
375 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dick Hollenbeck,
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef DRC_H
#define DRC_H
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_marker_pcb.h>
#include <geometry/seg.h>
#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <tools/pcb_tool_base.h>
/// DRC error codes:
DRCE_UNCONNECTED_ITEMS = DRCE_FIRST, ///< items are unconnected
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_HOLE, ///< thru hole is too close to track
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_PAD, ///< pad too close to track
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_VIA, ///< track too close to via
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_ZONE, ///< track & zone collide or are too close together
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_COPPER, ///< track & copper graphic collide or are too close
DRCE_VIA_NEAR_VIA, ///< via too close to via
DRCE_VIA_NEAR_TRACK, ///< via too close to track
DRCE_VIA_NEAR_COPPER, ///< via and copper graphic collide or are too close
DRCE_TRACK_ENDS, ///< track ends are too close
DRCE_TRACK_SEGMENTS_TOO_CLOSE, ///< 2 parallel track segments too close: segm ends between segref ends
DRCE_TRACKS_CROSSING, ///< tracks are crossing
DRCE_TRACK_NEAR_EDGE, ///< track too close to board edge
DRCE_PAD_NEAR_PAD, ///< pad too close to pad
DRCE_PAD_NEAR_COPPER, ///< pad and copper graphic collide or are too close
DRCE_ZONES_INTERSECT, ///< copper area outlines intersect
DRCE_ZONES_TOO_CLOSE, ///< copper area outlines are too close
DRCE_ZONE_HAS_EMPTY_NET, ///< copper area has a net but no pads in nets, which is suspicious
DRCE_DANGLING_VIA, ///< via which isn't connected to anything
DRCE_DANGLING_TRACK, ///< track with at least one end not connected to anything
DRCE_HOLE_NEAR_PAD, ///< hole too close to pad
DRCE_HOLE_NEAR_TRACK, ///< hole too close to track
DRCE_DRILLED_HOLES_TOO_CLOSE, ///< overlapping drilled holes break drill bits
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_TRACK_WIDTH, ///< Too small track width
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_VIA, ///< Too small via size
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_VIA_ANNULUS, ///< Via size and drill leave annulus too small
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_VIA_DRILL, ///< Too small via drill
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_PAD_DRILL, ///< Too small via drill
DRCE_VIA_HOLE_BIGGER, ///< via's hole is bigger than its diameter
DRCE_MICROVIA_NOT_ALLOWED, ///< micro vias are not allowed
DRCE_MICROVIA_TOO_MANY_LAYERS, ///< micro via's layer pair incorrect (layers must be adjacent)
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_MICROVIA, ///< Too small micro via size
DRCE_TOO_SMALL_MICROVIA_DRILL, ///< Too small micro via drill
DRCE_BURIED_VIA_NOT_ALLOWED, ///< buried vias are not allowed
DRCE_NETCLASS_TRACKWIDTH, ///< netclass has TrackWidth < board.m_designSettings->m_TrackMinWidth
DRCE_NETCLASS_CLEARANCE, ///< netclass has Clearance < board.m_designSettings->m_TrackClearance
DRCE_NETCLASS_VIAANNULUS, ///< netclass ViaSize & ViaDrill leave annulus < board.m_designSettings->m_ViasMinAnnulus
DRCE_NETCLASS_VIASIZE, ///< netclass has ViaSize < board.m_designSettings->m_ViasMinSize
DRCE_NETCLASS_VIADRILLSIZE, ///< netclass has ViaDrillSize < board.m_designSettings->m_MinThroughDrill
DRCE_NETCLASS_uVIASIZE, ///< netclass has ViaSize < board.m_designSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize
DRCE_NETCLASS_uVIADRILLSIZE, ///< netclass has ViaSize < board.m_designSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill
DRCE_OVERLAPPING_FOOTPRINTS, ///< footprint courtyards overlap
DRCE_MISSING_COURTYARD, ///< footprint has no courtyard defined
DRCE_MALFORMED_COURTYARD, ///< footprint has a courtyard but malformed
///< (not convertible to a closed polygon with holes)
DRCE_DISABLED_LAYER_ITEM, ///< item on a disabled layer
DRCE_INVALID_OUTLINE, ///< invalid board outline
DRCE_MISSING_FOOTPRINT, ///< footprint not found for netlist item
DRCE_DUPLICATE_FOOTPRINT, ///< more than one footprints found for netlist item
DRCE_EXTRA_FOOTPRINT, ///< netlist item not found for footprint
// These are actually Cleanup Tracks and Vias actions, not DRCE errors
class BOARD;
class D_PAD;
class TRACK;
class DRC_ITEM;
class EDA_TEXT;
class NETLIST;
class wxWindow;
class wxString;
class wxTextCtrl;
* Design Rule Checker object that performs all the DRC tests. The output of
* the checking goes to the BOARD file in the form of two MARKER lists. Those
* two lists are displayable in the drc dialog box. And they can optionally
* be sent to a text file on disk.
