* All library component object editing is now performed with the ojbect
except LIB_PIN (coming soon).
* Added TRANFORM class to handle coordinate transforms.
* Remove old transform matrix functions.
* More file renaming to align them with the other component library
object file names.
* Fix hot key bugs in library editor to disable edit keys while an item
is being edited.
* Fixed bug when cancelling rotation of text and field objects while
being moved.
* Break classes_body_item.cpp(.h) into more reasonable size bites.
* Rename classes_body_item.cpp(.h) to lib_draw_item.cpp(.h)
* Fix some unsatisfied header file dependencies.
* Add stubs to component library draw item base classe to handle editing
* Lots of code cleaning.
* Changed wxPenStyle which is not define in wxWidgets 2.8 to int and
renamed GRRect to prevent duplicate function definition in gr_basic.
* Add missing wxT() macros to strings in rs274x.cpp.
* Use C++ map in component library instead of boost::ptr_vector.
* Drop Boost pointer containers for standard C++ containers.
* Moved duplicate name user interface elements from library object to
library editor.
* Added code to support direct addition and replacement of component
alias objects into libraries.
* Removed temporary strings used to add and remove alias objects.
* Libraries only store alias objects, components now accessed thru alias.
* Simplify library API for adding, removing, and replacing components.
* Updated edit component in library dialog and library editor to reflect
component library object changes.
* Fixed bug in library viewer when displaying alias name.
* Made a few header files compile stand alone per the new coding policy.
* Remove some dead code and the usual code formatting fixes.
* reverted clock ( --<| ) as it is commonly used for inverted clock in x-USSR
* nonlogic ( ---X ) for non-logic pins of logic ICs (commonly used for power and timing RC pins).
Added hotkeys editor from David Turner, with a lot of enhancements and fixes
Added pins connections info in intermediate netlist for each compoment. This is redundant, but some netlist formats (ORCADPCB, PSPICE) are very easy to create with this redundant info.