This is *a work in progress*, so some features are missing, and/or could be modified.
Mainly keepout zones are not yet exported to autorouters, and pads are not taken in account.
Some code cleanup in polygon.*
* Add s-expression file parser object and keyword files.
* Fix minor issues with s-expression file formatting.
* Fix a minor bug the zone container fill state parsing in the legacy plugin.
* Move EDA_TEXT visibility definition to eda_text.h.
* Add minor BOARD_ITEM object improvements to support s-expression file
This may have been an undocumented bug from more than a year ago, which manifested itself in *.mod files containing duplicate names.
LEGACY_PLUGIN loads those now quietly, but appends "_v2", "_v3", etc. to each succeeding duplicate sharing the same name.
base on expected text and current window font.
Expand the virtual world to 2.14 meters in the nanometer build of PCBNEW.
This seems to be holding up for now.
Delete LEGACY_PLUGIN cache after deleting library of same name.
Remove automatically generted freerouter help header.
Add Normalize() to BOX2.
Clamp some values in the virtual space of drawframe.cpp
Should allow Pcbnew code easier to change and Gerbview code more understandable and easier to maintain.
Code cleaning (remove dead code, add comments).
Minor other enhancements.
also defined only in convert_to_biu.h.
Allows different scaling value for Gerbview.
Needs more tests.
solution to see that it was not pre-computing constants when used in static initializers.
So we have two use cases, and need two solutions to be optimal, since the compiler
is too stupid to do the right thing.
I think we need something else for compile time computable constants, to be optimal
in both use cases. There is quite a bit of code savings by using a macro for that
situation from my testing. To fully capitalize on this, we need to go back and make
Mm2mils() and what not macros also, or have MACRO versions of them too.
as a starting point
* Make double Distance() take double arguments and remove internal range checking.
* Start on EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars() and use "double" for most all calculations
in anticipation of setting INT_MAX INT_MIN limits eventually.
* Move board item object Format() functions into PCB_IO object.
* Change file format to use layer names instead of numbers.
* Change file extension to kicad_pcb.
// This provides better project control over rounding to int from double
// than wxRound() did. This scheme provides better logging in Debug builds
// and it provides for compile time calculation of constants.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
//-----<KiROUND KIT>------------------------------------------------------------
* rounds a floating point number to an int using
* "round halfway cases away from zero".
* In Debug build an assert fires if will not fit into an int.
#if defined( DEBUG )
// DEBUG: a macro to capture line and file, then calls this inline
static inline int KiRound( double v, int line, const char* filename )
v = v < 0 ? v - 0.5 : v + 0.5;
if( v > INT_MAX + 0.5 )
printf( "%s: in file %s on line %d, val: %.16g too ' > 0 ' for int\n", __FUNCTION__, filename, line, v );
else if( v < INT_MIN - 0.5 )
printf( "%s: in file %s on line %d, val: %.16g too ' < 0 ' for int\n", __FUNCTION__, filename, line, v );
return int( v );
#define KiROUND( v ) KiRound( v, __LINE__, __FILE__ )
// RELEASE: a macro so compile can pre-compute constants.
#define KiROUND( v ) int( (v) < 0 ? (v) - 0.5 : (v) + 0.5 )
//-----</KiROUND KIT>-----------------------------------------------------------
// Only a macro is compile time calculated, an inline function causes a static constructor
// in a situation like this.
// Therefore the Release build is best done with a MACRO not an inline function.
int Computed = KiROUND( 14.3 * 8 );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
for( double d = double(INT_MAX)-1; d < double(INT_MAX)+8; d += 2.0 )
int i = KiROUND( d );
printf( "t: %d %.16g\n", i, d );
return 0;