* This class is given access to the windows and the BOARD
* that it needs via its constructor or public access functions.
class DRC : public PCB_TOOL_BASE
friend class DIALOG_DRC;
/// @copydoc TOOL_INTERACTIVE::Reset()
void Reset( RESET_REASON aReason ) override;
// protected or private functions() are lowercase first character.
bool m_doPad2PadTest; // enable pad to pad clearance tests
bool m_doUnconnectedTest; // enable unconnected tests
bool m_doZonesTest; // enable zone to items clearance tests
bool m_doKeepoutTest; // enable keepout areas to items clearance tests
bool m_refillZones; // refill zones if requested (by user).
bool m_reportAllTrackErrors; // Report all tracks errors (or only 4 first errors)
bool m_testFootprints; // Test footprints against schematic
PCB_EDIT_FRAME* m_pcbEditorFrame; // The pcb frame editor which owns the board
BOARD* m_pcb;
SHAPE_POLY_SET m_board_outlines; // The board outline including cutouts
DIALOG_DRC* m_drcDialog;
std::vector<DRC_ITEM*> m_unconnected; // list of unconnected pads
std::vector<DRC_ITEM*> m_footprints; // list of footprint warnings
bool m_drcRun;
bool m_footprintsTested;
wxLongLong m_rulesFileLastMod;
std::vector<DRC_SELECTOR*> m_ruleSelectors;
std::vector<DRC_RULE*> m_rules;
///> Sets up handlers for various events.
void setTransitions() override;
* Update needed pointers from the one pointer which is known not to change.
void updatePointers();
void loadRules();
EDA_UNITS userUnits() const { return m_pcbEditorFrame->GetUserUnits(); }
* Adds a DRC marker to the PCB through the COMMIT mechanism.
void addMarkerToPcb( MARKER_PCB* aMarker );
* Fetches a reasonable point for marking a violoation between two non-point objects.
wxPoint getLocation( TRACK* aTrack, ZONE_CONTAINER* aConflictZone ) const;
wxPoint getLocation( TRACK* aTrack, const SEG& aConflictSeg ) const;
//-----<categorical group tests>-----------------------------------------
* Go through each NETCLASS and verifies that its clearance, via size, track width, and
* track clearance are larger than those in board.m_designSettings.
* This is necessary because the actual DRC checks are run against the NETCLASS
* limits, so in order enforce global limits, we first check the NETCLASSes against
* the global limits.
* @return bool - true if succes, else false but only after
* reporting _all_ NETCLASS violations.
bool testNetClasses();
* Perform the DRC on all tracks.
* This test can take a while, a progress bar can be displayed
* @param aActiveWindow = the active window ued as parent for the progress bar
* @param aShowProgressBar = true to show a progress bar
* (Note: it is shown only if there are many tracks)
void testTracks( wxWindow * aActiveWindow, bool aShowProgressBar );
void testPad2Pad();
void testDrilledHoles();
void testUnconnected();
void testZones();
void testKeepoutAreas();
// aTextItem is type BOARD_ITEM* to accept either TEXTE_PCB or TEXTE_MODULE
void testCopperTextItem( BOARD_ITEM* aTextItem );
void testCopperDrawItem( DRAWSEGMENT* aDrawing );
void testCopperTextAndGraphics();
// Tests for items placed on disabled layers (causing false connections).
void testDisabledLayers();
// Test for any unresolved text variable references
void testTextVars();
* Test that the board outline is contiguous and composed of valid elements
void testOutline();
//-----<single "item" tests>-----------------------------------------
bool doNetClass( const std::shared_ptr<NETCLASS>& aNetClass, wxString& msg );
* Test the clearance between aRefPad and other pads.
