
594 lines
16 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2021 3Dconnexion
* Copyright (C) 2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nl_pcbnew_plugin_impl.h"
// KiCAD includes
#include <board.h>
#include <pcb_base_frame.h>
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <gal/graphics_abstraction_layer.h>
#include <class_draw_panel_gal.h>
#include <view/view.h>
#include <view/wx_view_controls.h>
#include <tool/action_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_action.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
// stdlib
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cfloat>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/mstream.h>
* Flag to enable the NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN debug tracing.
* Use "KI_TRACE_NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN" to enable.
* @ingroup trace_env_vars
const wxChar* NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::m_logTrace = wxT( "KI_TRACE_NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN" );
CNavigation3D( false, false ), m_viewport2D( aViewport ), m_isMoving( false )
m_view = m_viewport2D->GetView();
m_viewportWidth = m_view->GetBoundary().GetWidth();
PutProfileHint( "KiCAD PCB" );
// Use the default settings for the connexion to the 3DMouse navigation
// They are use a single-threaded threading model and row vectors.
EnableNavigation( true );
// Use the SpaceMouse internal timing source for the frame rate.
PutFrameTimingSource( TimingSource::SpaceMouse );
EnableNavigation( false );
void NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetFocus( bool aFocus )
wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, wxT( "NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetFocus %d" ), aFocus );
NAV_3D::Write( navlib::focus_k, aFocus );
// temporary store for the command categories
typedef std::map<std::string, TDx::CCommandTreeNode*> CATEGORY_STORE;
* Add a category to the store.
* The function adds category paths of the format "A.B" where B is a sub-category of A.
* @param aCategoryPath is the std::string representation of the category.
* @param aCategoryStore is the CATEGORY_STORE instance to add to.
* @return a CATEGORY_STORE::iterator where the category was added.
static CATEGORY_STORE::iterator add_category( std::string aCategoryPath,
CATEGORY_STORE& aCategoryStore )
using TDx::SpaceMouse::CCategory;
CATEGORY_STORE::iterator parent_iter = aCategoryStore.begin();
std::string::size_type pos = aCategoryPath.find_last_of( '.' );
if( pos != std::string::npos )
std::string parentPath = aCategoryPath.substr( 0, pos );
parent_iter = aCategoryStore.find( parentPath );
if( parent_iter == aCategoryStore.end() )
parent_iter = add_category( parentPath, aCategoryStore );
std::string name = aCategoryPath.substr( pos + 1 );
std::unique_ptr<CCategory> categoryNode =
std::make_unique<CCategory>( aCategoryPath.c_str(), name.c_str() );
CATEGORY_STORE::iterator iter = aCategoryStore.insert(
aCategoryStore.end(), CATEGORY_STORE::value_type( aCategoryPath, categoryNode.get() ) );
parent_iter->second->push_back( std::move( categoryNode ) );
return iter;
void NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::exportCommandsAndImages()
wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, wxT( "NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::exportCommandsAndImages" ) );
std::list<TOOL_ACTION*> actions = ACTION_MANAGER::GetActionList();
if( actions.size() == 0 )
using TDx::SpaceMouse::CCommand;
using TDx::SpaceMouse::CCommandSet;
// The root action set node
CCommandSet commandSet( "PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL", "PCB Viewer" );
// Activate the command set
NAV_3D::PutActiveCommands( commandSet.GetId() );
// temporary store for the categories
CATEGORY_STORE categoryStore;
std::vector<TDx::CImage> vImages;
// add the action set to the category_store
categoryStore.insert( categoryStore.end(), CATEGORY_STORE::value_type( ".", &commandSet ) );
std::list<TOOL_ACTION*>::const_iterator it;
for( it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it )
const TOOL_ACTION* action = *it;
std::string label = action->GetMenuLabel().ToStdString();
if( label.empty() )
std::string name = action->GetName();
// Do no export commands for the 3DViewer app.
if( name.rfind( "3DViewer.", 0 ) == 0 )
std::string strCategory = action->GetToolName();
CATEGORY_STORE::iterator iter = categoryStore.find( strCategory );
if( iter == categoryStore.end() )
iter = add_category( std::move( strCategory ), categoryStore );
std::string description = action->GetDescription().ToStdString();
// Arbitrary 8-bit data stream
wxMemoryOutputStream imageStream;
if( action->GetIcon() != BITMAPS::INVALID_BITMAP )
wxImage image = KiBitmap( action->GetIcon() ).ConvertToImage();
image.SaveFile( imageStream, wxBitmapType::wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG );
if( imageStream.GetSize() )
wxStreamBuffer* streamBuffer = imageStream.GetOutputStreamBuffer();
TDx::CImage tdxImage = TDx::CImage::FromData( "", 0, name.c_str() );
tdxImage.AssignImage( std::string( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
streamBuffer->GetBufferStart() ),
streamBuffer->GetBufferSize() ),
0 );
wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, wxT( "Adding image for : %s" ), name );
vImages.push_back( std::move( tdxImage ) );
wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, wxT( "Inserting command: %s, description: %s, in category: %s" ),
name, description, iter->first );
CCommand( std::move( name ), std::move( label ), std::move( description ) ) );
NAV_3D::AddCommandSet( commandSet );
NAV_3D::AddImages( vImages );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetCameraMatrix( navlib::matrix_t& matrix ) const
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
m_viewPosition = m_view->GetCenter();
double x = m_view->IsMirroredX() ? -1 : 1;
double y = m_view->IsMirroredY() ? 1 : -1;
// x * y * z = 1 for a right-handed coordinate system.
