
348 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Roberto Fernandez Bautista <>
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
* @file cadstar_sch_archive_loader.h
* @brief Loads a csa file into a KiCad SCHEMATIC object
#include <sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_parser.h>
#include <layer_ids.h> // SCH_LAYER_ID
#include <plotters/plotter.h> // PLOT_DASH_TYPE
#include <pin_type.h> // ELECTRICAL_PINTYPE
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
class BUS_ALIAS;
class EDA_TEXT;
class LIB_FIELD;
class SCH_ITEM;
class SCH_FIELD;
class SCH_SHEET;
class SCH_TEXT;
// Size of tiny net labels when none present in original design
const int SMALL_LABEL_SIZE = KiROUND( (double) SCH_IU_PER_MM * 0.4 );
const double ARC_ACCURACY = SCH_IU_PER_MM * 0.01; // 0.01mm
explicit CADSTAR_SCH_ARCHIVE_LOADER( wxString aFilename, REPORTER* aReporter,
PROGRESS_REPORTER* aProgressReporter ) :
m_schematic = nullptr;
m_rootSheet = nullptr;
m_designCenter.x = 0;
m_designCenter.y = 0;
m_reporter = aReporter;
m_progressReporter = aProgressReporter;
// Assume that the PCB footprint library name will be the same as the schematic filename
wxFileName schFilename( Filename );
m_footprintLibName = schFilename.GetName();
std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*> LoadPartsLib( const wxString& aFilename );
const std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*>& GetLoadedSymbols() const { return m_loadedSymbols; }
void SetFpLibName( const wxString& aLibName ) { m_footprintLibName = aLibName; };
* @brief Loads a CADSTAR Schematic Archive file into the KiCad SCHEMATIC object given
* @param aSchematic Schematic to add the design onto
* @param aRootSheet Root sheet to add the design onto
void Load( SCHEMATIC* aSchematic, SCH_SHEET* aRootSheet );
typedef std::pair<BLOCK_ID, TERMINAL_ID> BLOCK_PIN_ID;
typedef std::pair<PART_ID, GATE_ID> PART_GATE_ID;
* Map between a terminal ID in a symbol definition to the pin number that should
* be imported into KiCad.
typedef std::map<TERMINAL_ID, wxString> TERMINAL_TO_PINNUM_MAP;
typedef std::map<wxString, TERMINAL_ID> PINNUM_TO_TERMINAL_MAP;
REPORTER* m_reporter;
SCHEMATIC* m_schematic;
SCH_SHEET* m_rootSheet;
wxString m_footprintLibName; ///< Name of the footprint library to prepend all footprints with
* Required for calculating the offset to apply to the Cadstar design so that it fits
* in the KiCad canvas
VECTOR2I m_designCenter;
std::map<LAYER_ID, SCH_SHEET*> m_sheetMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Sheets
std::map<BLOCK_PIN_ID, SCH_HIERLABEL*> m_sheetPinMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Sheet Pins
std::map<PART_ID, LIB_SYMBOL*> m_partMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Parts
std::map<SYMBOL_ID, SCH_SYMBOL*> m_powerSymMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Power Symbols
std::map<wxString, LIB_SYMBOL*> m_powerSymLibMap; ///< NetName->KiCad Power Lib Symbol
std::map<SYMBOL_ID, SCH_GLOBALLABEL*> m_globalLabelsMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Global Labels
std::map<BUS_ID, std::shared_ptr<BUS_ALIAS>> m_busesMap; ///< Cadstar->KiCad Buses
std::map<PART_ID, TERMINAL_TO_PINNUM_MAP> m_pinNumsMap; ///< Cadstar Part->KiCad Pin number map
std::map<SYMDEF_ID, PINNUM_TO_TERMINAL_MAP> m_symDefTerminalsMap;
* Cache storing symbol names and alternates to symdef IDs
std::map<std::pair<wxString, wxString>, SYMDEF_ID> m_SymDefNamesCache;
* Cache storing symbol names (default alternate) to symdef IDs
std::map<wxString, SYMDEF_ID> m_DefaultSymDefNamesCache;
* Cadstar->KiCad Lib Symbols loaded so far. Note that in CADSTAR each symbol represents just a
* gate, so the LIB_SYMBOLs contained here are not imported directly - they are just an interim
* step.
