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/* drawpanel_wxstruct.h: */
/* descriptions des principales classes utilisees: */
/* ici classe: "WinEDA_DrawPanel", "BASE_SCREEN" */
/* Doit etre inclus dans "wxstruch.h"
#ifndef eda_global
#define eda_global extern
#include "colors.h"
class SCH_ITEM;
/* Simple class for handling grid arrays. */
int m_Id;
wxSize m_Size;
/* Declare array of wxSize for grid list implementation. */
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
/* classe representant un ecran graphique de dessin */
class WinEDA_DrawPanel : public wxScrolledWindow
int m_Ident;
WinEDA_DrawFrame* m_Parent;
EDA_Rect m_ClipBox; // the clipbox used in screen redraw (usually gives the visible area in internal units)
wxPoint m_CursorStartPos; // utile dans controles du mouvement curseur
int m_Scroll_unit; // Valeur de l'unite de scroll en pixels pour les barres de scroll
int m_ScrollButt_unit; // Valeur de l'unite de scroll en pixels pour les boutons de scroll
bool m_AbortRequest; // Flag d'arret de commandes longues
bool m_AbortEnable; // TRUE si menu ou bouton Abort doit etre affiche
bool m_AutoPAN_Enable; // TRUE to allow auto pan
bool m_AutoPAN_Request; // TRUE to request an auto pan (will be made only if m_AutoPAN_Enable = true)
int m_IgnoreMouseEvents; // when non-zero (true), then ignore mouse events
bool m_Block_Enable; // TRUE to accept Block Commands
int m_CanStartBlock; // >= 0 (or >= n) if a block can start
bool m_PrintIsMirrored; // True when drawing in mirror mode. Used in draw arc function,
// because arcs are oriented, and in mirror mode, orientations are reversed
// usefull to avoid false start block in certain cases (like switch from a sheet to an other scheet
int m_PanelDefaultCursor; // Current mouse cursor default shape id for this window
int m_PanelCursor; // Current mouse cursor shape id for this window
int m_CursorLevel; // Index for cursor redraw in XOR mode
/* Cursor management (used in editing functions) */
void (*ManageCurseur)( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase ); /* Fonction d'affichage sur deplacement souris
* si erase : effacement ancien affichage */
void (*ForceCloseManageCurseur)( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC ); /* Fonction de fermeture forc<72>
* de la fonction ManageCurseur */
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_DrawPanel( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent, int id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );
~WinEDA_DrawPanel() { }
BASE_SCREEN* GetScreen();
void PrepareGraphicContext( wxDC* DC );
wxPoint CalcAbsolutePosition( const wxPoint& rel_pos );
bool IsPointOnDisplay( wxPoint ref_pos );
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );
void OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event );
void SetBoundaryBox();
void ReDraw( wxDC* DC, bool erasebg = TRUE );
void PrintPage( wxDC* DC, bool Print_Sheet_Ref, int PrintMask, bool aPrintMirrorMode );
void DrawBackGround( wxDC* DC );
void m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axis( wxDC* DC, int drawmode );
void OnEraseBackground( wxEraseEvent& event );
void OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& event );
/* Mouse and keys events */
void OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
void OnMouseLeaving( wxMouseEvent& event );
void OnKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event );
void EraseScreen( wxDC* DC );
void OnScrollWin( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent& event );
void SetZoom( int mode );
int GetZoom();
void SetGrid( const wxSize& size );
wxSize GetGrid();
void AddMenuZoom( wxMenu* MasterMenu );
bool OnRightClick( wxMouseEvent& event );
void Process_Popup_Zoom( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnPopupGridSelect( wxCommandEvent& event );
void Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event );
wxPoint CursorRealPosition( const wxPoint& ScreenPos );
wxPoint CursorScreenPosition();
* Function PostDirtyRect
* appends the given rectangle in pcb units to the DrawPanel's invalid
* region list so that very soon (but not immediately), this rectangle
* along with any other recently posted rectangles is redrawn. Conversion
* to pixels is done in here.
* @param aRect The rectangle to append, it must be orthogonal
* (vertical and horizontal edges only), and it must be [,) in nature, i.e.
* [pos, dim) == [inclusive, exclusive)
void PostDirtyRect( EDA_Rect aRect );
* Function ConvertPcbUnitsToPixelsUnits
* converts pos and size of the given EDA_Rect to pos and size in pixels,
* relative to the current draw area (origin 0,0 is the left top visible
* corner of draw area) according to the current scroll and zoom.
