BOM dialog: remove a not very useful button, and merge its function with an other (not perfect, need more work)
Add message box to show info added in BOM python scripts (See scripts/bom-in-python/README-bom.txt about this info)
* Fix assertions in Eeschema when editing net labels, electronic rules check,
and plotting.
* Fix assertion when opening PCB calculator.
* Fix assertions in Pcbnew when changing footprints in footprint properties
dialog and adding or editing text.
* Include new field template editor
- Removes 10 template limitation
- Adds ability to set default value
- Adds ability to set default visibility
* Documentation to follow
* Tested in Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) + Windows, Windows has issue with displaying highlight for selected template, fix to follow
Fix dialog title to be "Electrical Rules Checker" to match everywhere else.
Fix all usages of "Erc" to "ERC" consistently.
Move action buttons to bottom of dialog, make Del Markers actually say Delete Markers.
Add tooltips to ERC options matrix buttons to indicate what their current state is, for newb friendliness.
Cleanup ERC options code that for some reason decided to delete the button and recreate it instead of just updating it's bitmap directly.
Rename "Test Erc" to "Run" because you are running ERC and not testing it.
Fix improper usage of SetLabel on a wxTextCtrl instead of SetValue so the ERC totals now work!
Schematic component properties dialog: add 2 helper buttons to manage the chip name (name of the corresponding part in lib)
- a browse button to chose an other chip name
- a test button, to know if the part exists. If not existing, list the parts found when searching using a case insensitive comparison.
However to be compatible with old versions of Eeschema, when a search in library fails, a case insensitive search is made.
Therefore, this version should be compatible with sch files created by previous Eeschema versions compiled with KICAD_KEEPCASE = OFF
Ensure some values initialized by the schematic editor and used by libedit are also initialized in libedit even if the schematic editor was not started.
Remove useless commands (save/load project config) in libedit, because now they have no sense.
* Refresh canvas when user cancels edits so that the discarded sheet is
cleared from the schematic.
* Add file name validation to the sheet properties dialog to prevent
illegal file name characters from being entered into the text control.