In symbols, a polyline descr is already a true polyline / polygon descr.
In schematic, a polyline descr was restricted to only 2 points (a line).
A true polyline / polygon descr is now allowed in schematic that support already
For compatibility reason, a 2 points polygon (SCH_SHAPE) is converted to a SCH_LINE.
Previously, coordinates were clamped to +- 60 inches. It makes no sense to
clamp them at plotter level: max cooed depends on the editor (schematic/board...)
Rename MAX_PAGE_SIZE_MILS to MAX_PAGE_SIZE_EESCHEMA_MILS and use it only for Eeschema.
The previous solution cleared all of the fields and force the unit setting
to unit one which would have less than desirable effects when reusing a
schematic in another project. This solution forces all of the instance
settings to the first sheet instance of the current project to prevent file
change churn when changing shared sheets in the current project.
This will not prevent shared schematic file changes when the first sheet
instance data differs between projects.
Arcs can be altered by the process of changing from on-disk
representation to in-memory representation. Saving back to disk without
modifying the arc should not modify the calculated values.
This stores a copy of the on-disk representation that is only used to
save back to disk in the event that the arc is not modified during
Removes the ability to hide symbol units in file formats. This was
mostly the case for a while but there remained corner cases where we
left a default/hidden option
KiCad has stricter requirements for what consititutes an annotated
symbol. This checks for and corrects annotations that begin with '#',
do not begin with a non-numeric character or do not end with a number
gcc doesn't need it and computes during compile regardless, but experimenting in godbolt, both clang and MSVC actually do need it or else it's partially computed at runtime
Also fixes some plot bugs with arcs.
Also moves polygonization of arcs (when required) in plotting code
from 5 degrees to calculated based on ARC_HIGH_DEF.