in most of files, including wx.h is not necessary, when only 2 or 3 wx files must be included.
Moreover, on windows, including wx.h sometimes create compil warnings about
shadowed vars defined in some specific windows headers.
CHANGED: When the "Show Details" button on the "Project Load Warning"
dialog is clicked, it reveals text that has odd formatting of when
lines split. This commit fixes the text for the dialogs that warn
that schematics will be saved in the new file format, and that Symbol
Libraries defined in the project file symbol library list are no longer
Fix compile error
Fix string format to use %ld instead to work on clang in CADSTAR Archive importers
Add virtual destructor to CONNECTION in CADSTAR_ARCHIVE_PARSER
Fixed missing tokens that weren't parsed before:
- Danglers (in NET_SCH)
- Pin numbers (in SYMBOL)
- HidePinNames in both PART and PART::DEFINITION, defaulting it to false
plotter.h contains now only a header common to all plotters.
The code does not actually change, but it allows modifying a specific plotter
without recompiling most of kicad files.
CHANGED: GetDocumentExtents() in 'eda_draw_frame.h' now has a bool
parameter "aIncludeAllVisible" with a default value "true" which makes
it behave as it did before adding parameter. If "aIncludeAllVisible"
is false, the returned bbox ignores some items depending on which
program it is running in.
CHANGED: Made "Zoom to Objects" use only PCB edge in Pcbnew. This
allows text, notes, etc outside the PCB edge to be excluded in the
zoom calculation.
CHANGED: Added "Zoom to Objects" to Pcbnew main menu, and to RMB context
menus for Eeschema and Pcbnew.
CHANGED: SCH_VIEW::GetItemsExtents() returns a bbox of all visible items
but ignores the page and border. It was taking invisible strings into
account when calculating the bbox, and now it doesn't. Makes "Fit to
Objects" work correctly with all components that have hidden text.
CHANGED: Pin position is now incremented properly in the Pin Table
dialog. The Pin position is ussing Internal Units insted of mils, so
the hardcoded 50/100 mils spacing has to be converted to IU before
ADDED: Make middle mouse button double click do a 'Zoom to Fit'
in Eeschema, Pcbnew, and Gerbview. Ctrl-MMB does a 'Zoom to Objects'
in Eeschema.
Also improves the SNR and consistency of the menu item text. For
instance, a position is rarely useful, while relative sizes can be.
Also removes some unnecessary repitition, such as "Graphic Rectangle"
when "Rectangle" communicates the necessary information.
CHANGED: When moving a footprint, Eeschema was always warping the mouse
when moving an item regardless of the state of the "Warp mouse to
origin of moved object" checkbox. This MR now honors the state of the
checkbox when moving schematic items.
NOTE: Issue 5279 originally only mentioned Pcbnew, but after the fix
for Pcbnew was submitted, a user pointed out it also happened in
Eeschema. Becuase of this, there are two MRs that "fix" the same issue.
CHANGED: The margin used in 'Zoom to Fit' is now 2% instead of 10%.
ADDED: Added 'Zoom to Objects' to Eeschema which does not include
the page and border in the bbox calculations.
CHANGED: Removed pre-existing code that tweaked the center to account
for the scrollbars. It actually made the view off center. Removing it
results in perfectly centered zooms.
The snap range needs tuning to preference and monitor resolution. This
shifts the default range down for users until the customization bits are