434 lines
14 KiB
434 lines
14 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Ola Rinta-Koski
* Copyright (C) 2023 CERN (www.cern.ch)
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <font/fontconfig.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <trace_helpers.h>
#include <string_utils.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <cstdint>
#ifdef __WIN32__
#include <windows.h>
using namespace fontconfig;
static FONTCONFIG* g_config = nullptr;
static bool g_fcInitSuccess = false;
* A simple wrapper to avoid exporing fontconfig in the header
struct fontconfig::FONTCONFIG_PAT
FcPattern* pat;
wxString FONTCONFIG::Version()
return wxString::Format( "%d.%d.%d", FC_MAJOR, FC_MINOR, FC_REVISION );
* This is simply a wrapper to call FcInit() with SEH for Windows
* SEH on Windows can only be used in functions without objects that might be unwinded
* (basically objects with destructors)
* For example, new FONTCONFIG() in Fontconfig() is creating a object with a destructor
* that *might* need to be unwinded. MSVC catches this and throws a compile error
static void bootstrapFc()
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
g_fcInitSuccess = true;
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
__except( GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR )
g_fcInitSuccess = false;
// We have documented cases that fontconfig while trying to cache fonts
// ends up using freetype to try and get font info
// freetype itself reads fonts through memory mapping instead of normal file APIs
// there are crashes reading fonts sometimes as a result that return STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR
FONTCONFIG* Fontconfig()
if( !g_config )
g_config = new FONTCONFIG();
return g_config;
bool FONTCONFIG::isLanguageMatch( const wxString& aSearchLang, const wxString& aSupportedLang )
if( aSearchLang.Lower() == aSupportedLang.Lower() )
return true;
if( aSupportedLang.empty() )
return false;
if( aSearchLang.empty() )
return false;
wxArrayString supportedLangBits;
wxStringSplit( aSupportedLang.Lower(), supportedLangBits, wxS( '-' ) );
wxArrayString searhcLangBits;
wxStringSplit( aSearchLang.Lower(), searhcLangBits, wxS( '-' ) );
// if either side of the comparison have only one section, then its a broad match but fine
// i.e. the haystack is declaring broad support or the search language is broad
if( searhcLangBits.size() == 1 || supportedLangBits.size() == 1 )
return searhcLangBits[0] == supportedLangBits[0];
// the full two part comparison should have passed the initial shortcut
return false;
std::string FONTCONFIG::getFcString( FONTCONFIG_PAT& aPat, const char* aObj, int aIdx )
FcChar8* str;
std::string res;
if( FcPatternGetString( aPat.pat, aObj, aIdx, &str ) == FcResultMatch )
res = std::string( reinterpret_cast<char*>( str ) );
return res;
void FONTCONFIG::getAllFamilyStrings( FONTCONFIG_PAT& aPat,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& aFamStringMap )
std::string famLang;
std::string fam;
int langIdx = 0;
famLang = getFcString( aPat, FC_FAMILYLANG, langIdx );
if( famLang.empty() && langIdx != 0 )
fam = getFcString( aPat, FC_FAMILY, langIdx );
aFamStringMap.insert_or_assign( famLang, fam );
} while( langIdx++ < std::numeric_limits<
int8_t>::max() ); //arbitrary to avoid getting stuck for any reason
std::string FONTCONFIG::getFamilyStringByLang( FONTCONFIG_PAT& aPat, const wxString& aDesiredLang )
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> famStrings;
getAllFamilyStrings( aPat, famStrings );
if( famStrings.empty() )
return "";
for( auto const& [key, val] : famStrings )
if( isLanguageMatch( aDesiredLang, From_UTF8( key.c_str() ) ) )
return val;
// fall back to the first and maybe only available name
// most fonts by review don't even bother declaring more than one font family name
// and they don't even bother declare the language tag either, they just leave it blank
return famStrings.begin()->second;
FONTCONFIG::FF_RESULT FONTCONFIG::FindFont( const wxString &aFontName, wxString &aFontFile,
int& aFaceIndex, bool aBold, bool aItalic )
if( !g_fcInitSuccess )
return retval;
wxString qualifiedFontName = aFontName;
wxScopedCharBuffer const fcBuffer = qualifiedFontName.ToUTF8();
FcPattern* pat = FcPatternCreate();
if( aBold )
FcPatternAddString( pat, FC_STYLE, (const FcChar8*) "Bold" );
if( aItalic )
FcPatternAddString( pat, FC_STYLE, (const FcChar8*) "Italic" );
FcPatternAddString( pat, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*) fcBuffer.data() );
FcConfigSubstitute( nullptr, pat, FcMatchPattern );
FcDefaultSubstitute( pat );
FcResult r = FcResultNoMatch;
FcPattern* font = FcFontMatch( nullptr, pat, &r );
wxString fontName;
if( font )
FcChar8* file = nullptr;
if( FcPatternGetString( font, FC_FILE, 0, &file ) == FcResultMatch )
aFontFile = wxString::FromUTF8( (char*) file );
aFaceIndex = 0;
wxString styleStr;
FcChar8* family = nullptr;
FcChar8* style = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> famStrings;
FONTCONFIG_PAT patHolder{ font };
