Eagle plugin: filter and replace not allowed chars in FPID(-':' and '/') by _ or -, if they are used in Eagle footprint names (otherwise, boards converted and saved under kicad_pcb format are not readable by Pcbnew).
pass into an HTML rendering panel and otherwise look goofey.
*) Implement BOARD::Move() can call it from EAGLE_PLUGIN::Load().
*) When USE_FP_LIB_TABLE, tolerate blank nicknames in FPIDs coming from eeschema.
See the switch for this in pcbnew/netlist.cpp as ALLOW_PARTIAL_FPID.
*) Add an assert and a try catch block to figure out that View does not
like some eagle pcb board. bitset::set() is getting a -1 value and firing
an exception.
Fix issues created by this patch.
Note, this fix slightly changes the vertical position of these texts.
This is not really a problem in eeschema, but in pcbnew this is perhaps more annoying, if the verical multiline text is critical.
Fix a very minor issue for vertical justification of single line texts in dxf import.
* Create a generic yes/no/cancel dialog from DIALOG_EXIT.
* Make DIALOG_EXIT return wxID_YES instead of wxID_OK so it is consistent
with the standard message dialogs.
* Add missing license to confirm.h and confirm.cpp.
* Change Eeschema message dialog when loading a schematic if the current
schematic is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Change Pcbnew message dialog when loading a board if the current board
is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Remove some Eeschema block debug logging code left over from my last
*) Set environment variable KISYSMOD before loading FP_LIB_TABLE so that
FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW::SetFullURI() can do substitution up front.
*) De-emphasize the lib path in some of the footprint frames but keep it
so the footprint editor can export a current library to another.
You can even export a GITHUB library to a pretty library for local
*) Start the PLUGIN options editor.
*) Enhance cursor positioning in DIALOG_FP_LIB_TABLE.
inside the main board outlines.
specctra_export.cpp: always approximate arcs in outlines by 36 segm for 360 degrees,
even for arc angle which differs from 90 degrees.
90 degrees is the default when creating an arc, but the arc value can be edited and have any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
Previously, 9 segments were used regardless the arc angle.
* Add save table and set project path environment variable code to
FP_LIB_TABLE object.
* Add code to Pcbnew and CvPcb to set project path environment variable.
* Create empty footprint table in Pcbnew when new board created.
* Save current project specific footprint library table to path on file save
as or empty project path.
* Fix a bug in Pcbnew in file save function that would silently overwrite
an existing board file.
* Disable selecting the current library in the module editor when there are
no libraries defined.
* Catch exceptions and report errors when writing footprint library tables.
* Fix Boost build CMakeFile to fix bug when bootstrapping a Boost build in
Remove KICAD_GOST option because it is now useless: the 2 GOST options are now selectable at run time and are:
* specific page layouts (now user definable, and the GOST page layouts are available in template folder)
* notation for multiple parts per package (made in eeschema, preference menu)
* Pre-built binaries for OpenSSL can be used from the LuaDist project: https://github.com/LuaDist/openssl/releases
* Building of Boost libraries fixed for Mingw-w64 for github plugin