CHANGED: Symbol chooser search now considers custom symbol fields
Visible columns can be controlled in database libraries.
In standard KiCad libraries, we show columns for all custom fields for now.
Customizable column visibility will be added in the future.
Autoscroll wasn't working on Mac because the status popup's panel
has the focus. This *may* also fix a problem on MSW of the auto-scroll
not being cancel-able.
Pinned packages don't affect available update notification and will not
be updated with "Update All" button. Manual update is still possible but
will trigger a confirmation dialog.
Since single-row queries are performed rapid-fire during certain actions like
stepping through the symbol browser, there is high value in caching them for
a small amount of time. The default cache parameters will keep results for
10 seconds, which errs on the side of getting fresh data from the database
on most user interactions.
Since EDA_TEXT is a base class, we can just force the child classes to pass the correct iu scaled size
ALLOW_BOLD_THICKNESS removed because it's a pre-custom font holdover
(Not sure if it solves the MSW issues yet, but at least it highlights
the items in the dropdown on rollover on OSX.)
Also added some text to the dropdown menu for intersheet references in
the PDF.
Sub-libraries allow a single-level hierarchy inside a symbol library.
This is useful for database libraries and for supporting other EDA library types where a
single file can contain multiple logical groupings of symbols.
Also moves most navigation code to SCH_NAVIGATION_TOOL.
Also changes page number href to anchor syntax ('#foo').
Also adds hypertext processing to SCH_TEXTBOXes.
Also adds combobox with schematic pages to text properties dialog.
The problem is that "real" page numbers can be duplicated, so we work around it
by using virtual page numbers instead which are guaranteed unique.
Example "goto:3" will go to page 3. If customised page numbers are used such as
a, b, c, then to go to page b, we should specify goto:2 (i.e. the virtual page