Pcbnew: Drc dialog: fix a old very minor bug.
Added: single click on an item in marker list moves the board graphic cursor on the corresponding marker location on the board
Double clicking is not modified.
Library Browser tool, you have to select it in the components listbox
and then press the "Insert component into schematic" button to close the
window and return to the schematic.
The attached patch enables the selection and insertion of a component in
schematic by double clicking on it in the Library Browser component
listbox. As the double clicking should have effect only if the Library
Browser was launched to load a component in schematic, the patch checks
for NULL the m_Semaphore variable, used two distinguish the mode in
which the Library Browser is running (modal, used when inserting a
component in schematic, or non-modal).
* remove useless spaces in csv bom file format.
* remove KICAD_GOST conditionnal compilation and merge KICAD_GOST code with the "normal" code.
* Csv file format created by KICAD_GOST code is now available for everybody through the BOM dialog options (as it should).
* fix coding style issues.
This required the additional compiler command line option "-std=c++0x".
2) Switch to unique_ptr from auto_ptr which is C++ deprecated.
3) Change to new English layer names per mailing list discussion, see class_board.cpp.
4) When saving to *.kicad_pcb or *.kicad_mod, identify opportunities to use wildcard
layer sets, for pads so far.
5) Switch to two std::string hashtables in pcb_parser.cpp, away from one wxString based one
for layer names and layer sets mapping. One hashtable holds the mask, the other the index.
Layer sets are only in the mask table.
6) Move "LOCALE_IO toggle" into PCB_IO::Format() since it is a public API function and
caller should find it as convenient as possible to use. LOCALE_IO should handle
nesting OK in the case where public Format() is called from one of the Footprint*()
7) Drop support for "export module to new library". Creating new libraries will have to
be handled in concert with library table entries, and we've talked recently about
creating a better footprint library manager, one that resides in a DLL/DSO. So
this kind of functionality needs to be handled in there in the near future.
8) Change name of exported PCB_IO module/footprint to *.kicad_mod and not *.emp.
clean duplicate code.
Simplify HPGL dialog: plot offet removed and replace by only one option (plot origin to center of sheet or not)
This is surely enought.
Mainly to plot drill maps, but can be used to plot boards, for documentation.
The print svg still exists, but the plot SVG has more options (mirroring, holes in pads),
however print svg allows color print, and full board printing, and plot does not.
therefore tracks which have a end point inside a pad, but not necessaryexactly to the pad position are seen as connected, and are no more removed.
Side effect: reconnect to pads option is removed, because it is useless.
TODO: use this algorithm in drag functions.
Minor other fixes
Kicad manager: shows now svg files in tree files.
Pcbnew: fix incorrect printing (board out of page) when creating drill map in postscript format ( noticeable mainly for small boards)