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// Boost string_algo library collection_traits.hpp header file -------------//
// Copyright Pavol Droba 2002-2003. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// (C) Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2002-2003. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2001. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Original idea of container traits was proposed by Jeremy Siek and
// Thorsten Ottosen. This implementation is lightweighted version
// of container_traits adapter for usage with string_algo library
#include <boost/algorithm/string/config.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
// Implementation
#include <boost/range/detail/collection_traits_detail.hpp>
/*! \file
Defines collection_traits class and related free-standing functions.
This facility is used to unify the access to different types of collections.
It allows the algorithms in the library to work with STL collections, c-style
array, null-terminated c-strings (and more) using the same interface.
namespace boost {
namespace algorithm {
// collection_traits template class -----------------------------------------//
//! collection_traits class
Collection traits provide uniform access to different types of
collections. This functionality allows to write generic algorithms
which work with several different kinds of collections.
Currently following collection types are supported:
- containers with STL compatible container interface ( see ContainerConcept )
( i.e. \c std::vector<>, \c std::list<>, \c std::string<> ... )
- c-style array
( \c char[10], \c int[15] ... )
- null-terminated c-strings
( \c char*, \c wchar_T* )
- std::pair of iterators
( i.e \c std::pair<vector<int>::iterator,vector<int>::iterator> )
Collection traits provide an external collection interface operations.
All are accessible using free-standing functions.
The following operations are supported:
- \c size()
- \c empty()
- \c begin()
- \c end()
Container traits have somewhat limited functionality on compilers not
supporting partial template specialization and partial template ordering.
template< typename T >
struct collection_traits
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::eval_if<
BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::eval_if<
BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::eval_if<
>::type container_helper_type;
//! Function type
typedef container_helper_type function_type;
//! Value type
container_helper_type::value_type value_type;
//! Size type
container_helper_type::size_type size_type;
//! Iterator type
container_helper_type::iterator iterator;
//! Const iterator type
container_helper_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
//! Result iterator type ( iterator of const_iterator, depending on the constness of the container )
container_helper_type::result_iterator result_iterator;
//! Difference type
container_helper_type::difference_type difference_type;
}; // 'collection_traits'
// collection_traits metafunctions -----------------------------------------//
//! Container value_type trait
Extract the type of elements contained in a container
template< typename C >
struct value_type_of
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::value_type type;
//! Container difference trait
Extract the container's difference type
template< typename C >
struct difference_type_of
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::difference_type type;
//! Container iterator trait
Extract the container's iterator type
template< typename C >
struct iterator_of
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::iterator type;
//! Container const_iterator trait
Extract the container's const_iterator type
template< typename C >
struct const_iterator_of
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::const_iterator type;
//! Container result_iterator
Extract the container's result_iterator type. This type maps to \c C::iterator
for mutable container and \c C::const_iterator for const containers.
template< typename C >
struct result_iterator_of
typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::result_iterator type;
// collection_traits related functions -----------------------------------------//
//! Free-standing size() function
Get the size of the container. Uses collection_traits.
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::size_type
size( const C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::size( c );
//! Free-standing empty() function
Check whether the container is empty. Uses container traits.
template< typename C >
inline bool empty( const C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::empty( c );
//! Free-standing begin() function
Get the begin iterator of the container. Uses collection_traits.
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::iterator
begin( C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::begin( c );
//! Free-standing begin() function
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::const_iterator
begin( const C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::begin( c );
//! Free-standing end() function
Get the begin iterator of the container. Uses collection_traits.
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::iterator
end( C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::end( c );
//! Free-standing end() function
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::const_iterator
end( const C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::end( c );
//! Free-standing begin() function
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::result_iterator
begin( C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::begin( c );
//! Free-standing end() function
template< typename C >
inline BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME collection_traits<C>::result_iterator
end( C& c )
return collection_traits<C>::function_type::end( c );
} // namespace algorithm
} // namespace boost