* Replaced find dialog with wxFormBuilder version.
* New find dialog is modeless, supports more advanced search features,
remembers it's last position, size, search history, and search settings,
and implements initial support for replacing.
* Added Shift+F5 hot key to search for next DRC marker. F5 now just
repeats previous search.
* Minor cosmetic enhancements to label edit dialog.
* Remove tab from grid size text printf to fix toolbar grid combobox
display in wxGTK.
* Updated my TODO list items.
* Fix debug asserts when passing NULL pointers to wxAuiPaneInfo.
* Fix Kicad main window sash sizer bug when using wxAui.
* Remove specctra_test from Visual Studio builds to prevent build errors.
* Add WIN32 to layer widget test so it will build properly on Visual Studio.
* Fixed compiler conversion warnings in PCBNew.
* Fixed worksheet print scaling in PCBNew.
* Minor code renaming.
* Replaced library pin properties dialog with wxFormBuilder version.
* Remove DialogBlocks version of pin properties dialog.
* Add pin properties dialog support code to pin object.
* Create single event handler for displaying pin properties dialog.
* Remove left over DialogBlocks project file for annotate dialog.
* Fixed escape key bug in library editor new component dialog.
* Add GetUnitsLabel() to get human readable units for dialog labels.
* Translate French comments in all modified files.
* Some minor clean up of Doxygen comments.
* Replace component library editor new component dialog using wxFormBuilder.
* Rename component library draw items to conform to current coding standards.
* Add GetWidth() method to component library draw objects.
* Add regular expression key word search capability to component library object.
* Component library objects renamed for improved readability.
* Fields now move when selected in library editor.
* Add copy constructor to all library draw and library component objects.
* Added copy constructor to EDA_BaseStruct.
* Delete base screen in WinEDA_DrawFrame destructor to prevent potential memory leak.
* Fixed memory access bug when replacing and adding a component to library.
* Moved library component block manipulation code into component object.
* Removed all of the global variables used by the library editor main window object.
* The usual code cleaning and refactoring.
* Split out application specific command IDs to prevent unnecessary rebuilding.
* Eliminate duplicate menu and tool bar command IDs.
* Split component library editor and viewer definitions to separate header files.
* More component library and document file merge code.
* A bunch of minor string readability and consistency fixes.
* Add offset and block hit testing to library component objects.
* Improved search for library entries.
* Fixed library component editor component removal and addition.
* Library editor now uses wxUpdateUIEvents for updating all UI objects.
* Added version check to cmake find boost macro.
* Removed unused code in file libalias.cpp.
* Added method to WinEDA_DrawPanel to take mouse out of managed mode.
* commiting my changes to allow multiple instances of a given schematic file within
a hierarchy:
** internally, m_currentScreen has been replaced with m_currentSheet,
which is a list or 'path' of screens. The path of screens is used to
a series of timestamps, which is converted to flat component reference via
a look-up
table in the schematic files.
** this means that m_currentScreen is no longer used -- use GetScreen().
** GetScreen is virtual, as some of the dialogs keep around a WinEDA_BaseScreen
** all sub-sheets in a given schematic must have different names to generate a
meaningful netlist.
* fixed a bug in hierarchal shematics where a loop (e.g. same file included at different points in the
hierarchy) would cause infinite memory use.
* added a edit footprint hotkey to eeschema, since it seems I'm always editing '0603' '0402' etc. on the
common components, and it was difficult to edit this information before.