This response file is not expanded under mingw3 2 (mingw/gcc bug?), and the list of include paths, found in this file, is not taken in account.
Now, under mingw32+msys, when not cross-compiling, the response file is disabled.
Cvpcb, Pcbnew: fix a list of libs which should be added only when cross-compiling:
Previously, they were always added, which creates an issue with mingw/msy/ gcc 2.8.
Now they are added only when cross-compiling (this issue was noticeable only with msys+mingw version 2.8)
Eagle plugin: filter and replace not allowed chars in FPID(-':' and '/') by _ or -, if they are used in Eagle footprint names (otherwise, boards converted and saved under kicad_pcb format are not readable by Pcbnew).
pass into an HTML rendering panel and otherwise look goofey.
*) Implement BOARD::Move() can call it from EAGLE_PLUGIN::Load().
*) When USE_FP_LIB_TABLE, tolerate blank nicknames in FPIDs coming from eeschema.
See the switch for this in pcbnew/netlist.cpp as ALLOW_PARTIAL_FPID.
*) Add an assert and a try catch block to figure out that View does not
like some eagle pcb board. bitset::set() is getting a -1 value and firing
an exception.
Fix issues created by this patch.
Note, this fix slightly changes the vertical position of these texts.
This is not really a problem in eeschema, but in pcbnew this is perhaps more annoying, if the verical multiline text is critical.
Fix a very minor issue for vertical justification of single line texts in dxf import.
* Create a generic yes/no/cancel dialog from DIALOG_EXIT.
* Make DIALOG_EXIT return wxID_YES instead of wxID_OK so it is consistent
with the standard message dialogs.
* Add missing license to confirm.h and confirm.cpp.
* Change Eeschema message dialog when loading a schematic if the current
schematic is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Change Pcbnew message dialog when loading a board if the current board
is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Remove some Eeschema block debug logging code left over from my last
*) Set environment variable KISYSMOD before loading FP_LIB_TABLE so that
FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW::SetFullURI() can do substitution up front.
*) De-emphasize the lib path in some of the footprint frames but keep it
so the footprint editor can export a current library to another.
You can even export a GITHUB library to a pretty library for local
*) Start the PLUGIN options editor.
*) Enhance cursor positioning in DIALOG_FP_LIB_TABLE.