Moved DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc to drc_clearance_test_functions.cpp

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Suminski 2017-12-08 11:27:17 +01:00
parent 9b5dc5c215
commit f7072cc7c6
2 changed files with 100 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -585,10 +585,106 @@ bool DRC::doTrackDrc( TRACK* aRefSeg, TRACK* aStart, bool testPads )
/* test DRC between 2 pads.
* this function can be also used to test DRC between a pad and a hole,
* because a hole is like a round or oval pad.
bool DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea, int aCornerIndex )
if( !aArea->IsOnCopperLayer() ) // Cannot have a Drc error if not on copper layer
return true;
// Get polygon, contour and vertex index.
// If the vertex does not exist, there is no conflict
if( !aArea->Outline()->GetRelativeIndices( aCornerIndex, &index ) )
return true;
// Retrieve the selected contour
contour = aArea->Outline()->Polygon( index.m_polygon )[index.m_contour];
// Retrieve the segment that starts at aCornerIndex-th corner.
SEG selectedSegment = contour.Segment( index.m_vertex );
VECTOR2I start = selectedSegment.A;
VECTOR2I end = selectedSegment.B;
// iterate through all areas
for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < m_pcb->GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = m_pcb->GetArea( ia2 );
int zone_clearance = std::max( area_to_test->GetZoneClearance(),
aArea->GetZoneClearance() );
// test for same layer
if( area_to_test->GetLayer() != aArea->GetLayer() )
// Test for same net
if( ( aArea->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() ) && (aArea->GetNetCode() >= 0) )
// test for same priority
if( area_to_test->GetPriority() != aArea->GetPriority() )
// test for same type
if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() != aArea->GetIsKeepout() )
// For keepout, there is no clearance, so use a minimal value for it
// use 1, not 0 as value to avoid some issues in tests
if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )
zone_clearance = 1;
// test for ending line inside area_to_test
if( area_to_test->Outline()->Contains( end ) )
// COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: corner inside copper area
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, static_cast<wxPoint>( end ),
m_currentMarker );
return false;
// now test spacing between areas
int ax1 = start.x;
int ay1 = start.y;
int ax2 = end.x;
int ay2 = end.y;
// Iterate through all edges in the polygon.
for( iterator = area_to_test->Outline()->IterateSegmentsWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
SEG segment = *iterator;
int bx1 = segment.A.x;
int by1 = segment.A.y;
int bx2 = segment.B.x;
int by2 = segment.B.y;
int x, y; // variables containing the intersecting point coordinates
int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
&x, &y );
if( d < zone_clearance )
// COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : edge intersect or too close
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
m_currentMarker );
return false;
return true;
bool DRC::checkClearancePadToPad( D_PAD* aRefPad, D_PAD* aPad )
int dist;

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@ -284,101 +284,3 @@ bool BOARD::CombineAreas( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* aDeletedList, ZONE_CONTAINER* area_
bool DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea, int aCornerIndex )
if( !aArea->IsOnCopperLayer() ) // Cannot have a Drc error if not on copper layer
return true;
// Get polygon, contour and vertex index.
// If the vertex does not exist, there is no conflict
if( !aArea->Outline()->GetRelativeIndices( aCornerIndex, &index ) )
return true;
// Retrieve the selected contour
contour = aArea->Outline()->Polygon( index.m_polygon )[index.m_contour];
// Retrieve the segment that starts at aCornerIndex-th corner.
SEG selectedSegment = contour.Segment( index.m_vertex );
VECTOR2I start = selectedSegment.A;
VECTOR2I end = selectedSegment.B;
// iterate through all areas
for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < m_pcb->GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = m_pcb->GetArea( ia2 );
int zone_clearance = std::max( area_to_test->GetZoneClearance(),
aArea->GetZoneClearance() );
// test for same layer
if( area_to_test->GetLayer() != aArea->GetLayer() )
// Test for same net
if( ( aArea->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() ) && (aArea->GetNetCode() >= 0) )
// test for same priority
if( area_to_test->GetPriority() != aArea->GetPriority() )
// test for same type
if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() != aArea->GetIsKeepout() )
// For keepout, there is no clearance, so use a minimal value for it
// use 1, not 0 as value to avoid some issues in tests
if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )
zone_clearance = 1;
// test for ending line inside area_to_test
if( area_to_test->Outline()->Contains( end ) )
// COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: corner inside copper area
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, static_cast<wxPoint>( end ),
m_currentMarker );
return false;
// now test spacing between areas
int ax1 = start.x;
int ay1 = start.y;
int ax2 = end.x;
int ay2 = end.y;
// Iterate through all edges in the polygon.
for( iterator = area_to_test->Outline()->IterateSegmentsWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
SEG segment = *iterator;
int bx1 = segment.A.x;
int by1 = segment.A.y;
int bx2 = segment.B.x;
int by2 = segment.B.y;
int x, y; // variables containing the intersecting point coordinates
int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
&x, &y );
if( d < zone_clearance )
// COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : edge intersect or too close
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
m_currentMarker );
return false;
return true;