* Add hotkey "P" - place item
* Add record and play macros for sequence hotkey.
Macros set to numeric key 0..9.
<Ctrl>+<numkey> - start record macros
<hotkey> <mouse move> ... <hotkey>|<mouse place>
<Ctrl>+<numkey> - end record macros
<numkey> - play macros
* Add menu save/read macros to/from xml-file
* Add configure rotate angle for rotate module: 45 or 90 deg.
* fix segfault when move/drag segment if disconnected to pad
* Fix a minor problem with wxFileDialog to open a file that no longer
exists in PCBNew.
* Make GerbView open file behavior the same as PCBNew.
* Remove redundant PCB file wild card definition.
* Add open file refactor task to the todo list.
* Fix some minor code formatting issues.
* Split out application specific command IDs to prevent unnecessary rebuilding.
* Eliminate duplicate menu and tool bar command IDs.
* Split component library editor and viewer definitions to separate header files.
* More component library and document file merge code.
* A bunch of minor string readability and consistency fixes.