getAllFamilyStrings( patHolder, famStrings );
if( FcPatternGetString( font, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family ) == FcResultMatch )
FcPatternGetInteger( font, FC_INDEX, 0, &aFaceIndex );
fontName = wxString::FromUTF8( (char*) family );
if( FcPatternGetString( font, FC_STYLE, 0, &style ) == FcResultMatch )
styleStr = wxString::FromUTF8( (char*) style );
if( !styleStr.IsEmpty() )
styleStr.Replace( ' ', ':' );
fontName += ':' + styleStr;
bool has_bold = false;
bool has_ital = false;
wxString lower_style = styleStr.Lower();
if( lower_style.Contains( wxS( "thin" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "light" ) ) // also cataches ultralight and extralight
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "regular" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "roman" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "book" ) ) )
has_bold = false;
else if( lower_style.Contains( wxS( "medium" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "semibold" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "demibold" ) ) )
has_bold = aBold;
else if( lower_style.Contains( wxS( "bold" ) ) // also catches ultrabold
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "heavy" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "black" ) ) // also catches extrablack
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "thick" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "dark" ) ) )
has_bold = true;
if( lower_style.Contains( wxS( "italic" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "oblique" ) )
|| lower_style.Contains( wxS( "slant" ) ) )
has_ital = true;
for( auto const& [key, val] : famStrings )
wxString searchFont;
searchFont = wxString::FromUTF8( (char*) val.data() );
if( searchFont.Lower().StartsWith( aFontName.Lower() ) )
if( ( aBold && !has_bold ) && ( aItalic && !has_ital ) )
else if( aBold && !has_bold )
else if( aItalic && !has_ital )
else if( ( aBold != has_bold ) || ( aItalic != has_ital ) )
retval = FF_RESULT::FF_OK;
FcPatternDestroy( font );
if( retval == FF_RESULT::FF_ERROR )
wxLogWarning( _( "Error loading font '%s'." ), qualifiedFontName );
else if( retval == FF_RESULT::FF_SUBSTITUTE )
fontName.Replace( ':', ' ' );
wxLogWarning( _( "Font '%s' not found; substituting '%s'." ), qualifiedFontName, fontName );
FcPatternDestroy( pat );
return retval;
void FONTCONFIG::ListFonts( std::vector<std::string>& aFonts, const std::string& aDesiredLang )
if( !g_fcInitSuccess )
// be sure to cache bust if the language changed
if( m_fontInfoCache.empty() || m_fontCacheLastLang != aDesiredLang )
FcPattern* pat = FcPatternCreate();
FC_OUTLINE, nullptr );
FcFontSet* fs = FcFontList( nullptr, pat, os );
for( int i = 0; fs && i < fs->nfont; ++i )
FcPattern* font = fs->fonts[i];
FcChar8* file;
FcChar8* style;
FcLangSet* langSet;
FcBool outline;
if( FcPatternGetString( font, FC_FILE, 0, &file ) == FcResultMatch
&& FcPatternGetString( font, FC_STYLE, 0, &style ) == FcResultMatch
&& FcPatternGetLangSet( font, FC_LANG, 0, &langSet ) == FcResultMatch
&& FcPatternGetBool( font, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &outline ) == FcResultMatch )
if( !outline )
FONTCONFIG_PAT patHolder{ font };
std::string theFamily =
getFamilyStringByLang( patHolder, From_UTF8( aDesiredLang.c_str() ) );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// On Mac (at least) some of the font names are in their own language. If
// the OS doesn't support this language then we get a bunch of garbage names
// in the font menu.
// GTK, on the other hand, doesn't appear to support wxLocale::IsAvailable(),
// so we can't run these checks.
FcStrSet* langStrSet = FcLangSetGetLangs( langSet );
FcStrList* langStrList = FcStrListCreate( langStrSet );
FcChar8* langStr = FcStrListNext( langStrList );
bool langSupported = false;
if( !langStr )
// Symbol fonts (Wingdings, etc.) have no language
langSupported = true;
else while( langStr )
wxString langWxStr( reinterpret_cast<char *>( langStr ) );
const wxLanguageInfo* langInfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo( langWxStr );
if( langInfo && wxLocale::IsAvailable( langInfo->Language ) )
langSupported = true;
wxLogTrace( traceFonts, wxS( "Font '%s' language '%s' not supported by OS." ),
theFamily, langWxStr );
langStr = FcStrListNext( langStrList );
FcStrListDone( langStrList );
FcStrSetDestroy( langStrSet );
if( !langSupported )
std::string theFile( reinterpret_cast<char *>( file ) );
std::string theStyle( reinterpret_cast<char *>( style ) );
FONTINFO fontInfo( std::move( theFile ), std::move( theStyle ), theFamily );
if( theFamily.length() > 0 && theFamily.front() == '.' )
std::map<std::string, FONTINFO>::iterator it = m_fontInfoCache.find( theFamily );
if( it == m_fontInfoCache.end() )
m_fontInfoCache.emplace( theFamily, fontInfo );
it->second.Children().push_back( fontInfo );
if( fs )
FcFontSetDestroy( fs );
m_fontCacheLastLang = aDesiredLang;
for( const std::pair<const std::string, FONTINFO>& entry : m_fontInfoCache )
aFonts.push_back( entry.second.Family() );