Use terminal pin number (i.e. from the symbol definition) when the pin
number is undefined in the part.
This fixes a bug that resulted in symbols with "0" as the pin numbers.
- Load Fields in the library items as well as schematic instances
- Remove invalid characters (e.g. '\n', '\t', '\r') in fields
- Load footprint field (assume that the footprint library name
is the same as the filename of the schematic)
Architecture of the parser changed to have a shared PARSER_CONTEXT between all the individual parsers.
Parses CADSTAR fields such as <@DESIGN_TITLE@> or <@SHEET_NUMBER@> and replaces with an equivalent KiCad Text Variable.
in most of files, including wx.h is not necessary, when only 2 or 3 wx files must be included.
Moreover, on windows, including wx.h sometimes create compil warnings about
shadowed vars defined in some specific windows headers.
Fix compile error
Fix string format to use %ld instead to work on clang in CADSTAR Archive importers
Add virtual destructor to CONNECTION in CADSTAR_ARCHIVE_PARSER
Fixed missing tokens that weren't parsed before:
- Danglers (in NET_SCH)
- Pin numbers (in SYMBOL)
- HidePinNames in both PART and PART::DEFINITION, defaulting it to false
Loading speed fixed by changing the way CADSTAR_ARCHIVE_PARSER::InsertAttributeAtEnd works (we now have a new attribute in each node to keep track of how many attributes there are). Now loads a 30,000 line file in 10seconds instead of 25 minutes!