std::map<SYMDEF_ID, std::unique_ptr<const LIB_SYMBOL>> m_symDefMap;
std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*> m_loadedSymbols; ///< Loaded symbols so far
std::map<PART_GATE_ID, SYMDEF_ID> m_partSymbolsMap; ///< Map holding the symbols loaded so far
/// for a particular PART_ID and GATE_ID
void loadSheets();
void loadHierarchicalSheetPins();
void loadPartsLibrary();
void loadSchematicSymbolInstances();
void loadBusses();
void loadNets();
void loadFigures();
void loadTexts();
void loadDocumentationSymbols();
void loadTextVariables();
std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL> loadLibPart( const CADSTAR_PART_ENTRY& aPart );
void copySymbolItems( std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aSourceSym,
std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aDestSym, int aDestUnit,
bool aOverrideFields = true );
//Helper Functions for loading sheets
void loadSheetAndChildSheets( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, const VECTOR2I& aPosition,
VECTOR2I aSheetSize, const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aParentSheet );
void loadChildSheets( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, const SCH_SHEET_PATH& aSheet );
std::vector<LAYER_ID> findOrphanSheets();
int getSheetNumber( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID );
void loadItemOntoKiCadSheet( LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID, SCH_ITEM* aItem );
//Helper Functions for loading library items
const LIB_SYMBOL* loadSymdef( const SYMDEF_ID& aSymdefID );
void loadSymbolGateAndPartFields( const SYMDEF_ID& aSymdefID, const PART& aCadstarPart,
const GATE_ID& aGateID, LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol );
void setFootprintOnSymbol( std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aKiCadSymbol,
const wxString& aFootprintName,
const wxString& aFootprintAlternate );
void loadLibrarySymbolShapeVertices( const std::vector<VERTEX>& aCadstarVertices,
VECTOR2I aSymbolOrigin, LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol,
int aGateNumber, int aLineThickness );
void applyToLibraryFieldAttribute( const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION& aCadstarAttrLoc,
VECTOR2I aSymbolOrigin, LIB_FIELD* aKiCadField );
//Helper Functions for loading symbols in schematic
SCH_SYMBOL* loadSchematicSymbol( const SYMBOL& aCadstarSymbol, const LIB_SYMBOL& aKiCadPart,
EDA_ANGLE& aComponentOrientation );
void loadSymbolFieldAttribute( const ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION& aCadstarAttrLoc,
const EDA_ANGLE& aComponentOrientation, bool aIsMirrored,
SCH_FIELD* aKiCadField );
int getComponentOrientation( const EDA_ANGLE& aOrientAngle, EDA_ANGLE& aReturnedOrientation );
//Helper functions for loading nets
POINT getLocationOfNetElement( const NET_SCH& aNet, const NETELEMENT_ID& aNetElementID );
wxString getNetName( const NET_SCH& aNet );
//Helper functions for loading figures / graphical items
void loadShapeVertices( const std::vector<VERTEX>& aCadstarVertices,
LINECODE_ID aCadstarLineCodeID, LAYER_ID aCadstarSheetID,
SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const VECTOR2I& aMoveVector = { 0, 0 },
const EDA_ANGLE& aRotation = ANGLE_0,
const double& aScalingFactor = 1.0,
const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
void loadFigure( const FIGURE& aCadstarFigure, const LAYER_ID& aCadstarSheetIDOverride,
SCH_LAYER_ID aKiCadSchLayerID, const VECTOR2I& aMoveVector = { 0, 0 },
const EDA_ANGLE& aRotation = ANGLE_0, const double& aScalingFactor = 1.0,
const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
//Helper functions for loading text elements
void applyTextCodeIfExists( EDA_TEXT* aKiCadTextItem, const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID );
void applyTextSettings( EDA_TEXT* aKiCadTextItem,
