
124 lines
2.9 KiB

# Example python script to generate a BOM from a KiCad generic netlist
Output: Cadstar RINF netlist
Sorted By: Ref
Command line:
python "pathToFile/" "%I" "%O.frp"
from __future__ import print_function
# Import the KiCad python helper module
import kicad_netlist_reader
import sys
# A helper function to convert a UTF8/Unicode/locale string read in netlist
# for python2 or python3 (Windows/unix)
def fromNetlistText( aText ):
if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
return aText.encode('utf-8').decode('cp1252')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return aText
return aText
# Generate an instance of a generic netlist, and load the netlist tree from
# the command line option. If the file doesn't exist, execution will stop
netlist = kicad_netlist_reader.netlist(sys.argv[1])
# Open a file to write to, if the file cannot be opened output to stdout
# instead
canOpenFile = True
f = open(sys.argv[2], 'wb')
except IOError:
e = "Can't open output file for writing: " + sys.argv[2]
print(__file__, ":", e, sys.stderr)
f = sys.stdout
canOpenFile = False
components = netlist.getInterestingComponents( excludeBoard=True )
row =""
''' Netlist header '''
row += ".HEA" + '\n'
''' Generate line .TIM <time> '''
row += '.TIM ' + netlist.getDate() + '\n'
''' Generate line .APP <eeschema version> '''
row += '.APP ' + netlist.getTool() + '\n'
row += '.TYP FULL' + '\n\n'
''' Generate list of component
for each component create lines like
.ADD_COM U3 "74LS541" (when no footprint name specified)
.ADD_COM JP1 "CONN_8X2" "pin_array_8x2" (with a specified footprint name)
for c in components:
row += ".ADD_COM " + " " + c.getRef() + " \"" + c.getValue() + "\""
fp_name = c.getFootprint( False )
if fp_name != "":
row += " \"" + fp_name + "\""
row += '\n'
generate for each net create lines like
.TER U3.8
.TER U3.7
nets = netlist.getNets()
row += '\n'
for net in nets:
# count the number of pads in net. nets with only one pad are skipped
netitems = net.children
pad_count = 0
for node in netitems:
pad_count += 1
item_cnt = 1
netitems = net.children
if pad_count > 1:
for node in netitems:
if item_cnt == 1:
row += ".ADD_TER " + net.get( "node", "ref" ) + '.' + net.get( "node", "pin" )
row += " \"" + net.get( "net", "name" ) + '\"\n'
if item_cnt == 2:
row += ".TER "
if item_cnt > 2:
row += " "
if item_cnt > 1:
row += node.get('node','ref') + '.' + node.get('node','pin') + '\n'
item_cnt += 1
row += '\n.END\n'
if not canOpenFile: