Add a workaround to fix a new bug in wxWidgets 3.0 ( Windows specific ) which shows icons only with a size = 16x16 in menus which have attribute wxITEM_CHECK
Add missing calls to Show( false ) to some main frames (Kicad, eeschema, gerbview), to force config saving when closing these windows.
Code cleanup and minor coding style fixes in footprint_wizard_frame.
The desire is to migrate designs *away from* case independence, and to create
designs which use literally (case specific) interpreted component names. But for
backwards compatibility, you may turn OFF this option if you really must.
(Remember that with KiCad using text data files, typically you would be better
off simply doctoring those files into a case literal state with a text editor
and move forward into the brave new world of case specificity. Also, BOM
generators may not work properly when you have this option turned OFF, the xml
export's referential integrity is broken on library part name. Hence the default
is ON now, as of 29-Jan-2014.
Add missing calls to Show( false ) to some main frames (Kicad, eeschema, gerbview), to force config saving when closing these windows.
Code cleanup and minor coding style fixes in footprint_wizard_frame
Pcbnew: Code cleaning and bug fix in autoplace functions
Dialog exchange footprints has now a separate button to update the .cmp file, only on request.
* Replace all occurrences of the word "part" with "unit" when referring to
multiple unit components for improved consistency.
* Replace "shared by" with "common to" when referring to objects (lines, arcs,
pins, etc.) that are common to all units.
* Improve wording in library component properties dialog.
Eagle plugin: filter and replace not allowed chars in FPID(-':' and '/') by _ or -, if they are used in Eagle footprint names (otherwise, boards converted and saved under kicad_pcb format are not readable by Pcbnew).
* Fix replace bug to handle case sensitivity properly.
* Fix replace bug where the item index was getting updated incorrectly.
* Fix replace infinite loop bug on replace all.
* Make find/replace view update code a separate function.
* Rearrange find/replace trace string to add tracing to EDA_ITEM::Replace().
* Add IsComplexHierarchy method to SCH_SHEET_LIST for future find/replace
* Create a generic yes/no/cancel dialog from DIALOG_EXIT.
* Make DIALOG_EXIT return wxID_YES instead of wxID_OK so it is consistent
with the standard message dialogs.
* Add missing license to confirm.h and confirm.cpp.
* Change Eeschema message dialog when loading a schematic if the current
schematic is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Change Pcbnew message dialog when loading a board if the current board
is modified to be more consistent with the exit dialog.
* Remove some Eeschema block debug logging code left over from my last
* Merge HandleBlockEnd() and HandleBlockEndByPopUp() into as single block
end function HandleBlockEnd().
* Replace all instances of HandleBlockEndByPopUp() with HandleBlockEnd().
* Change block hot keys to send command events instead of directly calling
end block handler.
Remove KICAD_GOST option because it is now useless: the 2 GOST options are now selectable at run time and are:
* specific page layouts (now user definable, and the GOST page layouts are available in template folder)
* notation for multiple parts per package (made in eeschema, preference menu)
Enhancement in Excellon file reader: accept Feed Rate and Spindle Speed definitions in Tool information line (but does not use them)
Eeschema: better name for m_SheetList (changed to m_SheetPath) member of class NETLIST_OBJECT.