double z = x * y;
// Note: the connexion has been configured as row vectors, the coordinate system is defined in
// NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetCoordinateSystem and the front view in NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetFrontView.
matrix = { x, 0, 0, 0, 0, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, z, 0, m_viewPosition.x, m_viewPosition.y, 0, 1 };
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetPointerPosition( navlib::point_t& position ) const
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
VECTOR2D mouse_pointer = m_viewport2D->GetViewControls()->GetMousePosition();
position.x = mouse_pointer.x;
position.y = mouse_pointer.y;
position.z = 0;
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetViewExtents( navlib::box_t& extents ) const
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
double scale = m_viewport2D->GetGAL()->GetWorldScale();
BOX2D box = m_view->GetViewport();
m_viewportWidth = box.GetWidth();
extents = navlib::box_t{ -box.GetWidth() / 2.0,
-box.GetHeight() / 2.0,
m_viewport2D->GetGAL()->GetMinDepth() / scale,
box.GetWidth() / 2.0,
box.GetHeight() / 2.0,
m_viewport2D->GetGAL()->GetMaxDepth() / scale };
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetIsViewPerspective( navlib::bool_t& perspective ) const
perspective = false;
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetCameraMatrix( const navlib::matrix_t& matrix )
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long result = 0;
VECTOR2D viewPos( matrix.m4x4[3][0], matrix.m4x4[3][1] );
if( !equals( m_view->GetCenter(), m_viewPosition,
static_cast<VECTOR2D::coord_type>( FLT_EPSILON ) ) )
m_view->SetCenter( viewPos + m_view->GetCenter() - m_viewPosition );
result = navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::error );
m_view->SetCenter( viewPos );
m_viewPosition = viewPos;
return result;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetViewExtents( const navlib::box_t& extents )
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long result = 0;
if( m_viewportWidth != m_view->GetViewport().GetWidth() )
result = navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::error );
double width = m_viewportWidth;
m_viewportWidth = extents.max_x - extents.min_x;
double scale = width / m_viewportWidth * m_view->GetScale();
m_view->SetScale( scale, m_view->GetCenter() );
if( !equals( m_view->GetScale(), scale, static_cast<double>( FLT_EPSILON ) ) )
result = navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::error );
return result;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetViewFOV( double fov )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetViewFrustum( const navlib::frustum_t& frustum )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetModelExtents( navlib::box_t& extents ) const
if( m_view == nullptr )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
BOX2I box = static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*>( m_viewport2D->GetParent() )->GetDocumentExtents();
double half_depth = 0.1 / m_viewport2D->GetGAL()->GetWorldScale();
if( box.GetWidth() == 0 && box.GetHeight() == 0 )
half_depth = 0;
extents = { static_cast<double>( box.GetOrigin().x ),
static_cast<double>( box.GetOrigin().y ),
static_cast<double>( box.GetEnd().x ),
static_cast<double>( box.GetEnd().y ),
half_depth };
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetCoordinateSystem( navlib::matrix_t& matrix ) const
// The coordinate system is defined as x to the right, y down and z into the screen.
matrix = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetFrontView( navlib::matrix_t& matrix ) const
matrix = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetIsSelectionEmpty( navlib::bool_t& empty ) const
empty = true;
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetIsViewRotatable( navlib::bool_t& isRotatable ) const
isRotatable = false;
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetActiveCommand( std::string commandId )
if( commandId.empty() )
return 0;
std::list<TOOL_ACTION*> actions = ACTION_MANAGER::GetActionList();
TOOL_ACTION* context = nullptr;
for( std::list<TOOL_ACTION*>::const_iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); it++ )
TOOL_ACTION* action = *it;
std::string nm = action->GetName();
if( commandId == nm )
context = action;
if( context != nullptr )
wxWindow* parent = m_viewport2D->GetParent();
// Only allow command execution if the window is enabled. i.e. there is not a modal dialog
// currently active.
if( parent->IsEnabled() )
TOOL_MANAGER* tool_manager = static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*>( parent )->GetToolManager();
// Get the selection to use to test if the action is enabled
SELECTION& sel = tool_manager->GetToolHolder()->GetCurrentSelection();
bool runAction = true;
if( const ACTION_CONDITIONS* aCond =
tool_manager->GetActionManager()->GetCondition( *context ) )
runAction = aCond->enableCondition( sel );
if( runAction )
tool_manager->RunAction( *context );
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetSettingsChanged( long change )
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetMotionFlag( bool value )
m_isMoving = value;
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetTransaction( long value )
if( value == 0L )
return 0;
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetViewFOV( double& fov ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetViewFrustum( navlib::frustum_t& frustum ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetSelectionExtents( navlib::box_t& extents ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetSelectionTransform( navlib::matrix_t& transform ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetSelectionTransform( const navlib::matrix_t& matrix )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetPivotPosition( navlib::point_t& position ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::IsUserPivot( navlib::bool_t& userPivot ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetPivotPosition( const navlib::point_t& position )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetPivotVisible( navlib::bool_t& visible ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetPivotVisible( bool visible )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::GetHitLookAt( navlib::point_t& position ) const
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::no_data_available );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetHitAperture( double aperture )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetHitDirection( const navlib::vector_t& direction )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetHitLookFrom( const navlib::point_t& eye )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetHitSelectionOnly( bool onlySelection )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );
long NL_PCBNEW_PLUGIN_IMPL::SetCameraTarget( const navlib::point_t& position )
return navlib::make_result_code( navlib::navlib_errc::invalid_operation );