It had several encapsulation leakage issues, as well as poorly-defined
behaviour of undo for chained-actions (append-to-board, and then rotate
while moving, for instance).
dropping files to Kicad manager :
*.kicad_pro, *.pro -> open project;
gerber and job files -> open in Gerbview editor;
Eagle and Cadstar files -> open project.
dropping file to schematic editor -> append schematic;
dropping library file to Symbol editor -> add library;
dropping board file to PCB editor -> append board;
dropping library or footprint file to Footprint editor -> add library or import footprint;
dropping ZIP file or gerber files to Gerbview editor -> open files;
dropping sheet file to Drawing Sheet editor -> open sheet.
Added hotkey for cycling through net & netclass color modes.
Added hotkey for cycling through ratsnest layer visibilities.
Added code to display hotkey (if set) on the above and on high-contrast
Note that the dialogs which have mutliple options were not moved over
as it seems perahps not the right choice to have them save state between
ADDED Paste Special... action in pcbnew
CHANGED Additional options for Paste Special... in eeschema, including
"Assign unique reference designators to pasted instance"