- Removed spurious int casts (these are truncated anyway and will break
- Applied the Distance, GetLineLength, EuclideanNorm, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG
ArcTangente and NORMALIZE* functions where possible
- ArcTangente now returns double and handles the 0,0 case like atan2, so
it's no longer necessary to check for it before calling
- Small functions in trigo moved as inline
* All library component object editing is now performed with the ojbect
except LIB_PIN (coming soon).
* Added TRANFORM class to handle coordinate transforms.
* Remove old transform matrix functions.
* More file renaming to align them with the other component library
object file names.
* Fix hot key bugs in library editor to disable edit keys while an item
is being edited.
* Fixed bug when cancelling rotation of text and field objects while
being moved.