Introduces some updates to the inspector, and a number of bug fixes:
- Correctly handles changes in board stackup
- Correctly handles unit change events
- Correctly handles language change events
- All layout / panel settings are stored to the project settings
- Retains ability to create net report
- Simple filter searches on net name and net class name (stored in settings)
- Allows hide / show of columns (stored in settings)
- Grouping by netclass (stored in settings)
- Optional filtering by net name (stored in settings)
- Optional filtering by net class (stored in settings)
- Custom grouping by net name match
ADDED: Horizontal/vertical zoom for simulator plots, via mouse wheel,
toolbar buttons, menu commands, and hotkeys.
ADDED: Simulator preferences panel, populated with mouse wheel
and trackpad settings that control pan and zoom of simulator plots.
ADDED: Zoom In/Out Horizontally/Vertically commands that can be bound
to hotkeys.
CHANGED: Simulator plot scroll wheel gestures are no longer hard-coded
and can now be configured via the new Simulator preferences panel.
Other unreported bugs that were fixed:
- Fixed wierd, jumpy simulator plot view limiting behavior.
- Fixed Zoom In Center and Zoom Out Center commands not preserving
the simulator plot center point.
- Fixed simulator plot nudging when exported as PNGs.
- Fixed rectangular selection zoom being able to exceed simulator plot
view limits.
- Provided new SIM_PREFERENCES struct to be used for future
simulator preferences set via the simulator preferences dialog.
- Bundled pre-existing EESCHEMA_SETTINGS::SIMULATOR settings into
- Replaced mpWindow::EnableMouseWheelPan with more general
- Refactored and tidied up wxMathPlot's mpWindow code involved with
fitting, zooming, and panning.
- Consolidated long lists of duplicated member variable initializers to
a new mpWindow private delegated constructor.
- Provided provisional Zoom In/Out Horizontally/Vertically toolbar
icons that need improvement by a graphics designer.
- Provided gitignore entries for the Qt Creator IDE
* To select a footprint info, Use the bbox with not text as selectable area
* Fix also incorrect position of footprint bbox when plotting with offset
CHANGED: Automatically selects the right pad type for the footprint type. Resets the pad properties if the master pad properties do not match the pad type.
Short description:
Works for Symbol and Footprint Editor behind an advanced config option.
For Symbol Editor it is shown for a single item selection (library or symbol).
For Footprint Editor it is shown for a footprint selection.
(fp editor allows a single tree item selection only).
Option stays hidden if current frame has been modified.
Also small fix(?) for similar action to the project manager.
(Call for the Execution has moved inside the file loop.)
ADDED: Context menu item in PCB appearances widget to import netclass
color from schematic.
ADDED: Context menu item to reset PCB netclass color (replicating
same menu item from Nets inspector)
(Don't require the same text to be put into the tooltip.
It's error-prone and also disallows us from having a separate
tooltip for toolbar buttons.)
(cherry picked from commit f4a085575a)