const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID,
const ALIGNMENT& aCadstarAlignment,
const JUSTIFICATION& aCadstarJustification,
const long long aCadstarOrientAngle = 0,
bool aMirrored = false );
SCH_TEXT* getKiCadSchText( const TEXT& aCadstarTextElement );
//Helper Functions for obtaining CADSTAR elements from the parsed structures
SYMDEF_ID getSymDefFromName( const wxString& aSymdefName, const wxString& aSymDefAlternate );
bool isAttributeVisible( const ATTRIBUTE_ID& aCadstarAttributeID );
int getLineThickness( const LINECODE_ID& aCadstarLineCodeID );
PLOT_DASH_TYPE getLineStyle( const LINECODE_ID& aCadstarLineCodeID );
PART getPart( const PART_ID& aCadstarPartID );
ROUTECODE getRouteCode( const ROUTECODE_ID& aCadstarRouteCodeID );
TEXTCODE getTextCode( const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID );
int getTextHeightFromTextCode( const TEXTCODE_ID& aCadstarTextCodeID );
wxString getAttributeName( const ATTRIBUTE_ID& aCadstarAttributeID );
PART::DEFINITION::PIN getPartDefinitionPin( const PART& aCadstarPart, const GATE_ID& aGateID,
const TERMINAL_ID& aTerminalID );
//Helper Functions for obtaining individual elements as KiCad elements:
int getKiCadUnitNumberFromGate( const GATE_ID& aCadstarGateID );
TEXT_SPIN_STYLE getSpinStyle( const long long& aCadstarOrientation, bool aMirror );
TEXT_SPIN_STYLE getSpinStyle( const EDA_ANGLE& aOrientation );
ALIGNMENT mirrorX( const ALIGNMENT& aCadstarAlignment );
ALIGNMENT rotate180( const ALIGNMENT& aCadstarAlignment );
//General Graphical manipulation functions
LIB_SYMBOL* getScaledLibPart( const LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol, long long aScalingFactorNumerator,
long long aScalingFactorDenominator );
void fixUpLibraryPins( LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbolToFix, int aGateNumber );
std::pair<VECTOR2I, VECTOR2I> getFigureExtentsKiCad( const FIGURE& aCadstarFigure );
VECTOR2I getKiCadPoint( const VECTOR2I& aCadstarPoint );
VECTOR2I getKiCadLibraryPoint( const VECTOR2I& aCadstarPoint, const VECTOR2I& aCadstarCentre );
VECTOR2I applyTransform( const VECTOR2I& aPoint, const VECTOR2I& aMoveVector = { 0, 0 },
const EDA_ANGLE& aRotation = ANGLE_0,
const double& aScalingFactor = 1.0,
const VECTOR2I& aTransformCentre = { 0, 0 },
const bool& aMirrorInvert = false );
void checkDesignLimits();
int getKiCadLength( long long aCadstarLength )
int mod = aCadstarLength % KiCadUnitDivider;
int absmod = sign( mod ) * mod;
int offset = 0;
// Round half-way cases away from zero
if( absmod >= KiCadUnitDivider / 2 )
offset = sign( aCadstarLength );
return ( aCadstarLength / KiCadUnitDivider ) + offset;
EDA_ANGLE getAngle( const long long& aCadstarAngle )
// CADSTAR v6 (which outputted Schematic Format Version 8) and earlier used 1/10 degree
// as the unit for angles/orientations. It is assumed that CADSTAR version 7 (i.e. Schematic
// Format Version 9 and later) is the version that introduced 1/1000 degree for angles.
if( Header.Format.Version > 8 )
return EDA_ANGLE( (double) aCadstarAngle / 1000.0, DEGREES_T );
return EDA_ANGLE( (double) aCadstarAngle, TENTHS_OF_A_DEGREE_T );
long long getCadstarAngle( const EDA_ANGLE& aAngle )
// CADSTAR v6 (which outputted Schematic Format Version 8) and earlier used 1/10 degree
// as the unit for angles/orientations. It is assumed that CADSTAR version 7 (i.e. Schematic
// Format Version 9 and later) is the version that introduced 1/1000 degree for angles.
if( Header.Format.Version > 8 )
return KiROUND( aAngle.AsDegrees() * 1000.0 );
return aAngle.AsTenthsOfADegree();
* @brief
* @param aPoint
* @return Radius of polar representation of the point
double getPolarRadius( const VECTOR2I& aPoint );
static LIB_FIELD* addNewFieldToSymbol( const wxString& aFieldName,
std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL>& aKiCadSymbol );