Also fixes various bugs if symbols contained non-indexed pin numbers.
We really need to know the actual pin names when creating models, rather
than just assuming 1, 2... etc.
The paged book initialization (and others) can generate events,
re-laying out the whole dialog multiple times during initialization.
This halts events during the layout period
1) if a legacy model references a library then we need to see if said
libraray exists and read model from it if so
2) legacy node ordering is by index, not pin name
3) we can't auto-generate a pin map when we don't know the pin names,
so don't try
Also adds simulation model inference to Symbol Editor's Simulation Model
Editor, and adds write-back from both Simulation Model Editors to their
parent Symbol Fields Editor dialogs.
This is probably a good rule of thumb to prevent any event ordering
issues between platforms or unhandled events being trigger during
inherited object destruction.
Also removes a bunch of std::string stuff from the file handling in the
simulator. All our file handling, env variable expansion, project path,
etc. stuff is wxString based, and jumping through std::string in between
just makes it more complex and increases the potential bug surface.
Also fixes a bug where you'd get two error messages when a spice model
library wasn't found.
Also fixes a bug where you'd get a spice model library not found error
when the text field was empty.
Also fixes a bug where we'd try to absolutize a path starting with an
unresolved text or environment variable. If the path starts with a
variable it's probably absolute, and tacking on the project path in the
error message just obfuscates things.
Also moves passive RLC inference out from migration to just-in-time
creation for the simulator or netlisting.
Also fixes a version guard mismatch because the spice migration was
done inside UpdateSymbolInstances (which has its own version guard).
Also changed UpdateSymbolInstances to UpdateSymbolInstanceData so
someone else in the future doesn't think it's a general-purpose symbol
instance updater.
Also includes fixes for instance data and resolving of textvar
Also includes virtual d'tors for IBIS parser to get rid of all the
compile warnings on CLang.
1) Fix <TAB> processing
2) Don't hide/show controls where possible
3) Use a more concrete reference to primary parameter in Save to Value
4) Move Save to Value checkbox into model section
However, DXF and HPGL is not perfect, but OTOH this is not an usual format for schematic.
PS format is not tested for now.
Reports a warning (by default) for missing units
Reports an error for missing units with power input pins
Reports a warning for missing units with input pins
Reports a warning for missing units with bidi pins
Load the library from the path if enter is pressed or focus is lost if
the library exists. If a library under the same path as previously is
to be loaded this way, don't do anything.