* TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake now wraps each token enum in its own namespace. It
also no longer setup of the "using" directive in the header file, which was
bad behavior. C++ enum values will have name collisions unless the enums
themselves are different namespaces.
* Sweet library is now a DSO/DLL.
* Brought in SWIG to do a wrap of the Sweet DSO/DLL for unit testing
and scripting. The SWIG DSO/DLLs are built separate from the Sweet DSO/DLL
and are also optional.
* Added the basic structure to the Sweet parser in sch_part.cpp.
* Got inheritence working off of the 'extends' keyword and PART::inherit()
* Tossed the units support out of sweet.keywords, since we agreed to go dimensionless.
* Added the problemInputLine support to PARSE_ERROR, so UI can show the
offending line of bytes. Yes bytes, not even guaranteed to be characters.