;
std::set<std::pair<TEMPLATE_ID, TEMPLATE_ID>> scheduleInferPriorityFromOutline;
// Calculate the intersection between aPolygon and the outline of aZone
auto intersectionArea = [&]( const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aPolygon, ZONE* aZone ) -> double
auto inflateValue =
[&]( ZONE* aZoneA, ZONE* aZoneB )
SHAPE_POLY_SET intersectShape( *aZone->Outline() );
int extra = getKiCadLength( "C_C" ).Spacing )
- m_board->GetDesignSettings().m_MinClearance;
intersectShape.BooleanIntersection( aPolygon,
int retval = std::max( aZoneA->GetLocalClearance(), aZoneB->GetLocalClearance() );
retval += extra;
return retval;
// Find the error in fill area when guessing that aHigherZone gets filled before aLowerZone
auto errorArea =
[&]( ZONE* aLowerZone, ZONE* aHigherZone ) -> double
SHAPE_POLY_SET intersectShape( *aHigherZone->Outline() );
intersectShape.Inflate( inflateValue( aLowerZone, aHigherZone ) , 32 );
SHAPE_POLY_SET lowerZoneFill( aLowerZone->GetFilledPolysList( aLayer ) );
SHAPE_POLY_SET lowerZoneOutline( *aLowerZone->Outline() );
lowerZoneOutline.BooleanSubtract( intersectShape,
return intersectShape.Area();
lowerZoneFill.BooleanSubtract( lowerZoneOutline,
double leftOverArea = lowerZoneFill.Area();
return leftOverArea;
auto intersectionAreaOfZoneOutlines =
[&]( ZONE* aZoneA, ZONE* aZoneB ) -> double
SHAPE_POLY_SET outLineA( *aZoneA->Outline() );
outLineA.Inflate( inflateValue( aZoneA, aZoneB ), 32 );
SHAPE_POLY_SET outLineB( *aZoneA->Outline() );
outLineB.Inflate( inflateValue( aZoneA, aZoneB ), 32 );
outLineA.BooleanIntersection( outLineB, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
return outLineA.Area();
// Lambda to determine if the zone with template ID 'a' is lower priority than 'b'
auto isLowerPriority = [&]( const TEMPLATE_ID& a, const TEMPLATE_ID& b ) -> bool
auto isLowerPriority =
[&]( const TEMPLATE_ID& a, const TEMPLATE_ID& b ) -> bool
return winningOverlaps[b].count( a ) > 0;
@ -3641,59 +3694,79 @@ void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::calculateZonePriorities()
for( std::map<TEMPLATE_ID, ZONE*>::iterator it1 = m_zonesMap.begin();
it1 != m_zonesMap.end(); ++it1 )
TEMPLATE thisTemplate = it1->first );
PCB_LAYER_ID thisLayer = getKiCadLayer( thisTemplate.LayerID );
TEMPLATE& thisTemplate = it1->first );
ZONE* thisZone = it1->second;
if( !thisZone->GetLayerSet().Contains( aLayer ) )
for( std::map<TEMPLATE_ID, ZONE*>::iterator it2 = it1;
it2 != m_zonesMap.end(); ++it2 )
TEMPLATE otherTemplate = it2->first );
PCB_LAYER_ID otherLayer = getKiCadLayer( otherTemplate.LayerID );
TEMPLATE& otherTemplate = it2->first );
ZONE* otherZone = it2->second;
if( thisTemplate.ID == otherTemplate.ID )
if( thisLayer != otherLayer )
if( !otherZone->GetLayerSet().Contains( aLayer ) )
SHAPE_POLY_SET thisZonePolyFill = thisZone->GetFilledPolysList( thisLayer );
SHAPE_POLY_SET otherZonePolyFill = otherZone->GetFilledPolysList( otherLayer );
if( intersectionAreaOfZoneOutlines( thisZone, otherZone ) == 0 )
continue; // The zones do not interact in any way
SHAPE_POLY_SET thisZonePolyFill = thisZone->GetFilledPolysList( aLayer );
SHAPE_POLY_SET otherZonePolyFill = otherZone->GetFilledPolysList( aLayer );
if( thisZonePolyFill.Area() > 0.0 && otherZonePolyFill.Area() > 0.0 )
// Intersect the filled polygons of thisZone with the *outline* of otherZone
double areaThis = intersectionArea( thisZonePolyFill, otherZone );
// Test if this zone were lower priority than other zone, what is the error?
double areaThis = errorArea( thisZone, otherZone );
// Viceversa
double areaOther = intersectionArea( otherZonePolyFill, thisZone );
double areaOther = errorArea( otherZone, thisZone );
// Best effort: Compare Areas
// If thisZone's fill polygons overlap otherZone's outline *and* the opposite
// is true: otherZone's fill polygons overlap thisZone's outline then compare the
// intersection areas to decide which of the two zones should have higher priority
// There are some edge cases where this might not work, but it is in the minority.
if( areaThis > areaOther )
// thisTemplate is filled before otherTemplate
winningOverlaps[thisTemplate.ID].insert( otherTemplate.ID );
else if( areaOther > 0.0 )
// thisTemplate is filled AFTER otherTemplate
winningOverlaps[otherTemplate.ID].insert( thisTemplate.ID );
else if( thisZonePolyFill.Area() > 0.0 )
// The other template is not filled, this one wins
winningOverlaps[thisTemplate.ID].insert( otherTemplate.ID );
else if( otherZonePolyFill.Area() > 0.0 )
// This template is not filled, the other one wins
winningOverlaps[otherTemplate.ID].insert( thisTemplate.ID );
{ thisTemplate.ID, otherTemplate.ID } );
// Neither of the templates is poured - use zone outlines instead (bigger outlines
// get a lower priority)
if( intersectionAreaOfZoneOutlines( thisZone, otherZone ) != 0 )
// One of the templates is not poured in the original CADSTAR design.
// Lets infer the priority based of the outlines instead
scheduleInferPriorityFromOutline.insert( { thisTemplate.ID, otherTemplate.ID } );
if( thisZone->Outline()->Area() > otherZone->Outline()->Area() )
winningOverlaps[otherTemplate.ID].insert( thisTemplate.ID );
winningOverlaps[thisTemplate.ID].insert( otherTemplate.ID );
// Build a set of unique TEMPLATE_IDs of all the zones that intersect with another one
@ -3738,6 +3811,22 @@ void CADSTAR_PCB_ARCHIVE_LOADER::calculateZonePriorities()
prevID = id;
// Verify
for( const std::pair<TEMPLATE_ID, std::set<TEMPLATE_ID>>& idPair : winningOverlaps )
const TEMPLATE_ID& winningID = idPair.first;
for( const TEMPLATE_ID& losingID : idPair.second )
if( losingID )->GetPriority()
> winningID )->GetPriority() )
return false;
return true;

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@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ private:
* @brief Tries to make a best guess as to the zone priorities based on the pour status.
void calculateZonePriorities();
bool calculateZonePriorities( PCB_LAYER_ID& aLayer );
//Helper functions for drawing /loading objects onto screen: