Python footprint generators: fix a typo and fix text size (accordance KLC 6.9)
2016-02-14 10:47:07 +01:00
jean-pierre charras
Footprint wizard: fixes and enhancements in python scripts.
2015-10-31 12:54:48 +01:00
jean-pierre charras
footprint generators python plugins: fix a few issues, and make them more compliant with the KiCad Library Convention 0.11
2015-10-29 18:35:52 +01:00
jean-pierre charras
Fix in KIWAY_PLAYER::ShowModal: the top level windows children of the KIWAY_PLAYER Modal frame are now enabled (previously were disabled). It fix some issues for instance with the aui toolbar when moved, and the dialog open when starting the footprint wizard frame. Perhaps explain a few other bugs.
footprint wizard frame: now shows messages from footprints python scripts. Especially usefull when a parameter is incorrect. Fix also an other issue (IO error) with some scripts which were usint the print command to output messages (now they use the nes message window.
2015-09-05 14:10:54 +02:00
jean-pierre charras
Footprint wizard: Fix IO exception error in python scripts which happens sometimes, due to the fact these scripts printed messages to a console, but when Pcbnew is not run from a console, there is no IO channel to read these messages.
The fix is not perfect (still no IO channel to read these messages) , but it works better.
Also, fix erroneous comments in code, and cleanup code.
2015-09-02 15:55:36 +02:00
jean-pierre charras
Pcbnew: better display of tracks/vias/grid in toolbar. All: modify the zoom value shown in toolbar or status bar (roughly now zoom 1.0 is near the 1:1 scale, on a 22 inches Monitor). Fix also many other minor and very minor issues
2015-01-06 08:38:58 +01:00
Patch for the Python footprint wizard helpers. This adds a few more drawing functions, such as for circles, and also uses a matrix-based transform stack with greatly simplifies constructing footprints consisting of regularly spaced elements (e.g. in lines, grids, circles, or some list of points that you specify).
This fixes bug #1366299
2014-09-14 18:29:10 +02:00
John Beard
Add John Beard's patch: new and useful footprint wizards (SIP/SIP, SOIC/SSOP/TSSOP/MSOP and BGA).
Add Python utility tools to make wizard scripts more easy to write.
2014-04-23 18:36:31 +02:00