Make sure nets get reassigned when name is changed.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Young 2024-02-20 17:33:35 +00:00
parent 12922d9434
commit f4a3613561
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2166,34 +2166,34 @@ void DIALOG_NET_INSPECTOR::onRenameNet( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
// the changed name might require re-grouping. remove and re-insert
// is easier.
for( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* boardItem : m_frame->GetBoard()->AllConnectedItems() )
if( boardItem->GetNet() == net )
boardItem->SetFlags( CANDIDATE );
boardItem->ClearFlags( CANDIDATE );
// the changed name might require re-grouping. remove/re-insert is easier.
auto removed_item = m_data_model->deleteItem( m_data_model->findItem( net ) );
m_brd->Remove( net );
net->SetNetname( fullNetName );
m_brd->Add( net );
if( netFilterMatches( net ) )
for( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* boardItem : m_frame->GetBoard()->AllConnectedItems() )
std::unique_ptr<LIST_ITEM> new_item = std::make_unique<LIST_ITEM>( net );
new_item->SetPadCount( removed_item->GetPadCount() );
new_item->SetViaCount( removed_item->GetViaCount() );
for( int ii = 0; ii < MAX_CU_LAYERS; ++ii )
new_item->SetLayerWireLength( removed_item->GetLayerWireLength( ii ), ii );
new_item->SetChipWireLength( removed_item->GetChipWireLength() );
std::optional<LIST_ITEM_ITER> added_row = m_data_model->addItem( std::move( new_item ) );
wxDataViewItemArray new_sel;
new_sel.Add( wxDataViewItem( &***added_row ) );
m_netsList->SetSelections( new_sel );
if( boardItem->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE )
boardItem->SetNet( net );
if( std::optional<LIST_ITEM_ITER> r = m_data_model->findItem( net ) )
m_netsList->Select( wxDataViewItem( r.value()->get() ) );
// Currently only tracks and pads have netname annotations and need to be redrawn,
// but zones are likely to follow. Since we don't have a way to ask what is current,
// just refresh all items.