* @param aRect = the rectangle to convert
void ConvertPcbUnitsToPixelsUnits( EDA_Rect* aRect );
* Function ConvertPcbUnitsToPixelsUnits
* converts a given wxPoint position (in internal units) to units of pixels,
* relative to the current draw area (origin 0,0 is the left top visible
* corner of draw area) according to the current scroll and zoom.
* @param aPosition = the position to convert
void ConvertPcbUnitsToPixelsUnits( wxPoint* aPosition );
wxPoint GetScreenCenterRealPosition( void );
void MouseToCursorSchema();
void MouseTo( const wxPoint& Mouse );
/* Cursor functions */
void Trace_Curseur( wxDC* DC, int color = WHITE ); // Draw the user cursor (grid cursor)
void CursorOff( wxDC* DC ); // remove the grid cursor from the display
void CursorOn( wxDC* DC ); // display the grid cursor
/* class DrawBlockStruct */
/* Definition d'un block pour les fonctions sur block (block move, ..) */
typedef enum { /* definition de l'etat du block */
STATE_NO_BLOCK, /* Block non initialise */
STATE_BLOCK_INIT, /* Block initialise: 1er point defini */
STATE_BLOCK_END, /* Block initialise: 2eme point defini */
STATE_BLOCK_MOVE, /* Block en deplacement */
STATE_BLOCK_STOP /* Block fixe (fin de deplacement) */
} BlockState;
/* codes des differentes commandes sur block: */
typedef enum {
} CmdBlockType;
class DrawBlockStruct : public EDA_BaseStruct, public EDA_Rect
BlockState m_State; /* Etat (enum BlockState) du block */
CmdBlockType m_Command; /* Type (enum CmdBlockType) d'operation */
EDA_BaseStruct* m_BlockDrawStruct; /* pointeur sur la structure
* selectionnee dans le bloc */
int m_Color; /* Block Color */
wxPoint m_MoveVector; /* Move distance in move, drag, copy ... command */
wxPoint m_BlockLastCursorPosition; /* Last Mouse position in block command
* = last cursor position in move commands
* = 0,0 in block paste */
void SetMessageBlock( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame );
void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC );
/* Class to handle how to draw a screen (a board, a schematic ...) */
class BASE_SCREEN : public EDA_BaseStruct
wxPoint m_DrawOrg; /* offsets pour tracer le circuit sur l'ecran */
wxPoint m_Curseur; /* Screen cursor coordinate (on grid) in user units. */
wxPoint m_MousePosition; /* Mouse cursor coordinate (off grid) in user units. */
wxPoint m_MousePositionInPixels; /* Mouse cursor coordinate (off grid) in pixels. */
wxPoint m_O_Curseur; /* Relative Screen cursor coordinate (on grid) in user units.
* (coordinates from last reset position)*/
wxPoint m_ScrollbarPos; // Position effective des Curseurs de scroll
wxSize m_ScrollbarNumber; /* Valeur effective des Nombres de Scrool
* c.a.d taille en unites de scroll de la surface totale affichable */
wxPoint m_StartVisu; // Coord absolues du 1er pixel visualis<69>a l'ecran (en nombre de pixels)
wxSize m_SizeVisu; /* taille en pixels de l'ecran (fenetre de visu
* Utile pour recadrer les affichages lors de la
* navigation dans la hierarchie */
bool m_Center; /* fix the coordinate (0,0) position on screen : if TRUE (0,0) in centered on screen
* TRUE: when coordiantaes can be < 0 and > 0 all but schematic
* FALSE: when coordinates can be only >= 0 Schematic
bool m_FirstRedraw;
/* Gestion des editions */
SCH_ITEM* EEDrawList; /* Object list (main data) for schematic */
EDA_BaseStruct* m_UndoList; /* Object list for the undo command (old data) */
EDA_BaseStruct* m_RedoList; /* Object list for the redo command (old data) */
int m_UndoRedoCountMax; /* undo/Redo command Max depth */
/* block control */
DrawBlockStruct BlockLocate; /* Bock description for block commands */
/* Page description */
Ki_PageDescr* m_CurrentSheetDesc;
int m_ScreenNumber;
int m_NumberOfScreen;
wxString m_FileName;
wxString m_Title; /* titre de la feuille */
wxString m_Date; /* date de mise a jour */
wxString m_Revision; /* code de revision */
wxString m_Company; /* nom du proprietaire */
wxString m_Commentaire1;
wxString m_Commentaire2;
wxString m_Commentaire3;
wxString m_Commentaire4;
/* indicateurs divers */
char m_FlagRefreshReq; /* indique que l'ecran doit redessine */
char m_FlagModified; // indique modif du PCB,utilise pour eviter une sortie sans sauvegarde
char m_FlagSave; // indique sauvegarde auto faite
EDA_BaseStruct* m_CurrentItem; ///< Currently selected object
/* Valeurs du pas de grille et du zoom */
wxSize m_Grid; /* Current grid. */
GridArray m_GridList;
bool m_UserGridIsON;
int m_Diviseur_Grille;
int* m_ZoomList; /* Liste des coefficients standard de zoom */
int m_Zoom; /* coeff de ZOOM */
BASE_SCREEN* Next() const { return (BASE_SCREEN*) Pnext; }
BASE_SCREEN* Back() const { return (BASE_SCREEN*) Pback; }
* Function setCurItem
* sets the currently selected object, m_CurrentItem.
