Gerbview: rework on load zip archive: better handling of non ascii7 filenames.

non ascii7 filenames of zip files issues are fixed.
There are still issues with non ascii7 filenames inside the zip archives (especially when a zip archive was created on Windows)
This commit is contained in:
jean-pierre charras 2017-03-31 10:55:13 +02:00
parent 3234087dc9
commit f16f39fd4c
1 changed files with 99 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include <gerbview_frame.h>
#include <gerbview_id.h>
#include <class_gerber_file_image.h>
#include <class_gerbview_layer_widget.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
@ -373,62 +374,47 @@ bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::LoadExcellonFiles( const wxString& aFullFileName )
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::unarchiveFiles( const wxString& aFullFileName, REPORTER* aReporter )
wxFileSystem zipfilesys;
wxString msg;
zipfilesys.AddHandler( new wxZipFSHandler );
zipfilesys.ChangePathTo( aFullFileName + wxT( "#zip:" ), true );
wxString localfilename = zipfilesys.FindFirst( wxT( "*.*" ) );
// Extract the path of aFullFileName. We use it to store temporary files
wxFileName fn( aFullFileName );
wxString unzipDir = fn.GetPath();
wxFFileInputStream zipFile( aFullFileName );
if( !zipFile.IsOk() )
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "Zip file '%s' cannot be opened" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
return false;
// Update the list of recent zip files.
UpdateFileHistory( aFullFileName, &m_zipFileHistory );
UpdateFileHistory( aFullFileName, &m_zipFileHistory );
// The unzipped file in only a temporary file. Give it a filename
// which cannot conflict with an usual filename.
// TODO: make Read_GERBER_File() and Read_EXCELLON_File() able to
// accept a stream, and avoid using a temp file.
wxFileName temp_fn( "$tempfile.tmp" );
temp_fn.MakeAbsolute( unzipDir );
wxString unzipped_tempfile = temp_fn.GetFullPath();
bool success = true;
wxString msg;
wxZipInputStream zipArchive( zipFile );
wxZipEntry* entry;
bool reported_no_more_layer = false;
while( !localfilename.IsEmpty() )
while( ( entry = zipArchive.GetNextEntry() ) )
wxFSFile* zipfile = zipfilesys.OpenFile( localfilename );
if( !zipfile )
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "Zip file '%s' cannot be read" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
success = false;
// In order to load a file in this archive, this file is unzipped and
// a temporary file is created in the same folder as the archive.
// This file will be deleted after being loaded in the viewer.
// One other (and better) way is to load it from the memory image, but currently
// Read_GERBER_File and Read_EXCELLON_File expects a file.
wxFileName uzfn = localfilename.AfterLast( ':' );
uzfn.MakeAbsolute( unzipDir );
// The unzipped file in only a temporary file. Give it a filename
// which cannot conflict with an usual gerber or drill file
// by adding a '$' to its ext.
wxString unzipfilename = uzfn.GetFullPath() + "$";
wxInputStream* stream = zipfile->GetStream();
wxFFileOutputStream* temporary_ofile = new wxFFileOutputStream( unzipfilename );
if( temporary_ofile->Ok() )
temporary_ofile->Write( *stream );
success = false;
// Close streams:
delete temporary_ofile;
delete zipfile;
wxString fname = entry->GetName();
wxFileName uzfn = fname;
wxString curr_ext = uzfn.GetExt().Lower();
// The archive contains Gerber and/or Excellon drill files. Use the right loader.
// However it can contain a few other files (reports, pdf files...),
@ -438,80 +424,93 @@ bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::unarchiveFiles( const wxString& aFullFileName, REPORTER* aR
// drill files do not have a well defined ext
// It is .drl in kicad, but .txt in Altium for instance
// Allows only .drl for drill files.
int layer = getActiveLayer();
setActiveLayer( layer, false );
bool read_ok = true;
bool skip_file = false;
if( curr_ext[0] != 'g' && curr_ext != "pho" && curr_ext != "drl" )
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "Info: skip file <i>'%s'</i> (unknown type)\n" ),
GetChars( entry->GetName() ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );
wxString curr_ext = uzfn.GetExt().Lower();
int layer = getActiveLayer();
if( layer == NO_AVAILABLE_LAYERS )
success = false;
if( aReporter )
if( !reported_no_more_layer )
reported_no_more_layer = true;
// Report the name of not loaded files:
msg.Printf( MSG_NOT_LOADED, GetChars( entry->GetName() ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
delete entry;
// Create the unzipped temporary file:
wxFFileOutputStream temporary_ofile( unzipped_tempfile );
if( temporary_ofile.Ok() )
temporary_ofile.Write( zipArchive );
success = false;
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Unable to create temporary file '%s'</b>\n"),
GetChars( unzipped_tempfile ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
bool read_ok = true;
if( curr_ext[0] == 'g' || curr_ext == "pho" )
// Read gerber files: each file is loaded on a new GerbView layer
read_ok = Read_GERBER_File( unzipfilename );
read_ok = Read_GERBER_File( unzipped_tempfile );
else if( curr_ext == "drl" )
else // if( curr_ext == "drl" )
read_ok = Read_EXCELLON_File( unzipfilename );
read_ok = Read_EXCELLON_File( unzipped_tempfile );
else // if the ext is not "pho", "g*" or "drl",
// the type is unknown for Gerbview. Skip it
skip_file = true;
success = false;
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _( "Info: skip <i>%s</i> (unknown type)\n" ),
GetChars( localfilename.AfterLast( ':' ) ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );
delete entry;
// The unzipped file is only a temporary file, delete it.
wxRemoveFile( unzipfilename );
wxRemoveFile( unzipped_tempfile );
if( !read_ok && !skip_file)
if( !read_ok )
success = false;
if( aReporter )
msg.Printf( _("<b>file %s read error</b>\n"), GetChars( unzipfilename ) );
msg.Printf( _("<b>unzipped file %s read error</b>\n"),
GetChars( unzipped_tempfile ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
// Prepare the loading of the next file in archive, if exists
localfilename = zipfilesys.FindNext();
if( !skip_file )
if( read_ok )
layer = getNextAvailableLayer( layer );
if( layer == NO_AVAILABLE_LAYERS && !localfilename.IsEmpty() )
success = false;
if( aReporter )
// Report the name of not loaded files:
while( !localfilename.IsEmpty() )
msg.Printf( MSG_NOT_LOADED,
GetChars( localfilename.AfterLast( ':' ) ) );
aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );
localfilename = zipfilesys.FindNext();
GERBER_FILE_IMAGE* gerber_image = GetGbrImage( layer );
gerber_image->m_FileName = fname;
layer = getNextAvailableLayer( layer );
setActiveLayer( layer, false );
@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::unarchiveFiles( const wxString& aFullFileName, REPORTER* aR
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::LoadZipArchiveFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
#define ZipFileExtension "zip"
#define ZipFileWildcard _( "Zip file (*.zip)|*.zip" )
#define ZipFileWildcard _( "Zip file (*.zip)|*.zip;.zip" )
wxFileName filename = aFullFileName;
wxString currentPath;