* The pad list must be sorted by x coordinate.
* @param aRefPad is the pad to test
* @param aStart is the first pad of the list to test against aRefPad
* @param aEnd is the end of the list and is not included
* @param x_limit is used to stop the test
* (i.e. when the current pad pos X in list exceeds this limit, because the list
* is sorted by X coordinate)
bool doPadToPadsDrc( D_PAD* aRefPad, D_PAD** aStart, D_PAD** aEnd, int x_limit );
* Test the current segment.
* @param aRefSeg The segment to test
* @param aStartIt the iterator to the first track to test
* @param aEndIt the marker for the iterator end
* @param aTestZones true if should do copper zones test. This can be very time consumming
* @return bool - true if no problems, else false and m_currentMarker is
* filled in with the problem information.
void doTrackDrc( TRACK* aRefSeg, TRACKS::iterator aStartIt, TRACKS::iterator aEndIt,
bool aTestZones );
* Test for footprint courtyard overlaps.
void doCourtyardsDrc();
//-----<single tests>----------------------------------------------
* @param aRefPad The reference pad to check
* @param aPad Another pad to check against
* @param aMinClearance is the minimum allowed distance between the pads
* @param aActual [out] it the actual distance (only guaranteed to be set for violations)
* @return bool - true if clearance between aRefPad and aPad is >= aMinClearance, else false
bool checkClearancePadToPad( D_PAD* aRefPad, D_PAD* aPad, int aMinClearance, int* aActual );
* Check the distance from a pad to segment. This function uses several
* instance variable not passed in:
* @param aPad Is the pad involved in the check
* @param aSegmentWidth width of the segment to test
* @param aMinDist Is the minimum clearance needed
* @param aActualDist [out] Is the actual clearance (only guarantted to be set on violations)
* @return true distance >= dist_min,
* false if distance < dist_min
bool checkClearanceSegmToPad( const SEG& seg, int segWidth, const D_PAD* pad,
int minClearance, int* aActualDist );
//-----</single tests>---------------------------------------------
* Tests whether distance between zones complies with the DRC rules.
* @return Errors count
int TestZoneToZoneOutlines();
* Test the board footprints against a netlist. Will report DRCE_MISSING_FOOTPRINT,
static void TestFootprints( NETLIST& aNetlist, BOARD* aPCB, EDA_UNITS aUnits,
std::vector<DRC_ITEM*>& aDRCList );
* Open a dialog and prompts the user, then if a test run button is
* clicked, runs the test(s) and creates the MARKERS. The dialog is only
* created if it is not already in existence.
* @param aParent is the parent window for wxWidgets. Usually the PCB editor frame
* but can be another dialog
* if aParent == NULL (default), the parent will be the PCB editor frame
* and the dialog will be not modal (just float on parent
* if aParent is specified, the dialog will be modal.
* The modal mode is mandatory if the dialog is created from another dialog, not
* from the PCB editor frame
void ShowDRCDialog( wxWindow* aParent );
int ShowDRCDialog( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
* Check to see if the DRC dialog is currently shown
* @return true if the dialog is shown
bool IsDRCDialogShown();
* Deletes this ui dialog box and zeros out its pointer to remember
* the state of the dialog's existence.
* @param aReason Indication of which button was clicked to cause the destruction.
* if aReason == wxID_OK, design parameters values which can be entered from the dialog
* will bbe saved in design parameters list
void DestroyDRCDialog( int aReason );
* Run all the tests specified with a previous call to
* SetSettings()
* @param aMessages = a wxTextControl where to display some activity messages. Can be NULL
void RunTests( wxTextCtrl* aMessages = NULL );
#endif // DRC_H