* @param current Any object derived from EDA_BaseStruct
void SetCurItem( EDA_BaseStruct* current ) { m_CurrentItem = current; }
EDA_BaseStruct* GetCurItem() const { return m_CurrentItem; }
void InitDatas(); /* Inits completes des variables */
wxSize ReturnPageSize( void );
virtual int GetInternalUnits( void );
wxPoint CursorRealPosition( const wxPoint& ScreenPos );
/* general Undo/Redo command control */
virtual void ClearUndoRedoList();
virtual void AddItemToUndoList( EDA_BaseStruct* item );
virtual void AddItemToRedoList( EDA_BaseStruct* item );
virtual EDA_BaseStruct* GetItemFromUndoList();
virtual EDA_BaseStruct* GetItemFromRedoList();
/* Manipulation des flags */
void SetRefreshReq() { m_FlagRefreshReq = 1; }
void ClrRefreshReq() { m_FlagRefreshReq = 0; }
void SetModify() { m_FlagModified = 1; m_FlagSave = 0; }
void ClrModify() { m_FlagModified = 0; m_FlagSave = 1; }
void SetSave() { m_FlagSave = 1; }
void ClrSave() { m_FlagSave = 0; }
int IsModify() { return m_FlagModified & 1; }
int IsRefreshReq() { return m_FlagRefreshReq & 1; }
int IsSave() { return m_FlagSave & 1; }
//----<zoom stuff>----------------------------------------------------------
* Function GetZoom
* returns the current zoom factor
int GetZoom() const;
* Function SetZoom
* adjusts the current zoom factor
void SetZoom( int coeff );
* Function SetZoomList
* sets the list of zoom factors.
* @param aZoomList An array of zoom factors in ascending order, zero terminated
void SetZoomList( const int* zoomlist );
void SetNextZoom(); /* ajuste le prochain coeff de zoom */
void SetPreviousZoom(); /* ajuste le precedent coeff de zoom */
void SetFirstZoom(); /* ajuste le coeff de zoom a 1*/
void SetLastZoom(); /* ajuste le coeff de zoom au max */
//----<grid stuff>----------------------------------------------------------
wxSize GetGrid(); /* retourne la grille */
void SetGrid( const wxSize& size );
void SetGrid( int );
void SetGridList( GridArray& sizelist );
void AddGrid( const GRID_TYPE& grid );
void AddGrid( const wxSize& size, int id );
void AddGrid( const wxRealPoint& size, int units, int id );
* Function RefPos
* returns the reference position, coming from either the mouse position or the
* the cursor position.
* @param useMouse If true, return mouse position, else cursor's.
* @return wxPoint - The reference point, either the mouse position or
* the cursor position.
wxPoint RefPos( bool useMouse )
return useMouse ? m_MousePosition : m_Curseur;
* Function GetClass
* returns the class name.
* @return wxString
virtual wxString GetClass() const
return wxT( "BASE_SCREEN" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
* Function Show
* is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only.
* @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level
* of nesting of this object within the overall tree.
* @param os The ostream& to output to.
void Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os );
#endif /* #ifndef PANEL_WXSTRUCT_H */